Aliens in vidya

Which games do ayys justice?

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nothing by 343

The H2A Elites are great thogh

X-COM does ayys justice

Now post the elite design in Halo 4 and 5

The only good ayy is a dead ayy

Elites are still some of my all time fav, despite not having plaued a Halo game in over 10 years.

they just set a new standard for vidya aliens.

Destroy all Humans was a great game for cheeky 'little grey men' fun.

X com is good.

Why do people always make ayys so powerful. Especially compared to humans? I want a game where humanity isnt the underdog and more of a villain species

This, honestly. Humanity is no saint, nor is it at all conclusively proven that we're "Still good at heart." .

The answer to the Fermi Paradox is self-destruction, and anyone who passes that hurdle wants nothing whatsoever to do with us.

Because the first time we make contact with Aliens it's pretty likely that they will have been a space faring civilization for hundreds, if not thousands of years longer than we have.

my nigga

That wasn't 343

Citation needed. If space-faring races of the kind you're talking about were common, we'd have already run into several.

Either they're rare, uninterested in us, or just not there. The building blocks for all fucking kinds of self-replicating life (not just carbon based) are simply too numerous for this to be a universe of nothing more than us and some absentee landlord god(s).

pick one you fucking tasteless plebs

Definitely not those ones.

>Dude space gorillas LMAO


they are already here you just don't know about it, wake up

Halo 3 did make the brutes look creepier but they them and elites too short.

Aren't the monsters in BB just demons or some magical shit?

Trans dimensional beings. And the pic user you replied to posted isn't even an ayy, because that thing was an experiment made by the Choir.


40k I guess is what you are thinking of in the sense that all xenos must die.


Because any species intelligent enough to make interstellar travel possible is going to inevitably be considerably more advanced technologically and intellectually than Humanity.

>a game where humanity is more of a villain species

Pic related.

That's not an ayy, that's a human in a suit.

Is that any good?

Got my first Necron set today. I'm happy.

It's been literally almost a decade since I played it, but I remember playing it to the end, so it had to be at least somewhat good. Only problem I can say I had with it was that its plot was very generic for a 40k setting (Chaos comes and fucks shit up).

Not sure how well it holds up, but it IS on PC.

>Is that any good?

Reported to ADVENT, terrorist scum.

Protoss, Turians/Quarians

in all the game i play it's always a lone fuckers massacre legion of ayys. except strategy games.

It's not even close to following the lore (in the game a single Fire Warrior kills multiple squads of Chaos Space Marines) if that's something you care about.

Bloodborne in general.

>nobody will ever make a game where you play aliens, and humans are the bad guys, without it being shitty avatar tier nonsense

You fags would just complain it's SJW shit.

What Warhammer game follows lore anyway?

Hows the tabletop nowhere days? Had an imp 1k, might go to GW to play some time.

None, including the table top.

Even worse if there are a bunch of different space-faring alien races, and they didn't made any first contact because we don't have any thing of worth to them.
At best we're probably just like 16th century Africa, where a few of them do quick visits for the sake of adventure or weird taste in foods.


>He thinks they wouldn't enslave/exterminate us for our resources
I don't know why people believe the first Aliens won't be Imperialists.

Lemme see their spread ass cheeks and get a peek at their brown muffins.

It would be funny if they came here to preach us some sort of space religion, but they would glassed the entire planet the moment we rejected their teachings.

If you already solve ftl. you already solved energy problem. You dont even have to care about minerals because they are everywhere in space. Technological advancement and comfort also lessen people's, even animals' aggressivness. Fighting technologically inferior species still cost shekels. Why not simply sell the spacephone we made 1000 years ago for whatever thing we need and live like king?

Star Control

>Reach doing any justice

Fuck off

Not him but yes that was, they made the art.

>our resources
Yeah, they probably would plunder the rest of the planets in our solar system and steal all the best asteroids

They wouldn't even bother coming to Earth with that rich harvest

>implying some people wouldnt accept their space religion

Enjoy getting glassed, earthfags

Excellent taste user

Mass Effect Ayys are for fucking.
Halo Ayys fuck your planet.

It's like the first was designed by women and the second by men.

>implying halo ayys aren't for fucking

Halo races now exist in the Mass Effect universe with all their technology, what races would be on the council?

Orz are not *many bubbles* like *campers*
Orz is just Orz
I am Orz
I am one with many *fingers*


The only two that are even possible are the Prophets and the Elites. So it depends, is the Covenant a thing or are all the races separate?

>they come to out solar system to plunder the planets but leaves earth alone just to be nice
>not even bothering to hide since humans couldn't do shit to them
>ignoring all earth communication attempt because there's no profit to it
>butthurt earthling throws nukes to grab attention
>annoyed ayys shoved our moon on us with their space forklift

We're fated to be fucked if any ayys were around

I think the Huragok are intelligent enough to be worthy of being on the console

>Implying the covenant wouldn't take over the citadel

The covenant are the best aliens in any video game ever and you absolutely cannot refuse this.

If Halo races existed in the Mass Effect universe there wouldn't be a council since the Covenant would either wipe them out or subjugate them into the Covenant Empire.

I believe that was blur and Saber interactive actually

No more than the Hannar are

What "council"? You mean the Pathfinder?

>Elites and Brutes now exist in the Ass Effect universe
Literally everyone else have been degraded as manlets, no manlet can rule

Jenova a qt

No it wasn't, 343 even went out on one of their cannon fodders on how they made all of the art for the game that Blur and Saber used.

no, because MEA will sell like shit and ea will go back to milky way

>all these aliens
>they don't even play Frungy

What is even the point

>ME now has space samurais race and two space nigger races
How progressive

They couldn't have done all of the art though. Sabers job was remastering the entire campaign, if 343 did the art then what the hell did Saber do?

Mass Effect aliens are all just humans with weird heads

ea doesn't make the games, nigger

The real question is, which one's Fot?

Yeah they just tell BioWare what to do instead

They remastered the entire campaign but they used 343's art to do it. in HCEA all they did was reused Halo 3 and Reach art for that. No body wouldn't telling 343 to use H2A and HW2's art for Halo 6 if 343 didn't make it?

>implying they can't force bioware to drop andromeda

The red one, they're named Zoq, Fot and Pik left to right in the code

Nuh uh, there's also an elephant and a jellyfish, and a swarm of bugs.

Unsurprisingly none of those races is playable, recruitable or even appears on your ship, despite the bugs being potentially lined up as allies in the first game, because MUH THREE COLOR ENDING

I'm aware that 343 had a team to do lots of stuff for Hw2 (including the art) but in that scenario the other company actually had a game to build

H2A was just a visual upgrade on the same engine. So I don't understand what saber would have been doing. Just plunking in 343's remastered assets? I find it really hard to believe that 343 did every single part of the new visuals, they were working on halo 5 in that period.

Playing as the Vasari in Sins can be pretty fun. They're the only ones who essentially get instantaneous travel and they're absurdly OP because of it.

343 elites are fine, their armor is just shit. Reach elites are the opposite, they have god tier armor but the design under it is garbage.

Pic related. 4, 3, and reach, from left to right

Jackals and Hunters both achieved space flight on their own.

>Just plunking in 343's remastered assets
This is exactly what they did.

>they were working on halo 5 in that period
They had two separate teams, one working on Halo 2A with Saber, Certain, and Blur while the main team worked on Halo 5. The same team that worked H2A worked on HW2 with Creative. 343 is the largest studio at Microsoft, they have the man power.

Jackals and hunters don't have a language that can be translated though and a twin colony of worms will never get on the Council. Way too ugly. Remember the Council are petty fucks that only want the human shaped Ayys to be in charge.


because our most advanced military might gets completely destroyed by sandnigger technology from the 80s
>still using blades to fly
>spending thousands of $ per second to use a jet
Earth still has hundreds of countries while the fucking Internet exists, it's pathetic that we collectively allow this and realize that only war and destruction advances our species. The game would have to take place at least 10,000 years in the future for the possibility of mankind being evil galactic rulers and there's some rule that if it takes place too far from our time period people lose interest which is why most sci-fi games are only a few hundred years, infact I can't even think of one that hits the year 3000 besides Jap games.

343 elites are eating their own face,and they sound and act like Brutes

>wake up after a week of being in some ocean planet infested with ayys
>grab a cup of joe, go to the kitchen
>sit down, eyes barely open and take a sip of the coffee
>hear some weird tapping on the window
>look over
>its that fucking thing
>it starts chirping at you
What do you do, Sup Forums?

>recolored stock photo for a face
>does ayys justice

Any Star Wars game

>you won't never be a space fighter pilot
>never have a qt xeno mechanic repair your fighter between sorties
>she will never have a crush on you and leave good luck notes in the cockpit before your next launch
>she will never get your callsign confused and think you get shot down during a mission
>you will never see her face when you land again after all
>you will never stroke her head tails when she hugs you after you exit your fighter, not realizing they're erogeneous zones

Because that's dumb. Any civilization That has the technology to reach Earth already has the technology to completely automate labor, and in fact their entire Society in all likelihood. There's nothing Humanity could feasibly offer such a civilization that they would need to enslave us for it.

What about our dicks/semen?

>recolored humans




>spiky vagina


Why even live
