Are all japanese MMOs this grindy? I thought that jap teenagers had no time to spend on games which is why most of them became casual phone players.

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Yoshi's just a hack.

Asian mmos are usually far more grindy than that one. They're known for it.

>conflicting answers

XIV isnt even grindy, you just sound under-aged.

all those story quests are super grindy

depends on where you draw the line really

getting 1-60 on your first combat job is not too grindy, but if you want to max out every combat/craft/gather job and gear them all, you have entered into korean grind territory

>Are all MMOs not fun?

The answer is yes

>you have entered into korean grind territory
It still isn't even close to Korean grind territory.

RO was less grindy than FFXIV

The only not-grindy MMO I know of is Realm of the Mad God, since it turns into straight bosshunting very quickly.

A more productive question would just be to ask for non-grindy MMOs, rather than asking if all of them are like this.

FFXIV is like ten times less grindy than FFXI

FF14 is one of those rare cases that isn't even targeted at Japan primarily.
Secondly, you can play FF14 on a phone in Japan through streaming, same with Dragon Quest 10.

>none of it is contested
>only bottlenecked if you continue xp'ing after daily allowances are spent

The game encourages you to not grind and rewards you for it, you're not forced to grind at all and that is signficiant.

Asians are immune to getting bored from grinding. Everybody knows that.

>tfw I can't even tome grind to gear up my only DPS job

Try to say that to the 375 corals (with korean's bullshit RNG as a bonus) plus dozen of stupid monster trash and overpriced jewish items I had to get just to unlock a single dungeon.
The only "grindy as fuck" part of XIV is the relic/anima weapon, and they even nerf the upgrade steps after some patches.

>tfw I just bot to skip the powerleveling grind for my alt classes and gear them up using the PvP bot

Game is pretty fun skipping all the bullshit

No need to by this point, honestly. In just two months everything will be meaningless and new grey gear will outclass an expansion worth of work.

If you think XIV is grindy then you're too young to remember MMO's prior to 2010

These quests were great for newbies to make money and even some veterans.

In RO you grind for stuff that would last you forever, in FFXIV you grind for fleeting rewards

Have you ever had complete duty finder strangers from balmung pick fights with you over your glamour?

>put up a pf which clearly stated that no frenchies allowed
>first 3 people to join start with hi/salut^^

>try to be a dick
>gets trolled
>complains on Sup Forums

Absolufuckinglutely false in every way. Maybe post-Renewal RO but not Pre-RE at all.

Only professions if you don't do leves. Other than that, hell no, the worst part of the game is how much back and forth you have to do and one location has you go through 2 damn loading screens each time you have to enter and exit the place, and you not only revisit that location a lot, but you get similar places to it later that you have to go to constantly.

Frog spotted

>ps3 gets dropped
>game will still mirror a ps2 game

>can't play this game because it gives me headaches after 20 minutes
>have literally tried every single thing in the graphics settings to reduce possible things that could trigger headaches
>have never had this problem with any other game in my life, only FF14
>FF14 is the only MMO I like

Why is life so much suffering

Pre rebirth:
>the same gear remained the best for over 5 years
>didn't need to be over level 90 to do anything, even lower would be ok for support classes
>could buy anything you needed
>most people would get to a comfortable level and just log in to chat or do stuff without worries such as weeklies or dailies

>current year
>being disabled

>korean game where map mob grind is the name of the game
>less grindy than modern WoWclone

fuck you getting to TI levels and waiting around forever for parties only to get to 99 and start the process all over but more grind IS NOT less grind than ffxiv

Might be stupid, but try putting sun glasses on while playing.

try those mr happy gaymin glasses

You aren't going to be doing ET or any serious MVPs below 90, or before 80 or so when Trans came out. What you're saying is like "Well you didnt need to be max level to go into Dusk Vigil." Most of the highest level stuff in RO would blast anyone who didnt have amazing gear and 90+ like Biolabs, Thors, Odin, etc. I mean I am sure you can find some gimmick build video but thats an exception not the rule.

How old are you, OP? Have you played MMOs before? This game is a breeze compared to any circa 2008 MMO, even when you're talking about crafting/gathering.

Disable effects, change zoom in levels, try using the controller camera, increase/decrease FoV, brightness, change resolution, try playing on tv or larger screen, change UI layout.

Or sit farther away. Might come from trying to focus on small text.

Doing the MSQ in FFXIV takes you to max level
After that all your other jobs level twice as fast.

>These quests were great for newbies to make money and even some veterans
Same can be said about relics.
Grinding spots unlocked per character (instead of per account) are just as "fleeting" as XIV's endgame gear. The only long-lasting rewards in both games are glamour and hats.

>Most of the highest level stuff in RO would blast anyone who didnt have amazing gear and 90+ like Biolabs, Thors, Odin, etc.
That's AFTER Rebirth, when Gravity started pandering to no lifers and most people weren't even 99 because the game didn't require it for anything

Before that (when everyone agrees that the game was good) you didn't need 99 for even WoE or PvP

Trans improved RO. Only Renewal killed it. People will cite 3-4 overpowered skills, but it doesn't ruin the experience.

I wish this game would get a second pass over our animations.

It's ridiculous that even just unsheathing certain weapons will clip through your body. Not to mention the ridiculous shit that happens when you use cross class skills.

Also axes should be sheathed upside down on your back.

>the experience of being forced to grind your life away to stay competitive
Heritage was a mistake.

Clipping always happens in MMOs, once you're actually battling you'll never notice it

I'll try this

Either way you're moving the goalpost. Someone said RO wasn't grindy and then you or some other guy said "My specific era and time period of RO wasnt as grindy." Hell even before Trans getting a character to 80 or 90 took as long as multiple jobs do in XIV to get 60.

Is there a worst person behind this game than Koji Fox?


The designer and his butt capes and long boots fetish.

>make a fun game
>start pandering to the absolute shitters and nolifers
>normal people are left with nothing

>implying FFXIV doesn't tell the classic MMO audience to fuck off so it can cater to normalfags who just want their daily pat on the back

Normalfags weren't complaining over Titan, the relic quest, extreme primals, ilvl, Coil, etc

Yes they were. They bitched and fucking moaned and now that's why we have story mode Alexander, a relic quest that only requires babby mode dungeons and FATEs, and shitty easy mode EX primals like Sophia and Zurvan.

Those were the absolute shitters

Normalfags didn't go to forums to complain about content, my FC was full of those weekend warriors and the most that they did was ask for people to join their PF

>Those were the absolute shitters
Yeah, normalfags. The type of people that Yoshida feels the need to remove any depth from gear for, because it might stress them out when they just want to come home from work and play. The type of people he puts a cap on tomestones for so they don't feel left behind when NEETs grinded their asses off while they were at work.

Except XIV is the easiest, most casual MMO on the market? Hello?

Gating isn't just to be fair for normies. Its a method for stretching out content so people don't burn through it faster than devs can realistically add it.

>mfw got fishing to level 45
>mfw trying to do the level 45 leves

Weekly caps/lockouts are the most braindead skinner box design in the genre. Don't know how to keep people playing your game? Just gate it. They'll complain over low drop rates but won't complain about doing literal work.

No its more like you dont understand that its physically impossible to make content faster than people clear it. Neetlords and even normies can clear raids, dungeons, etc 10% of the way into a patch and then theres nothing left to work on if they get all their gear in that one week.

Though I prefer the token system. That allows you to prolong content with a grind, but not with RNG or gating. Instead of maybe getting the item you want each week, instead you can run the place as much as you want but each piece of your set would take like 20+ tokens.

>Matsui will never direct XIV


Is the genre finally dead?

if you think FFXIV is grindy, then you dont know what real grind is

delet tgus

the novelty of MMOs died with web 1.0


For all but WoW, FFXIV, and the odd korean release, more or less, yes. The genre is dead.

Seems every dev is looking to cash in with mobas and team shooters now instead.

>get an email from 'Revelation Online'
>oh yeah, I signed up for the beta, forgot about it. I should check it out
>it's a 2008 graphics clunkfest with a story that feels like an unintentional Kung Pow: Enter the Fist

jesus fuck, can't believe people shelled out for Founder's Packs.


>1 player remaining

Isn't that the one people only give a shit about because of couples emotes

>buy bait from guy near leve man
>go to keeper of the lake entrance

weve hit a brick wall with the genre. The tab targeting no longer cuts it but the technology cant support physics and rapid movement of hundreds of players at ones yet. It will be a while until an MMO will get big again

What happened to all those cutesy anime style Taiwan MMOs? There hasn't been a new one in years, it feels like.

what about tera?

TERA was like 6 years ago

only parts that actually feel grindy is the 2.x patch story quests and some of the relic steps