The reason why Dark Souls 2 is, has...

The reason why Dark Souls 2 is, has, and always will be the worst Souls Game is simply because it is absolutely fucking miserable to play. I still have tons of fun playing Demons' Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3 to this day. Whereas, whenever I try to get myself to play DaS II, telling myself "oh it can't be that bad this time, maybe it will finally click" I am rewarded with boredom and sadness from how shitty literally every aspect of the game is.
From the levels, to the bosses, to the weapons, to the stats, to the very combat itself.
Dark Souls 3, although derivative, is a legitimately fun game that has plenty of replay value with all the aforementioned aspects being of good quality. But with Dark Souls 2, I didn't even enjoy it that much on my first play through, let alone my others. About halfway through my first play through, I got this dreadful feeling that the game wasn't going to get any better and that I was through a significant chunk of the game and practically none of it was very fun or memorable or worth replaying.
Once I finished the game, I had no urge to continue playing it, and simply went back to Dark Souls. This has not happened for any of the other Souls games for me, I always play through to at least NG+2 on my main in the first month or two after release, as well as creating a couple other builds and completing the game with them too.

Nobody is going to read this well-thought-out post?

I unironically enjoyed DS2 more than DS3. In fact, I never felt compelled to replay DS3 because it was not only derivative but overly linear and have no build diversity. The PVP was shit too.
Anyways, all the souls games have different strengths and weaknesses. I'll never understand why Sup Forums universally shits on DS2 though. It did a lot of things right. It also has the best DLC in the franchise.
Someone read your post op now cheer up lad :^)

need a tl;dr version

I think ds2 looks like shit and feels floaty but other than that I think it was pretty good

The entire post doesn't present a single argument. Why are those things bad and why is it better in the other games.

post-havelyn and spear nerf pvp was the only good thing in 2

DS3 is garbage.

The reason why Bloodborne is, has, and always will be the worst Souls Game is simply because it is absolutely fucking miserable to play. I still have tons of fun playing Demons' Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 3 to this day. Whereas, whenever I try to get myself to play BB, telling myself "oh it can't be that bad this time, maybe it will finally click" I am rewarded with boredom and sadness from how shitty literally every aspect of the game is.
From the levels, to the bosses, to the weapons, to the stats, to the very combat itself.
Dark Souls 3, although derivative, is a legitimately fun game that has plenty of replay value with all the aforementioned aspects being of good quality. But with Bloodborne, I didn't even enjoy it that much on my first play through, let alone my others. About halfway through my first play through, I got this dreadful feeling that the game wasn't going to get any better and that I was through a significant chunk of the game and practically none of it was very fun or memorable or worth replaying.
Once I finished the game, I had no urge to continue playing it, and simply went back to Dark Souls. This has not happened for any of the other Souls games for me, I always play through to at least NG+2 on my main in the first month or two after release, as well as creating a couple other builds and completing the game with them too.

Yeah but DaS 2 is universally shat on by everyone, not just Sup Forums. I got one of my friends IRL to play through the Souls series and when he got to DaS 2 he almost immediately told me that it just wasn't fun. Then he played Bloodborne and 3 and enjoyed those much more.

Bloodborne isn't miserable to play though. The levels, bosses, weapons, stats, and combat are fun. It has tons of replay value. Dark Souls 2 clearly has none of this, most people agree.

learn to format and I might read your next one.

>begging for reddit spacing due to being low attention span meme consuming autists

>there are people ITT right this second that want B team to direct another Souls game


>properly formatting a block of text so it isn't annoying as hell to read is now "reddit spacing".

Come on now lad

I'm on my tenth play through

Dark Souls 2 is unironically my favorite game ever

It just feels like a timeless videogame and doesn't shy away from it for a single second

Well, they already directed and made 3

t. sperm cell

>B-Team made DSII while A-Team was busy making DS3
>But in reality B-Team was simultaneously working on DS3

plot twist: there is no A-Team, we are all the B versions of ourselves


It's just someone bitching about a game being "miserable", "not fun", having a "dreadful feeling"

This literal sperglord didn't even tried to present some good explanations on why DaS 2 is "miserable". He just feels like that. And the worst part is that he probably feels like this because internet forums told him to.

DaS II is miserable to play

The post

it don't matter
none of this matters

Agreed. Dark Souls II isn't even worthy enough to be called a "Souls" came. Even Bloodborne, which is its own thing, is more worthy of such a title.

Here is a shorter version of why DS2 is the worst game

"ADP exists"

It's even laid out like garbage. You call it well thought out but even in the second sentence it's just "I still have..."

Yeah. "I". You.

You fucking retard.

Dark Souls 2 added Vitality and Adaptability. It also made shields useless.

I only played Dark Souls 1, for me it was an okay adventure game, what makes it so loved? Why is DaS II so hated? What makes a game "Dark Souls"? What makes it good?

I didn't play DaS2 until fairly recently and having learned DaS religiously, it was completely obvious it was made to subvert expectations of people who played the first one like I did. It's designed to kill you like it was the first Souls game you ever played again.

The only thing legitimately bad about DaS2 after taking this into account, is that the way backstabs work in it makes it impossible to land them if you're on the bad end of the connection. That's why I stick to the first game still.