What's a good game for stress relief?

What's a good game for stress relief?

I guess to be more specific, I want a super-violent game that's really easy in that you can kill tons of enemies without putting much thought into it or having to sit through a lot of dialogue (When I'm getting bad feels I don't want more bad feels, I don't want feels at all) Let me emphasize the part it has to be easy (If I'm already pissed something like Souls is only gonna make it worse)

This might be a meme answer, but Doom is pretty great with the volume way up.

Killing floor 2

GTA 4/Hatred/Dying Light with a trainer of some sort.

Path of exile I guess

maybe serious sam?

bulletstorm is pretty good especially the mini gun segments

Depends on how you personally release stress
Killing shit? doom probs
Causing destruction? GTA

Try beat em ups. Maybe god hand. Also as said doom is pretty good for just slaughtering everything you see.

Dynasty Warriors maybe, but you said no dialogue.

Postal 2



serious sam

shadow warrior 2 on not-the-highest-difficulty

musou games (dynasty warriors, etc.)

Smash TV is one of my personal favorites.

Puzzle Fighter

Dialogue is OK as long as it's skippable or doesn't have a deep message behind it. Again I don't want feels when I'm trying to get rid of feels.

Thx for rec'ing DEWM anons I have it but haven't really tried it for this purpose. I usually play on the medium difficulty w/o aim assist but I die sometimes.

Would "I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE" with aim assist on still be fun?

dynasty warriors, the dialogue is very ignorable and honestly minimal and you can get off on juggling corpses for ridiculously high combo counters which is actually beneficial if you do it to named units

Devil may cry

payday 2 on the lower difficulties

put silencers on your guns, get the silencer perks, and go to town on anything that moves

pick any diablo

I find Civ 5 is the best game for anxiety/stress in my opinion. I know it isn't violent, but I don't think doom like games are good for that situation.

These for sure. Just don't play on higher difficulties or hardcore if you plan on relaxing. Hearthstone is also pretty decent for relaxation.

Alternatively, you could get someone to come over for some farts into your butt,

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
Literally weebshit, but it's just an 5 stage set arena arcade like game with a story you can completely fucking ignore with brainless combat that looks flashy but after a few minutes you have seen what the game has to offer. Literally just there for the sake of being there. This game won't make you feel much of anything, but it's exactly what you described a game with a lot of enemies, without putting much thought to it killing fucking dozens of them at a time finishing shit with a blood spray combo looks flashy but it's simplistic, story is entirely nonexistent, voice acting is terrible, it will literally make you feel nothing for video games, while satisfying the urge of video games.
Or pick up any House of the Dead.
I recommend arcade shit mostly for this blind vidya rage where you just wanna shut your brain off and kill shit. Hell even Metal Slug games.
If you wanted to get in depth anything in the action genre, if you're feeling not so many enemies and just wanna punch shit God Hand is always there.

Nice spring heat talk in that spoiler

If you like Berserk, get this one. If you don't feel like threading through the whole story to unlock the fun shit, get an 100% save somewhere and you're good.

Star wars the force unleashed 2

On the topic of Doom and ultra-violent stress relief, is there some other "DUDE GORE LMAO" mod similar to Brutal Doom that doesn't actually change the gameplay too drastically from vanilla Doom? I've tried playing with Brutal Doom and it's fun and satisfying and all, but it felt kind of 'broken' with the forced mouselook.

Serious Sam on Tourist mode.