Who #Nofanboy here?

Who #goodguys here?

Nintendo/Sony/PC here. Would own an Xbone, but it's library consist of multiplat games that can be found of PS4, and none of it's exclusives interest me.

inb4 banned for favoritism


I own every console and PC but I'm still kind of a fanboy but it's because I just legitimately think one of them is better than the others. I still give all of them a chance though and I like all of them.

>not a fanboy
>owning a console with literally no reason to own other than brand loyalty
Typical retarded tripfag.

PC/WiiU/PS4 here. Plan on getting a Switch when it's got stuff I want.

The thing is, it's five years into the console cycle. It shouldn't be that hard to convince your parents to buy you the things you want over that long a time span.

Anyone who STILL can't or won't play on multiple platforms is either an idiot, or has bigger problems to worry about.
Shitposting XBox threads isn't going to pay your rent, Matthew!

Own all systems but a Xbone, don't see any reason to own one, but don't give a shit if other do.

However, I do find it weird that there are those that own both a PS4 and Xbone, but not either of the Nintendo consoles.

>It shouldn't be that hard to convince your parents to buy you the things you want
What did he mean by this?

8th gen is the worst gen to go idort. It's literally not worth owning all platforms since the game selection is such shit.

I expect this console cycle to last another 10 years


PC/XboxOneS/PS4/Vita/3DS here
>use pc for emulations and old pc games
>use xbox one s for coop halo and 4k blu-ray player
>use ps4 for exclusives and most multiplats
>use vita for weeb games and ports
>use 3ds to look like i play nintendo games

I mean it shouldn't be hard to aquire at least two 300 dollar devices over the course of five years, whatever your financial situation.
I make minimum wage and shoulder 100% of my own financial burden. I live on rice and beans, and I STILL managed to cover all of my video game bases over the course of the last five years AND have handhelds on top of that.

If you don't have at least two consoles, and your rationale isn't "There's legitimately nothing the other guy has that interests me", then you're doing it wrong.

>falling for the scorpio meme

>falling for the PS4 meme

>ps4 has more exclusive than xbox one, all bout dat quantity

>falling for the PS4 Pro

I've got a regular Xbone and I have no plans to upgrade, either they continue to support the regular Xbone great and Scorpio is just for 4K and doesn't affect me. If they basically force people to upgrade I'll just never buy another Xbox again.

>falling for the meme meme

>PC for RTS/MOBAs or exclusives
>Xbone for pretty much everything
>PS4 for exclusives
>Vita for collecting dust
>3DS for laying and bed and playing
>Wii U for playing with family
>360 for Rock Band and Guitar Hero
>PS3 for playing PS1 games

I mostly play pc but I like consoles too. I genuinely like video games.

I have a PC, PS4, XB1S, Vita and 3DS. You bought a useless console and are about to buy a console that will have no real relevance in a few years and will be seen as another Sega 32X

I don't enjoy buying 2 of the same of the same thing

PC/Nintendo. Sony scammed me with the PS3 and I vowed off them for good their fanbase doesn't help either, I'm not too interested in Microsoft.

Though I should mention that I own PSP/Vita. I feel ripped off with the Vita. Also own Gameboy through 3DS.

I don't even have a Xbone, I plan to get a Scorpio better than that weak ass Xbox released in 2013.

>sony scammed me with the ps3
>falling for the og ps3 meme
>falling for the switch meme
>falling for the pc/nintendo meme


I'm certainly not going to fall for your shitty shitposting meme.

Just get an S, it's comparable to an OG PS4 and it's cheap

>falling for the 4k meme
>falling for the shitpost meme

>pcs get basically every xbox exclusive title thanks to play anywhere
>except for Halo tho, because ms knows it's the only thing selling their console anymore so they gotta keep that one tucked away
>pcs also get botw (however poorly optimised and buggy at the moment), literally the only reason to own a switch
>give it another couple of months and it'll run better and look nicer than it ever did on the switch
>maybe by then the switch might just have another exclusive to justify its sad existence

Why would you ever own either of these consoles? Are you retarded?

No, Fuck the Xbone, I want a Scorpio, that's like telling me to get a Wii U when the Switch would be a better investment. Stop shilling that piece of shit that was weaker than a PS4 because of Kinect, I want the real Xbox One, the Xbox One Scorpio.

>I don't enjoy buying 2 of the same of the same thing
This, I got a regular fat Xbone and fat PS4, not upgrading to either Scorpio or PS4 Pro. I have a gayman PC I'd rather upgrade than buy either new console.

>tfw at this point the wii u would be a better investment than the switch

Sucks that they announced all Xbone exclusives down the road as PC games, since it means I literally bought a netflix box. Still, sucks even more that all of the scorpio's "lineup" is cancelled too.

Friends play on different platforms

Nintendo games

>having stupid friends who buy consoles
>and listening to them when they tell you to buy said console

>nintendo games that don't even exist yet

So, that's a 'yes' to being retarded then?

eric simply eric

The OG PS3 was the only good one, in terms of features/capability. The bad thing about it was the YLOD.

The only thing it had over the later releases is PS2 BC, but the OG PS3s were more prone to breaking down, much like the 360, except Sony fixed that problem.

>It shouldn't be that hard to convince your parents to buy you the things you want over that long a time span.

You need to be at least 18 years old to be able to post here user.


Really wanting to get a PS4 for exclusives, don't have the money yet

Don't know why you would get Xbone, more of their exclusives are coming to PC

How do you have money for a switch, but not one for a ps4?

>Don't know why you would get Xbone, more of their exclusives are coming to PC
A lot of us bought it before Play Anywhere was a thing. I probably wouldn't have bought it had Microsoft said from the beginning that all of its games would be on Windows 10.

I mean, I like physical games so it hasn't been a complete waste but its value has been greatly diminished now that I can play most of my Xbone library on PC.

>PS2 backwards compatibility
>all OG models are hackable, only certain slims are hackable
>4 USB ports
>multi card reader

The first two are more important obviously

>more prone to failing
My brother has gone through 3 and an old games store is advised not to sell them because of how prone they are to dying

Damn, I was thinking of picking one up, I see they are cheaper than you'd expect on Ebay.

What is another method to play PS2 games on my 4k television? I know the cheap adapters introduce lag, and the ones that cost hundreds of dollars don't work well with newer smart tvs.

>playing with a tiny 3ds screen instead of the stylish, beautiful vita screen
step it up, senpai.
Unless you're a gook

You can always use component cables, if they're supported (they use 5 cords to plug in, but the image is near-comparable to HD). Other than that, most PS2 games are cheap on the PS3 store and there are some HD Collections or HD Ports on PS4.
Only other opitions are colour cables or HDMI adapters which might cause issues with the image

They're not beyond repair. Mine YLOD'd, and I just sent it to a repair shop.

>owning a switch but not a ps4

the switch will not have games until 2018

They still break down and can sometimes fuck up your discs

I ask for no fanboy and got nothing but fanboy wars.


And play what?
I already played the shit out of P4G

How do Nintendo fans actually feel when Xbox guys and Sony and PC gamers all try to use Nintendo as an accessory to their consoles lol

To me the most pointless console is Xbox, if you have a PC you get everything on Xbox plus 3 times more

Reminder that Leafs and BR's are the worst posters.

No one gives a fuck about Windows 1 gaming, or Windows Store, stop mentioning it like it like it means anything.

Because there's barely anything worth playing besides Forza Horizon 3.

I dual boot Windows 10 specifically for that game and the free copy of gears 4 I got with my GPU.

>Xbone for pretty much everything

All of my friends play on the Xbone, and I rather play with them than a bunch of randies

I agree with that user I use my xbone more than my ps4 since the operating system is so much better.

I'd use my pc but I'd rather sit on my couch and use my xbone for videos and sometimes vidya. Only because my PC reminds me so much of work. Sitting on my chair and table that is etc etc.