I just want to play video games with people from Sup Forums
I just want to play video games with people from Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums
>playing video games
>I just want to play video games
Fuck that famalam
Come over to Sup Forums if you want some decent anons to play with
Why would you want that? No, really, Why? it sounds horrible
Trust me man, you really don't.
I genuinely like team-based multiplayer games with elements of individual skill making the game more than a rock paper scissors match..
>tfw there will never be a dark messiah of might and magic MMO
Maybe stop posting reddit memes then
I can't tell if that nasally motherfucker actually sounds like that, or he's doing it to try to be funny.
>implying dota is not 1v9
wew lad
>Go to other boards
>they actually fucking play videogames
We once had an ok minecraft server on Sup Forums of all fucking places.
If I wanted to play games with faggots like you I'd just play single player.
Every game i play with Sup Forums always ends up with everyone spouting shitty memes. No matter what game, even fucking red alert 2, it always ends like that.
>you will never play LOTRO with Sup Forums again
I don't even remember what else I played with Sup Forums back in the day but nowadays, why would you even want to play with children?
kill yourself frogfucker
This literally never happens.
You mean with Sup Forums in general? because that's still true.
>Make server with Sup Forums
>Join Sup Forums server
>the memes jack
>Sup Forums
>Playing video games
No, you really don't. While theres a few decent ppl here it's overwhelmed by faggots who just want to hack shit, DDOS servers when they're banned for being faggots, and generally be a piece of shit of no worth.
This boards flooded by trolls for a reason. Where do you think NOFUNALLOWED came from.
>Faggot acts like a fucking faggot
>uploads trojan to server and destroys it when banned