Is it true Sup Forums?

Is it true Sup Forums?

I'm so glad I never bought shirts like this in middle and high school. I remember people wearing shit like this and it made me want to kill myself.

Anyways, this shirt says their stomach is growling from never stopping to eat. That's true for some of the Auschwitz mode dudes out there, but that's maybe half.

Do you think someone would just make shit up and print it on a t shirt? Obviously it's true, idiot.

I'd wear this shirt. Nobody would see it though because I don't have friends or go outside.

>not wearing the I do all my own stunts t shirt

>wearing anything other than polos, button downs, or a tailored suit

How to spot a fucking loser

>Wearing polos, button downs, or a tailored suit

How to spot a mugging target

>polo shirt
How to spot someone with no style.

>Not wearing Polos, True religions, Levi's, Nautica, and Adidas, and any basic jeans or Caky plants

t. Vans fags with no shoulder covers/ Nigger

lmao I bet you're also one of those nerds with the periodic table or some other "science" tattoo that tries to act like a /fit/ toughguy and is still nothing more than a socially awkward autist.

Actually I tend to leave for my night class in a button up shirt, dress shoes, jeans, and a coat.

Nah, that's a pleb.

>not wearing blouses

Who are you trying impress. You faggots are probably those fags who wears a suit to the grocery store in hopes some will compliment you. But all they do is give you weird look and laugh behind your back.

Wtf is "caky" pants? Pamts made of cake?

Dear god did you mean khaki?

Kill yourself.

Even back in the first grade this shit made me cringe.


>Not wearing a plain T-shirt and Jeans

>This delusion
I bet you wear those ugly ass t-shirt that look like someone just poured paint on it. If you think that people will look at you with a descent look and not something that looks like Total the would rather kill themselves.


>Still being a grammar Nazi
Kill yourself

Not an argument nigger

>not just keeping it simple with jeans and a solid-colour t-shirt

That's a rad shirt. I legit wanna own it.

How to spot a redditor 101

>spelling == grammar

Sorry I would never wear that. I have a sense of fashion.

Pic related.

>actually caring about your clothes

I just wear tshirts, sweatpants, and basketball shorts everywhere. Even to work. It's pretty comfy so I see nothing wrong with it.

Oh wow haha tell me I'm right, tell us about your cool "science" tattoo user!

>Implying the term didn't include spelling as well
Nice bait though

Where do you work.

No, it looks like something a caricature artist that only has a passing familiarity with gamers would make. They could have come up with more accurate, insightful insults that would troll harder.

Get on my fucking level, casuals.

>faggots get this mad at people who dress well and look good doing it

I bet you smell and look like shit and every one around you notices it

>you fell for the r/malefashionadvice meme

You'll just look like an autist without a style of your own that's trying too hard to look "fashionable".

Nobody does that in real life you sheltered fuck

Holy manlets

C'mon user tell us about your cool tattoo!

That art really brings me back.

>contantly pressing controller buttons

>implying I wear anything besides t-shirts and running shorts, and a hoodie for when it's cold
Anything else is uncomfortable. Especially pants. Fuck pants.