You are banned. Reason: Impersonating an admin

>You are banned. Reason: Impersonating an admin.

Other urls found in this thread:

I got banned from a l4d2 server today
>Reason harassing a admin
All I did was pounce on him with Hunter everytime I spawned with him

>reason: bronys have feelings too stop

>You are banned. Reason: This is a roleplay server

>Theyre calling again. Reason: Them tossed salad and scrambled eggs.


Reason: This is a tactical crouch server

You are banned. Reason: Don't argue with the moderators

>You have been banned
>Reason: fuck off

So this is the PC experience, huh

Admins on multiplayer games are the most egotistical and self absorbed twats I've ever seen. Like children who feel they own the game they're playing.

>You have been banned
>Reason: Stop killing me

>Only for PC
You wish.
Games with custom servers and custom ban messages ran by users on consoles do this.

>You are banned
>reason: stop killing my gf asshole

>You have been kicked. Reason: bat dick :)

>You have been banned
>Reason: My mic isn't that shitty

>You have been banned
>Reason: traps aren't gay shut up

>You have been banned
>Reason: Propkilling/Propminging


I've only been banned from Sup Forums.

>You are banned. Reason: stop saying the holocaust didnt happen

>Banned. Reason: Telling players to kill the Mayor

The admin was retarded.

>Error you are banned
>Reason: you werent allowed to kill my GF
The mod was legit like 13 and prove my thought the girl on the server was his gf

Left 4 Dead 2 servers have ingame admins?!

Wouldn't they just be taking up player slots though?

You are banned. Reason: Don't question admin on why they don't talk on the mic.

>You have been banned. Reason: afasdfasfdasfads

>You have been banned. Reason: YELLOW DUCK

Thats the servers emergency phrase. That's what the admin did after I spammed his address and full name

>You have been banned. Reason: Fuck you.

>Reason: the odyssey wasnt written by homer simpson u fucking dumbass

fugg i used to play on that ctf_convoy server back then

>You are banned
>Reason: bye

>You are banned.
>Reason: RDM

>you have been banned
>unspecified reason

I'm glad companies have gotten around to incorporating dedicated servers through matchmaking playlists. All of the benefits of a stable connection and none of the badmins running the show.

>You have been banned
>Reason: Stop talking about dicks.

>you are banned
>reason: mass rdm/propkilling


>You are banned :

>reason: n* word
>reason: f* word
I've played on dedicated servers my entire life and things have gotten so much worse to the point where I've seen people kicked over saying "fuck Syria" in chat. Maybe matchmaking wasn't that bad of an idea after all.
Fucking cucks infesting video games.

>reason: Profanity
>in a game about murdering people. Even worse when the in game characters use profanity


>say "Fuck"
>banned by non-auto admin forever

If the game is rated M and you are trying to make it like a T rated game or god knows a E rated game. Your brain is broken go fix it.

>fuck syria
That is a pretty retarded opinion though

I'm fucking dead here. "What IS a boy to do?!"

>You are banned
>Reason: Impersonating a monster and refusing to explain how

>Steam IM sound
>Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs: Hey again
>User has been blocked.

>Banned, reason: Hacks, impersonating an admin

I spawned an invisible prop and stood on it, so the admin thought I was hacking. I also said "Yeah bro, they gave me admin yesterday".

Fucking idiots.

>You are banned. Reason: You're hiding something. You're hiding something and it's gonna send us all back to the Stone Age!

>you are banned. Reason: Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually asari military command. They're busy tending to what's left of their planet.

So you survived our fight on Thessia. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire planet is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Shepard needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your death.


>admins are swearing the entire time
>say "fuck" in chat

>You are banned. Reason: Fuck you

nah fuck you leatherman

Your life must be shit if you felt the need to post this.

You are banned. Reason: Stop telling users in chat that a balloon can be used as a substitute for a condom

To be fair brapposters should be banned from everything.

There was one server I always played on for Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. The admin of that was a great sport. There was a whole online gallery players made of him failing to reach general rank in the game and he took it like a champ.

That was a good game, and I wish there was another Quake Wars/Enemy Territory/Brink style fps.

Brapposters are the chemo that is curing asscancer.

This thread is the grandest showing of how nonironically Sup Forums has become a bunch of autistic normalfags.

>autistic normalfags

>you are banned
>reason: lol

>You have been banned.

>You are banned. Reason: bullying

I was just posting the lyrics to Blame Canada and leafs got really upset, calling in mods.

i miss when people could micspam without instantly taking the ban hammer

>Find a christian counterstrike server
>Change my name to Bonerlord
>Go on and start talking being obnoxious
>The admin politely asks me to change my name
>I change it to Bonelord and can't bring myself to troll these nice people.
I think I've been banned from maybe three servers in my life, I just can't break the rules. Even when I was exploring Second Life with my friends who were huge assholes I kept finding myself trying to do a gimmick that would be fun for the people who spend their time sitting around in this shitty chat room.

Honestly Christian servers are fun and hilarious to troll around on.

>characters swear in game
>get banned from a server for swearing