Yfw you realize it was called Super Mario 64 because there were 64 stars in total

>yfw you realize it was called Super Mario 64 because there were 64 stars in total

Anyone else have any other cool lesser-known vidya trivia?

Actually there were 128 stars including the secret bonus stars hidden throughout every single level and the overworld. The 64 comes from it being the 64th game to feature Mario.

Actually, that's not quite right.
The 64 is the number of polygons that make up his body.

>Super Mario Galaxy was called Super Mario Galaxy because NASA launched a rocket containing a stack of the game into space
>Super Mario Galaxy 2 was called Super Mario Galaxy 2 because the first launch failed

120 stars and it was 64-Bit

You're all stupid.

>yfw it was called Super Mario bros 2 because there were 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan

It was 64 because it was the time Mario had to build up speed for 24 hours to make that """""half"""""" jump.

>Sup Forums still thinks this meme is funny

actually, it's because they knew it'd age poorly

a solid score of 64/100

>it was called Parappa the Rappa because his Papa Raped him

really blows my mind desu

>mfw I realized that it's called Cave Story because the creator actually made the entire game by himself in a cave

HI henry

Payday The Heists title is actually inspired by the candy bar and not the act of bank robbing.


>He doesn't support gookmook for faster and captcha free shitposting

It's actually to show that there are two brothers, they left it too vague in the first one

Pac Man comes from the Japanese onomatopoeia "paku paku" was originally going to be called Puck Man, but they changed the names because people would vandalize the cabinets to say Doki Doki Panic instead

Super Mario Bros 2 was actually the sequel to Glover before Nintendo bought the rights and changed the characters

Protip: the original Legend of Zelda cartridge was actually filled with candy

>they call it Knack because they really had a knack for making video games

Zelda was originally going to be a girl, but got changed at the last minute

The character in Zelda 2 who says "I am Error" is not a glitch. There's another character named Bug that was mistranslated as Bagu. So there are two characters named Bug and Error, but they only appear to players that are gay aka buggers.

Mario's Japanese name is actually "Merry O" (Meirii Ou) because you use the O button to make him jump. Mario is just another example of Nintendo's terrible localizations.

>supporting Hiroshima
>giving your personal information to a man who got ostracized from his own website for selling user information
>to a man so despised in his home country he had to resort to scamming gaijin
>to a man who paid for the website with borrowed money

The name Fallout actually comes from not only the fallout from the wars but the fallout that society and politics went through after the bombs struck. Really clever move by Bethesda.

You can unlock Luigi in Mario 64 if you plug a gamecube to the same tv with Luigi's Mansion in it with a Luigi amiibo on top of the gamecube AND start both consoles at the same time.

The game was originally going to be called simply Conker's Day, but they couldn't animate his fur very well, so they changed the title to reflect this.

a handful of the original gold release of Zelda on NES has a different ganon fight if you play through the entire first and second quests (you can't use the code to skip to the second) where ganon is purple. these cartridges are extremely rare and it's thought to be a programming error with the color palette because the whole room also is purple. because of their rarity these carts sell for thousands of dollars online. if your cartridge has the word "caution" underlined on the back label, there is a high chance it has the purple ganon


The series is called Dragon Quest because the quest drags on. The games are boring as shit

woah... is this truly true?

So why was star fox 64 called star fox 64? When it never had a sequel let alone 63 other gams.

because the combined ages of all the star fox members is 64 years (human years)

"64" is the total number of gams surgically removed from every pilot in the series.

Because it was the world's first 64-bit game.
Starfox has always been a tech demo franchise.

Super Punch Out was originally titled Super Mike Tyson's Punch out and contained a rape scene

the fact he's had it since 2012 is really inspirig

this is a great one because if you google purple ganon you get porn

Small amounts of data exist for a character known as "PraMai" in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This filename refers to Praying Mantis from One Punch Man, aligning with Sakurai's claims that he considered anime characters for Brawl until people started requesting "trash" like Dragon Ball's Goku.

Brawl predates One Piss Man.

>Gen 1 are named after colors
>Gen 2 are named after metals
>Gen 3 are named after gems
>Gen 4 are named after jewels
>Gen 5 are named after skin color
>Gen 6 are named after letters
>Gen 7 are named after planet

A 12 year old could figure that out

Holy shit,
I don't believe that!


>Sup Forums
You mean reddi... oh wait, same thing.

no you dumbass

it's called super mario 64 because miyamoto drove a 64 impala on his way to work when he made it

sun and moon arent planets you fag

Medievil is called like that because Sir Dan is an anti-hero

>MGS1 Ocelot uses 1 gun
>MGS2 Ocelot uses 2 guns
>MGS3 Ocelot uses 3 guns
>MGS4 Ocelot uses all guns
>MGSV Ocelot uses no guns

They orbit Earth. That makes them planets.

>could Mozart still be alive?



It's called Metal Gear because it's like metallic gear that you wear. It's also very solid.

You really are a clever one huh

pic not related

They call it Team Fortress 2 because it took a team of 2 to make it in a fortress.

Koffing = coughing
Weezing = sneezing

>Black 2 and White 2
>skin color

>Sneezing right after you pick your nose

Every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.

You don't know a fucking thing about computers if you think Super Mario 64 was small enough to fit in 64 bits, dipshit.

Dark souls 2 was originally supposed to be a follow up of "Dark Souls" made by the same developer. The idea was quickly scraped in favor of a dating game where attempt to get the attention of a woman by having her implant you with the souls of your fallen enemies.

That video is fucking incredible. Far better than anything that's come out of Sup Forums in years

Super Mario 64 really does hold up when you keep in mind it was released 43 years ago

It's called Final Fantasy II because Firion has two eyes.
Most of the other games have a character that references that important feature.

It was originally called Mario 64 because it was released 64 years ago

Game Theory, how many Anons would want to play with CD-i Zelda's boobs?

It was called Tekken because its Japanese for "unnecessary winter clothing".

>Called Super Mario 64
>released 64 years ago
>in 1964
Holy shit

Explain Bomberman 64 and Megaman 64.

Those were typos.

Those two were just coincidences

Actually it's called Mario 64 because it was originally in development for the Commodore 64. It got delayed numerous times, but the name stuck around.