Ridge Racer

What does Sup Forums think of the Ridge Racer series?

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sanodg is based

Dated. But fun.

Played a lot of RR64 when I was a kid, was disappointed in the DS version

It's riiiiiiidge racer!

>they never released RR1 on the PSN store
>RR4 doesn't even have the turbo disc


Was Rage Racer the one with teams? that shit was GOAT

>there will never be such perfection ever again

why even live

I think that was in R4.

The absolute pinnacle of the Sony© Playstation®™ hardware capabilities.

Yeah you're right. That shit was amazing. The three wheeled car was just awesome.

[spolier]Which was the one with the girl that you pick up beginning to the race?[/spoiler]

64 didn't even feel like a real RR game.

There were options to make the physics more like the PS1 games

Reiko Nagase, the same chick who appeared in almost every single installment since Rage Racer.

Any v/ approved RR game for the PS4?

There are no RR games on current gen consoles, the most recent games include Ridge Racer 3D for the 3DS which is decent, Ridge Racer Unbounded on the PC, 360, and PC which is mediocre and a RR game in name only, and the abomination Bandai Namco had the nerve to title "Ridge Racer" on the Vita.

easy to clear

easy to clear

stupidly easy, but will last forever because 321 cars

>Rage Racer

*Ridge Racer Unbounded on the PC, 360, and PS3

Also, the best Ace Combat.
