E3 is a month away people. Post your wishlist.
>Animal Crossing Switch
>DMC 5
>Gran Turismo Sport release date
E3 is a month away people. Post your wishlist.
>Animal Crossing Switch
>DMC 5
>Gran Turismo Sport release date
Other urls found in this thread:
*2 months
Where the fuck is Kingdom Hearts 3?
aaa game industry to die completely and for e3 to stop indefinitely
Persona 5 Steam release data
Honestly, I've outgrown video games.
I also want Animal Crossing for Switch, but I'm setting my expectations much lower, I don't think they will show us anything we don't already know about. I expect Super Mario Odyssey to be the only relevant game Nintendo brings (although I expect it to be fantastic).
a new metroid title by Retro Studio
Death Stranding
RDR2 gameplay
MGS6 (I know, I know)
New IP from Naughty Dog
A challenging 3D platformer
It doesn't matter if From and Sony Japan Studio make another Bloodborne; as long as it is on the ShitStation 4, I won't buy it.
Sony needs to make the PlayStation 5 already that can provide the following:
Bloodborne The Old Hunter Edition REMASTERED
4K(1440p is "fine'' as long as it has 144fps option) 60fps MAX SETTINGS.
- no frame pacing issues - no chromatic abberation
- option to disable motion blur and depth of field
- reduced loading times to 5-10 sec (my SSD loads DS3 in 3sec).
THEN and ONLY THEN, will I buy a Sony product.
As long as ShitStation 4 is their main device I won't buy their games. Period.
Did that metroid guy post his shit today?
>ouvergrown video games
>posts on Sup Forums
Renegade 2
Dark Souls 1 port for Switch
Gamecube for VC with F-Zero GX and Melee at launch.
I, too, only watch video games nowadays user
>current consoles still failing to provide 1080p/60fps they promised and should have delivered last generation
>wants next gen consoles to do 4k/60fps/max settings
Never ever going to happen. Video games as an entertainment form will die out before consoles achieve this.
Master Chief focused Halo 6 and 2.5D Metroid Dread (Metroid 5).
>Paying to play the same games again
Just use a tablet and play with Dolphin, what you want already exists without the jewgreed.
I have some hopes for this E3
Xbox will show off Scorpio
Rare will announce a new sequel
Halo 6 reveal, possible halo 3a
speaking of halo, Bungie will show off Destiny 2 and maybe reveal Marathon 4
valve might get their shit together
really this year is about more sequels and sheeit
Duke Nukem in anything.
Half Life 3
>what is dolphin
AAA Star Wars RPG gameplay
Etrian Odyssey 5.
Nothing more.
I just...
don't even have to say it.
they just did 1.5/2.5 hd and 2.8 on PS4, I'd say we'll hear about it soon
scorpio reveal and maybe will be better than the xbone
FF7 remake, features no one will use or care about, and some more new games
more switch games which they need right now, proof third parties are on board, and system sellers like pokemon or monster hunter right out the gate. and zelda dlc news
>mfw Todd delivers Skyrim for Switch AND the next elder scrolls. Just in time for Christmas.
It won't stop hurting...
I had a friend pass away recently, we grew up playing/discussing a lot of Half-Life and counterstrike. He will never know what happened to Gordon, Alyx, or the Combine.
I already got my GOTY as well as favorite game of all time, so as I'd like to be pleasantly surprised nothing will come close to Automata
>He will never know what happened to Gordon, Alyx, or the Combine.
Neither will you.
Fuck, now i'm sad
Call of Duty.
Not even joking. I've recently been playing the Modern Warfare series and I'm having a lot of fun with them. I know they're going back to WW2 which kind of bores me but with an enjoyable story and likable characters/voice actors then I'm sure I'll enjoy it all the same.
>Nomura talking about the kh concerts: "As many as I can. I want to go to Singapore. The LA performance is around the same time as E3, so there's a good chance I'll make it to that one too"
He pretty much confirmed that he's personally going to E3, so expect it to show up
>gets Mistwalker out of mobile game development. Lost Odyssey 2 or some other great jrpg like they've always done
>Crackdown 3 gameplay and release date this year PLEASE
>Scorpio $400
>SMT V or SMT I/II remake
>ports of Bayonetta 2, Dong Freeze, #FE, and Xenoblade Chronicles X to the Switch since I don't have a Wii U
>reworking Pokémon so their new game isn't easy as shit like they've always been, even if they keep it as a spinoff
>less cinematic bullshit, better gameplay
>Kojima delivers
>jrpg goodness
>>less cinematic bullshit
>>Kojima delivers
Nintendo World Championships 2017: The Trannies Strike Back
>GT Sport release date
good luck