Is 4k just a meme? Im thinking of picking up a tv and ps4 pro tomorrow. Scorpio just has no gaems. How is the pros lifespan looking?
Is 4k just a meme? Im thinking of picking up a tv and ps4 pro tomorrow. Scorpio just has no gaems...
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The Pro has no games that actually run at 4k
Also could i remote play discs in my old ps4 in a different room so i dont have to swap them?
Framerate > resolution.
4K isn't worth it. All "4K" games are either clumsily upscaled, simplistic, or tweaked to run like slideshows unless you have high-spec PC hardware specifically designed to run them.
third post best post
Bro 1080p still isn't even the standard yet.
But is it going to catch on?
The PS4 Pro is a scam, look into it
theres no way that it cant, unless another better medium for a monitor display is discovered, and it won't be
If you had a PC with 10 series, its pretty nice
True. they can barely run 1080p on consoles and made the jump to 4k. Ridiculous
Is 27" for a 4K monitor too small?
I got a Pro and 4k T.V. People who complain about Refresh over Resolution are nothing but autist multiplayer faggots.
There is a difference clear as day but it's going to take a long fucking time to even be at the level of 1080p in regard to content. Which is why I have a feeling both T.V's and consoles in 4k won't be standard for another 10 years or till the next console launch.
Not for a PC monitor. Any other use and its a waste of PPI
Most are checkerboarded or 30 FPS. This is what happens when consoles try to LARP PC gaming. Still a subpar experience.
>Is 4K a meme?
>Is 4K in video games a meme?
Many PCs struggle to maintain even 30fps for 4K unless settings are at minimum otherwise. Give it five years, maybe longer if next gen is as small a jump as 8th gen to this 8.5th gen limbo we're in.
>falling for the 4k meme
Yeah it would actually be my work monitor. Not really even planning on doing gaming on it.
Not him but is a 40in 4K good for a viewing distance of about three feet? I've seen the chart everywhere but that only goes so far, I wanna hear people's opinions and experiences.
Takes a bit to get use to if youre using it as a PC monitor too. I have a 43" and i have to turn my head to look at the corners of the screen
Man what I'd do for the space for a huge desk and a TV as a monitor...Got a pic of your station?
Nah I used a 27" once (maybe 32", it was the bigger iMac) and even that was too much.
ive got a gtx1070 with a 1080p monitor, however i downsample all my games from 1440p to 2160p
only game that doesnt run at 60fps in 4k for me is gtav and bf1
My latest one is from last year
4k is no meme, It's actually an amazing gaming experience, However.
>144hz 4k monitors cost as much as a Titanxp
>Textures are usually upscalled and 1440p native unless stated otherwise in most games
>There is currently no GPU and CPU combo even with miltiple cards that will give you constant 60-140 fps even at 60hrz
>Most games are not made to run in 4k, that being said the there will be no 4k games optimized for consoles being as less than 2% of the population that games even own a 4k.
I suppose the new Titan Xp in a multi GPU config may get close, but we will still see stuttering due to poor optimization for SLI setups.
We are about 5 years away from true 4k gaming. Save your money, it's not a meme, just not available atm.
And dont get a pro or a scoirpio. both systems do what they do fine. X box is the only one with a real step up and im a sony Nintendo guy. still dont plan on getting one tho
>no games can run maxed out at 4k-60fps on current hardware
3 years ago maybe
Those games are upscaled and not true 4k user. but i get what you mean. we are almost there
there are no games out in true 4k with true 4k textures that can run at higher than 60fps. They are upscaled from 1440, stop being retarded, you can fucking youtube this info
its called downscaling, the gpu renders the video/image in 4k resolution then sends it to the monitor which renders the 4k image into 1080p, its not as clear as 4k but it tends to remove alot of aliasing without blurring the image with other aa methods
>doesnt understand the difference between resolution and textures
I wanted to get a 4K TV this year but all of last years TVs seem to be riddled with production defects and bad quality control. Stupid decisions like the Samsung models auto switching sources displayed when they detect an input from HDMI, which a docked Switch does regularly.
Which leaves this years models to look at, which are massively over priced like normal. I just want a good, well priced 55" TV without defects, stupid design decisions, shitty bleeding from the HDR, banding or anything else. Mother fuckers just make good TVs.
what res does Horizon run in on Pro?
Thats only if the game is 4k natice. most or not. you downscale when you go from a higher resolution to render it at a lower to make the quality look better. thats why its DOWN scaling. Upscaling is rendering a 1080p or 1440 image to 4k. that is called UPSCALING because you are rendering the image on the monitor HIGHER than the original image
It's a meme if you're getting a PS4, yes.
you dont understand
nvidia and amd cards have software which allow you to downscale from as much as 16k if you so wish
plenty of games are 'native 4k' nowadays
sure some games have hud and gui issues with 4k but more and more games allow perfect hud scaling in 4k
if you have a 4k monitor and you launch a game you can choose 4k and play in said 4k res whether or not it has decent fps is up to your gpu and cpu
Doom gets the pass however
None of these have FPS counters, and you can clearly tell the witcher is running around 40 frames. I play that one in 4k and get better frames with my 1080 sli.
No 144 hrz refresh which basically makes extra fps useless if you dont have. you can also clearly see BF1 and SW dip below 60 fps during high amounts of action on the screen. This is not CONSTANT 60 fps.
nice meme though
Here are so pro tips:
4k is a fucking meme. I don't give a shit if you have a ps4 pro and a 4k TV or an alienware PC with 4 Titans. It is a fucking meme.
Secondly, PS4 Pro only upscales games at 4k, doesn't play 4k blu-ray, and does not have games.
Thirdly, good luck finding a new TV that isn't a piece of shit "Smart TV". These fuckers just neeeeed to have your TV connected to WiFi and more manufacturers will eventually get rid of your remote and demand you use their controller phone app.
Lastly, if you want a TV larger than 50" I highly suggest you get a 1080p projector.
Truth is, there exists nearly zero native 4k content. The majority of films are on 1080p with a tiny portion of select films on 4k. 4k streaming is a joke because it is high cost bandwidth for artifacting and compressed audio and video. Most console games barely run at 1080p or 60fps.
>plenty of games
you are literally full of shit.
With double GTX 1080's you can now.
144hz is better.
The vast majority of games support arbitrary resolutions.
It wasn't until recently that devs started locking to resolutions or even aspect ratios like fucking faggots.
>moving goal posts
those videos are from 1 and a half years ago and theres much better choices in both cpus and gpus
>4ks a meme
for games yes unless you have a bomb ass PC. For movies and TV then no 4K is fucking awesome. It makes me sad after watching the Masters today in 4k that it will be years still before it becomes the norm.
do you play games on pc to be able to speak of your first hand experiences or are you a console cuck spouting bullshit
>higher resolution is a meme
you people are fucking retarded, you've HDR sitting right there, and you retards harp on about resolution.
Get a pro for better performance and ignore 4k. Wait till the next gen when it's the standard and not just a few upscaled titles here and there
Frame rate is a better option IMO. I used a 75htz monitor the other day and even that small increase made going back to 60fps feel choppy and slow.
Can anyone recommend me a 1440p 144htz monitor please? Bonus points if it's got a big screen size.
8K is already becoming a thing.
Honestly, 8k isn't going to be noticeable unless you have a very large tv, or you are sitting very close. HDR is noticeable, but that is something entirely separate from 4ks (it is theoretically possible to get HDR on a 1080p tv, its just that nobody is producing them).
In the end, things like the refresh rate, the type of screen, and HDR are more important than the resolution.
I would take a 1080p OLED TV with a refresh rate of 240hz before I would take a 4k LCD TV without HDR with a refresh rate of 60hz.
>Honestly, 8k isn't going to be noticeable
Over 4k it will be. I don't know precisely were diminishing returns are but 4k is NOT pixel perfect even at 27".
I actually meant to say the leap between 1080p and 4k isn't going to be noticeable. To be perfectly honest, I would rather have an LED 1080p TV at 120hz (actual refresh rate - not that "motion blur" shit) than a 4k LCD tv at 60.
Resolution is literally the least relevant factor to me, so long as it meets 1080p.
Shit taste desu. 4k for a console is worthless but on PC it's important
The correct term is downsampling. There's no AA used, its simply that with an increased pixel resolution, when you downsample, it leads to an Anti-Aliasing like effect. Thus, no computational performance need be sacrificed to address aliasing.
Its why games like Zelda BoTW look far superior at 4K than they do at 720p.
ignore all the poor ppl in this thread. 4k + hdr is a real fucking treat if you have the extra income. ps4 pro is worth it if you enjoy nice visuals. this is coming from someone with a 144hz 1440p pc.
how the fuck man. wuts wrong with you.
>Bought this same tv used at Besy Buy back in February and fucking fell in love with it
>Couple weeks in, started to notice that it had a vertical banding issue
>Warranty ran out so I couldn't replace it
>Read horror stories of others dealing with Sony's customer service to fix this issue
>Just end up just caving in and dealing suffering with the banding
Being an autistic qualityfag is pain.
The Samsung KS8000 is one of the best 4K TVs you can get. They are pretty cheap too since they are being phased out with the newer 2017 models.
That's what you say until you actually play some games on 4k. That shit is glorious, I'm actually fine with 30 fps if necessary.
>he's going to have the inferior version of RDR2 aka the biggest game of the generation so far
I laughed at people who bought the ps3 back then for RDR and I'll laugh at the people who buy the pro now for RDR2.
Plenty of games that contradict your initial post. Framerate aside, many run at 4k.
4K for games is a meme, but it's nice for movies and shows now.
Well on the bright side with PS4 Pro 1080p is the minimum. Most Pro supported games are around 1400p - 1800p. So no more 720p - 900p bullshit. Not true 4K but I don't mind, Uncharted 4 at 1400p still looks sharp on my 4K TV.
Most of the native 4k games are either sports games, indie games, or last gen games.
I still don't know if the HDR hype is worth it. I can pick up a regular 4k tv with the same sized panel but for £499 and doesn't have HDR 10 bit.
Decisions, decisions.
HDR is the fucking meme. I can't tell the difference between it on and off with movies or games. It's actually bad for games because it increases the input lag when on.
4k itself is nice but its really not worth it on its own. its 100% worth paying the extra amount for hdr. moving from 1080p to budget 4k is really not
I couldn't justify the price increase to get the pro. I could play my games at 720p for 200 bucks, or I could pay double to get the resolution up to 1080p.
Just wasn't worth it to me, especially with how fucking ugly the Pro looks in comparison to something like pic related.
4k isn't worth shit without HDR. There is literally no reason to own 4k if HDR isn't coming with it.
>HDR is the fucking meme
there is literally no content out at the moment that takes advantage of HDR. there's a lot of fake HDR shit out there so maybe you got duped into thinking it's a meme. HDR is the only reason 4K has any benefit over 1080p. the technology is too new for anyone to give a fuck at the moment though, because there's no god damn content.
whats having glaucoma like?
He'll yeah this nigger knows. This is the GOAT under 2,000 gaming tv.
Forza Horizon 3 running with HDR is a visual treat. If you need something out right now to justify the HDR meme this is it. Those night races with the twinkling stars and the headlights pure kino.
I was also surprised how good older games look. It was running from Wii U so its not "OG" but after I adjusted some backlight and sharpness settings Donkey Kong Country 2 looks better than ever, I didn't know it could look this good, certainly never did emulated on my PC monitor or from the SNES.
Only downside is no composite/component inputs, so I'll need to figure out some way to run PS2 games. I hear backward compatible PS3S are fragile.
I bet in a couple years we'll get a PS4 Pro Slim with a beefier CPU and UHD drive. So I don't fault anyone for passing on the Pro now.
Honeslty, if you're not going for OLED, the only TVs worth getting for gaming are either Sony or Samsung.
There actually is a reason they are priced the way they are. They are top tier TVs.
In my opinion OLEDs with HDR are a much more noticeable difference, and I don't believe it is particularly more computationally expensive. It is just a nice screen.
People shitting on 4k without HDR are definitely talking outta their asses.
4k is a fucking meme without hdr. kys
You either never owned a 4k television/monitor, or your first was 4k + HDR and you're trying to justify your purchase.
It's a meme for now. I'd prefer companies to focus on performance first. They can't even run 1080p games at a constant 30fps and they want to move onto 4k already?
Yes, it's a fucking meme until they get a grip on performance for a reasonable price. I'd go as far as saying that it's not even worth it on PC yet because of the cost.
of course i never owned a 4k tv. it's the most useless shit you can buy now. you're just a fucking normie that doesn't know shit about technology. get out
As someone who has neither, but have seen a 1080p, a 4k, and a 4k HDR side by side, from 10 feet away, you can't tell the difference between 1080p and a 4k on a 55" screen. HDR is a noticable difference. It's like comparing LCD to OLED or plasma.
I would literally refuse to pay a single cent more to get a 4k tv if it didn't have HDR
4K isn't a fucking meme on big TV's
at 60+ inches 1080p started to look rough, at 4K though it looks great
yeah but you said this retard
why the fuck would you need a 60+ inch tv? and what kind of content can you even play in 4k? it's all upscaled shit now
That wasn't me actually.
Depends on how far away you are from the screen.
If you're 15 feet away, you won't be able to see the difference between 4k and 1080p unless you have 10/20 vision or something.
Now yeah, if you have a 60 or 70 inch TV, and you're only 5-10 feet away from the screen, you'll definitely notice the difference. But honestly, I don't know that many people who want a tv that big. Most are happy with a 40-50 inch tv, and at ~6ft away, you won't be able to tell the difference between 1080p and 4k (again, excepting superior eyesight) unless there's something like HDR involved, or two different types of screens (a 40 inch 1080p tv with OLED will look way better than a 40 inch 4k tv without HDR from 6 feet away).
>why the fuck would you need a 60+ inch tv?
Because im not poor
>and what kind of content can you even play in 4k?
A lot, Batman v Superman at 4K makes Blu-Ray look like a fucking joke
one of the few real 4k movies out there, but why would you waste money on such a shitty film? let alone your precious time?
wait for Xbox 2 and PS5. Scorpio and Pro don't deserve to be bought at all.
What wrong with big ass TVs? I don't see a point in going under 65 to be honest, unless you have a space issue. The 4K movie discs have begun coming out this year, as well as 4K streaming since last year.
>BvS is bad meme
>streaming 4k
enjoy that fake 4k then
>4k movies
even more fake 4k for the most part
>What wrong with big ass TVs?
Nothing, if that's what you want.
>I don't see a point in going under 65 to be honest.
I do. I don't want a 300 lb 40 inch Tube TV, and I don't want what TV I have to dominate the room. My 42" TV is exactly what I want. 1080p (meaning I don't need to pay through the nose to switch my sound system out, as TV speakers are shit), 120hz, LED, Sony brand.
Cost me a whopping 600 bucks earlier this year.
Also, in order for me to get internet that could deal with 4K streaming, I would have to go from 44 dollars (9mb/sec) per month to 100 dollars per month (30mb/sec).
>44 for 9mb/sec
i get 8mb/sec with just 30 a month. you're paying too much for your shit
If you remove everything Batman and Wonder Woman from that movie, it's actually decent. It sincerely looks like a Superman movie script that had to shoehorn justice league foreshadowing at the last time.