hey Sup Forums redpill me on final fantasy XV, what are the pros and cons? is it worth my money?
Hey Sup Forums redpill me on final fantasy XV, what are the pros and cons? is it worth my money?
>cut/rewrite everything, spit in the face of everyone waiting since the Versus days
>have no direction ability, have to overhaul game system based on fan feedback several times like a clueless suit
>have no thematic vision, XV trailers are all empty mishmashes with no clear theme, in total contrast to the masterfully constructed Versus trailers
>start all sorts of stupid side projects from anime to a movie to phone games
>frame the title as Japanese console gaming's last stand
>completely shit the bed at the last E3 before release
>a month away from release, the game is so horrendous on the technical level that they have to delay it, despite holding a giant event celebrating the release date
PC port when?
And fast forward to now, the game is LITERALLY in early access with whole year worth of updates planned, both free and paid ones.
PC port definitely won't happen until they finish actually working in this piece of shit and since this shit is planned to be worked on all the way to Autumn, you'll get PC port for Holiday season at earliest.
But I think early-to-mid 2018 is a more realistic target if you ask me.
the lads
music is good
main villian was ok
combat isn't interesting
game is still adding stuff in
story is all over the place, literally and figuratively
Everyone but the main party aren't given enough focus really
the world seems kinda small and empty for being an open world game. It's probably just me
>worth my money
not right now, maybe the rest of the content will be fun in the complete edition but the recent dlc makes it seem like it will be more of the same
It'll be a while yet. Evidently, they still have yet to complete the console version.
>the world seems kinda small and empty for being an open world game. It's probably just me
That's partially due to every locale in Lucis except for Insomnia and Lestallum being a gas station. Makes the whole world feel claustrophobic despite the open-world setting.
Meant to quote Fuck me.
thanks guys
I was interested in this FF, currently playing FFx
but those cons, not sure if worth it
>game is still adding stuff in
important dlc or just cosmetic shit?
Important stuff.
They literally just added a second half to main story's chapter 13 in last patch because it was missing beforehand for example.
It's LITERALLY an early access game.
fuck, i wonder if the open world meme ruined everything
Important content
The dlc is supposed to be focusing on the individual party members that isn't the main protagonist to give them the time to shine in the limelight
By basically re-using the combat they scrapped years ago when all of them were playable and then reselling it to the consumer for an extra buck
More like incompetent developers ruined everything. XIII's development was just as troubled and that was as far from open world as you can get. Square's in-house teams are just chairs right now.
>important dlc or just cosmetic shit?
Hell, one thing they recently added is that early on (chapter 7) one of the guys goes off on his own for no reason and comes back with more scars.
The DLC explains what he was doing
It all begins with square enix heads being incompetent
Characters are cool.
Bros broing in brotown.
But combat is trash, uninspired, paper hitting a rock garbage, as bad as Elder scrolls barring magic, which is okay. Story is below average, even XIII 2 was better, no real sense of progression, just "wow havent I done this a million times already?"
The DLCs are such wasted opportunities—mainly because they wrote themselves into a corner and couldn't offer anything more substantial than 2 hour hallway sims that shed light on unexplained events in the main game. I was seriously expecting something more meaningful, like whole new smaller regions.
If they wanted to make DLC that took place within the game's timeline, they should have focused on The World of Ruin. I was thinking maybe something along the lines of a Episode Iris, featuring an older Iris, as she work with Cindy and everyone else to protect Lestallum while they wait for Noctis. It could even feature some remixed version of familiar areas, as well as new ones.
>The DLCs are such wasted opportunities
the entire fucking game was a wasted opportunity
They confirmed we're getting an episode for Ardyn set in the past, that might be interesting.
So there's going to be a second Season Pass or is it part of the current one? If there's actually a second one, that's fucking pathetic and is a blatant indicator of how much was left out of the game.
>Some really great ideas, few and far between
>for all intents and purposes this was a high end PC game designed for a high-end PC in mind, that had to be gutted every which way to run on consoles massively weaker than the base hardware it was played on internal to Square Enix
>as a result, the game is deeply flawed with each cycle of cutting and rebuilding
>filled with bugs
>with story that often doesn't make sense, because huge portions of the game as mentioned earlier, were cut out to make the damn thing not make the PS4 crash every time you started it
>and looks worse than a vast majority of other last generation titles
Is it worth your time? Nope. Its getting the FFXIV rebuild treatment, but it will be quite a while before its up to decent spec where it'll be worth spending money on--and frankly, I think the PS5 might be out by then.
On a final note, I'm not trying to start a PC > console shtick here, but Square Enix went out of their fucking way to show the kind of technology they could run in realtime with FFXV game engine on PC. Things like PBR, realtime global illumination, tessellated hair, SSAO/HBAO, good lighting and shadowing, per object physics, way way higher res textures, soft/diffuse particle simulation of alpha effects, smoke, fire, with turbulence and all. A fully simulated weather system, etc.
The boner for technology that FFXV had was immense.
So either wait till 2018/2019 for the game to be finished, or wait till whenever they remake the game on PC like they always wanted.
Most likely a second one since they said they've got updates planned out for the entire 2017 and modern Squeenix is too jewish to do it for free.
At this point everything will just be filler garbage. They claerly don't know what they want to do with the characters and never did. They'll just proise shit when fans scream for it and throw it at them
b-but the story and characters were supposed to be bare-bones and presented in a unsatisfying manner! That was a stylistic choice by the director and the game was only supposed to focus on the bros, despite Final Fantasy games in the past delivering on both story and character without sacrificing one over another! Everyone LOVES the direction Tabtata took, even though he had to come out with damage-control and address all the backlash in interviews.
Why can't you see that it's CLEARLY the best FF of ALL TIME?
kek love ya user
I got it for $40. Played through the main quest and end game and enjoyed it. However I wish I would of waited for a definitive edition. (Full disclose) But I've been a fan of the series for awhile.
The aggressive PR damage control claiming that there is nothing wrong unironically made me hate this game even more.
Seriously I'd be a lot less mad if they humbly admitted that they rushed a deadline and fucked up since they didn't know what they wanted to do.
But no, Japanese are too fucking retarded to ever admit they fucked up, because it's DISHONORABRU to admit that you were wrong and fucked up.
So you go full force in pretending like everything is fine and everyone around you are wrong instead.
Fuck Japan.
>The aggressive PR damage control claiming that there is nothing wrong unironically made me hate this game even more.
Even early in development. Nomura admitted at one point that the game's development had to stop because a good portion of his team had to go help fix ff13 own problems and then SE had to damage control saying it was only in there spare time
>because a good portion of his team had to go help fix ff13 own problems
It wasn't FF13 user, you're thinking of FF14 after 1.0 was so awful they had to redo the entire game from scratch hence why Realm Stillborn was made, that's where Nomura's team went to.
FF13 actually did extremely well.
What's worse is it that you'll have people actually buy their comments and defend it as if it weren't damage control.
>It wasn't FF13 user
>Versus XIII is on hold until FFXIII is done, because the entire Versus team is helping to finish Final Fantasy XIII at the moment. It is number one priority.
>While the planners and programmers are all working on Final Fantasy XIII, the Versus project is getting the designers to work on a lot of image illustrations and conceptual visuals
Wasted Potential: Based On Feedback
That was back in 2008 when Versus was literally announced you fucking retard, it was announced in 2008.
You're a fucking imbecile, that shit wasn't even out of pre-planning back then let alone development.
I'm talking about the 2011 or so shit where Nomura's entire team was taken off Versus leaving only skeleton screw so that they could fix FF14.
>That was back in 2008 when Versus was literally announced you fucking retard, it was announced in 2008.
>2006 E3 trailer
user, it's time to stop
>Nomura's entire team was taken off Versus leaving only skeleton screw so that they could fix FF14
That was only a rumor that was never confirmed
>it was announced in 2008
>XV has issues
>takes months and they hardly patched shit
>Andromeda has issues
>decent amount were fixed in a patch that came out 2 WEEKS after the release
SE, get your shit together. You got one upped by EA.
Man when is that game coming out?
When timesplitters 4 comes out
Well, they did say that multiple new "HD" games/Ips were delayed for years because of 14 so probably both is the case. Square management is just fucked. THey have tons of divisions but for some reason 2-3 of them have to do most of the work
The difference is that Frostbyte3 already is a well developed and optimized engine. Meanwhile, the FFXV engine is completely in-house and is a massive wreck that's NOT designed with PS4 and XB1 in mind. It was designed for an i7, 16 gigs of RAM and a pair of 680s in SLI.
There's some things that patching won't fix, not without rewriting major portions of the engine--and in doing so, would basically break the currently released game. Permanently.
Talk like a human.
redpill is slang for "explain to me"
it's a Matrix joke
Maybe they should finally get off their high horse and get their priorities right. Even 120fps 8k wouldn't save this game
You are a sheep.
XV's issues, as glaring as they are, aren't as bad as Andromeda's. And the patch was basically a band-aid that barely fixed anything. It's still a bad game.
Honestly, I don't know man. I would occasionally sit and watch my sister's fiance play it, and it looked kind of fun. But I just read a Cracked article a few minutes ago which summed up SE's fall from grace, and even if the game is good, I'm not going to buy it, because I'm not ok with the half assed, buggy-as-all-getup steam ports and mobile games, and buying this game means funding projects like that.
With XIII being spread across 3 titles, and with the VII remake being split up into 3 games, I'm surprised that SE even bothered with a self contained story (if you don't count the movie).
Think about though. Final Fantasy XV is the first original game to be released since Lightning Returns, and with the VII remake and a new Dissidia game coming out soon, it looks like it's back to more nostalgia cash grabs.
They just don't learn because there are just enough nostalgia fags out there, who are still willing to pay for shit like Record Keeper.
Square Enix designs all their games for high end PCs in mind, and then tries to spend the remainder of their time in trying to get them to scale down to consoles with as little compromises as possible. Then eventually gives up and releases the product on console and calls it a day.
A GTX 680 murders the PS4 in terms of pure computational ability. The gap since then has grown threefold between the 680 and what's available on the high end today. Try as it does, SE can't get FF to run on consoles at the level they want, with the tech they developed, working in it at 60fps.
>8K @ 120
Is not the problem. Until consoles can deliver a performance envelope equal to an i7-6900K or R7 1700X at 3.6GHz w/ 16GB of RAM @ 3200MHz and a GTX 1080/Vega, the compromised Fantasy syndrome will continue.
Consoles, for all their advancements, are still far too inadequate in terms of performance, at least to Square Enix, to be able to properly deliver what they have in mind. Because make no mistake, the original game builds Square Enix play tested internally are about 50x better than the game that the audience on the PS4/XB1 played.
Again, they should get their priorities right. I had more fun with an RPG this year that looks like a PS3 game than i ever had with FFXV
Their priorities are fine. Their business decisions are not.
They should make the game for high end PCs, release it on PC. Wait a few years, then release it on consoles. So that the version that gets released on console is as bug free as possible, contains major improvements to a variety of in-game elements, contains all the DLC (if any is released), and is targeted for the highest console spec available.
In doing so, they'll get the money from the PC audience that will fuel to console port--and then the console port will effectively earn them mostly profit. When you make your game for a PC audience, scaling it down to console is easier than making a game FOR console, on a PC, and getting it to scale.
Or they could stark thinking like normal human beings, clearly most other devs don't have problems with it. Why the fuck did they expect high end hardware on a console for a console price. Square died when it became Squenix
This entire post is autism.
There's a reason you don't see many high end, amazing looking PC exclusives. There's no money there.
You don't see any high end console exclusives either if you're going by an actual high standard.
There is money on PC for games like that, that's why AAA games sell the most and Star Citizen got so much funding. Even that Kingdom Come was planned as a PC exclusive before they got more money than they knew what to do with and decided to port it to consoles.
>Square died the day they merged.
But that's wrong. I don't like Kingdom Hearts because its fan base is literally this guy, and I grew up around insufferable people like him, but they did try. Kingdom Hearts has a lot of effort out into it. It's a popular franchise, and it's original. I'd have probably liked I and II had it not been for those tripp pants wearing, Final Fantasy VII loving, weeaboo trash watching idiots.
Not to mention, Till the End of Time, Last Hope International, Crystal Chronicles, Front Mission 4, Dragon Quest VIII and IX, and even games like Final Fantasy: The 4 heroes of Light, and Bravely Default were great games, released after the merger.
The unfortunate conclusion is that, this is the model that should be followed in order to release console titles that run the best, with all bells and whistles running as best as they possibly can.
BF1 looks good and runs very well on all platforms. Why? Made for PC, released on PC; scaled down to consoles.
Doom 2016 looks fantastic and runs phenomenal. Why? Made for PC, released on PC, scaled down to consoles.
If all games followed this model, console titles would run very well regardless of platform. Rather than being the bug infested messes that they are today, that require massive day 0 patches.
There's no money there is wrong. There's money there, but no one wants to spend the effort. Its just easier to make vertical slices on PC, promise the mass market audiences that the game could look like it. Then scale down, and release buggy, sub-optimal titles. Make your million, and fuck off--to repeat with the next title.
Because the objective is to make money, hand over fist, in the EASIEST way possible. Not to make money through a solid long-term platform of good will, and good experience.
Nice argument
Well, it's pretty. It's also not the worst FF out there, which is surprising, considering the cons
Meh music, incomplete story, boring combat, no real character evolution for anyone but Noctis, you don't care about anyone but Noctis and his 3 friends, huge cut in content compared to what we saw in E3 2013, world is smaller than it looks, with huge chunks of it inaccessible due to it being gated off, only real "cities" are about 2 blocks large, despite being so small, it's still empty.
Considering the development time this game had from its inception, as well as the budget, there's really no excuse for it. I deleted it off my PS4 despite preordering the game AND the season pass. It's just not worth the space.
When you think about it, this is just like the 90's, except the exact opposite.
It used to be said that computers had to play catch up when a console was released, which explained why Phantasy Star II, released at launch, and IV, released during the Genesis' prime, are so different in terms of music, graphics, and computation.
But these days it seems that consoles are the ones that need to play catch up, and you do have to employ that strategy of releasing on PC first, then taking the time to scale it down to console so you can play something without serious frame drops and bugs.
>meh music
No. The music is fantastic. Also Aranea gets a little development, and I guess maybe Prompto does. And I'm not sure how anyone couldn't care about Iris. She was more likeable than Gladiolus and Prompto. I agree with everything else you said though. I don't think it was a bad game but it was a major disappointment and not worth revisiting.
I got the game around the same time I got Persona 5 and don't even know if I want to play it anymore after reading all of these threads.
If you already own it then just fucking play it and find out for yourself. You may very well like it.
Man, SE has really fallen off their direction.
Most of their games post-merger have been troubled.
It's worth a playthrough, but keep your expectations very low to not get burned at the end by all the squandered potential. The leviathan sequence and the Altissia bit preceding it is where the game goes to shit. Literally the best moments of the game are the opening hours when you're still naive and are expecting great things fromt he game.
These days, everyone wants a large, open play area, and it's hard to establish world building and character development when there's just so much of both.
That's why games like XV stick to fleshing out one or two characters.
XV proved that open-world wasn't even needed, especially not to that scale. The world is empty and riddled with frustrating invisble wall placements. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I would have been okay with smaller open area connected by loading screens in favor of a more fleshed story and characters.
Am I the only one who like the later portions more than the open world shit? The beginning parts were boring fetch quests, choosing between watching the car drive itself or sitting through lengthy load screens, having next to zero story, and very rarely doing a dungeon or something else worthwhile. They later portions are when the story started to finally take shape and the game cut the busy work and began to feel like an actual Final Fantasy (somewhat).
Hello there SE marketeer!
No pros what so ever.
am I only one who thinks if this game was in slightly more capable hands in terms of writing and combat it would be GOTY?
Well, the problem is that I was so turned-off by direction of the story during those later sections that I just wanted the game to end. In theory, though, I think you're right and I would have enjoyed the more linear sections if I was guided along by a good story. And fittingly for me, the opening hours with no story and just exploring sites were the best.
Well, you could consider selling it to someone else for an amount under the average market price.
Honestly despite being a mediocre game it was still one of the better ones I played last year. 2016 kind of sucked. At least Doom was good.
It dodged a bullet by not releasing this year.
Definitely. It would have sold well regardless but I can only imagine how bad it would have seemed releasing between Zelda, Nier, and Persona. Not to mention all the other good stuff that released. This year has been pretty crazy so far.
Story was actually kinda decent
It doesn't even have a story.
t. person who never played the game
It has a lot of faults, but claiming it doesn't have a story means you either never played it or you're literally retarded
we're alive!
lets celebrate by eating something dead!
When do you guys viably see the next mainline FF releasing?
Kamen Rider Amazon discussion is over /m/, user
2022 at the earliest.
It's the presentation that hurts the story. I never even fucking knew that Prompto's father was Verstael. HELL, I didn't even know who Verstael was, or how crucial of a role Ifrit played in all of it.
>These days, everyone wants a large, open play area
Honestly, I get the feeling that's a false perception by developers.
XV has massive problems, but i still played 100 hours and thoroughly enjoyed it
At this point, without the original team involved who established the series, it would be a better option to let it go.
the original team was done after 3 or 4
Who is Aranea?
I liked Iris more than Luna.
And the music is horrid, unless you're counting the ability to play old FF music.
No. It had the POTENTIAL to be decent. Taking it for what it is in-game, however, and the story is an absolute mess.
are you me
>Who is Aranea?
So you didn't play the game.
>the music is horrid
And you have shit taste.
Yes, I did. From start to finish. Doesn't mean I remember the name of every character. It takes me a couple of minutes to remember the names of the people who were active in your party. I literally don't remember the old guy who died's name, and when they said he was dead, at the time, I was like, "Ok. So who died?" I had to piece it together from the fact that the old guy disappeared that it was him.
I literally don't remember the name of Noctis's father, either.
How is it a mess? I played through the game, didn't watch any of the supplemental shit like the movie or anime, and I understood the story just fine. It's bare-ones, sure, but not a mess.
By the original team I meant key-members such as Sakaguchi himself and the likes of Nobou Uematsu.
FF's spirit went away when they left Squaresoft/SquareEnix. What remains of Square is all in name. Its no surprise FF games post their departure have felt off.
Nomura's XV
>the land is split between two mob factions warring over the magic crystal, Lucis, who worship the pantheon of death, and the Nilfgaard who worship the pantheon of life
>Noctis is the hotheaded playboy son of a ruthless mob boss who dislikes the idea of having to run it and deal with all the bullshit politics, and Stella is the daughter of the rival gang leader
>because Noctis suffered a near death experience together with Stella as children, they can use magic, and see & communicate with the dead
>because Noctis has the hots for Stella, her father proposes a treaty sealed by the marriage, but it's merely a ruse to kill Regis and steal the crystal
>betrayed and enraged, Noctis and his party of Lucis' top killers slaughter their way out of the city to take revenge and to get the crystal back, recruiting world class mercenaries/assassins on the way
Tabata's XV;
>it's two kingdoms at war now, they all worship "the six"
>Noctis is a whiny emo bitch
>Stella is now called Lunafreya and "the oracle". Noctis got sick as a child and she rear him a book and said he's "the chosen one", so we're supposed to feel bad when she dies with literally no other back story and Noctis becomes an even worse whiny emo bitch
>Noctis eventually stops being a whiny bitch when the rest of his boyband tells him to stop being a fucking faggot and suck it up
>Noctis goes to retrieve the crystal because something something eternal darkness something something demons unless he gets it
Please don't b8 "him" into coming here
The old guy who died and Noctis's dad were in the game for like 10 minutes and their names are rarely mentioned. It's understandable to forget their names. But Aranea is not only a boss fight, she also joins you for an entire dungeon, is in several cutscenes, and the cast says her name constantly. She probably has more screen time than Luna.
I like conjecture too user.
Versus probably would've been interconnected zones rather than wide open world. The combat would've been command menu based, which, despite not being the end all be all of ARPG combat, would still be miles better than what XV ended up having. And the OST would probably be full Shimomura rather then her just doing part of the OST and supervising the rest.
People think it's a situation where it was a simple director switch from Nomura to Tabata that ruined the game, but the reality is, Nomura's games are as tight as they are due to him having incredible people who would follow him wherever he goes. Mitsunori Takahashi, Tatsuya Kando, Takayuki Ohdachi, Shimomura, and Noijma to name a few.