Gets invited to Valve HQ to talk about the future of Valve

>Gets invited to Valve HQ to talk about the future of Valve
>Gets called up by Gearbox to deal with the G2A shitstorm

Why him?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's the saviour of PC gaming

>same topic for 300 threads

Why you

you know the make a wish foundation? that was his wish

I remember when he ruined Planetside and Tribes Ascend.

Why not me?

>Why him?

He has a large audience and his primary focus is the PC. It's not that difficult to understand.

He's nothing but a fat pretentious asshole, I don't understand why anyone takes him seriously.

It's a real shame he went into remission.

>G2A shitstorm

What happened?

G2A is basically a marketplace for grey market or outright black market items. Best case scenario keys are bought in bulk from some slav shithole and resold cheaper than the US/Europe while turning a profit.
Worst case scenario keys are outright stolen (usually via chargebacks) and resold for pure profit. No sane developer likes that shit.
This is why when you buy something in a place that isn't an authorized dealer you get no warranty, except the vidya industry has nothing to leverage something like this and they're shit out of luck.

>those other fucking videos on the uploader's channel

pure fucking cancer

More like begging to be invited and annoy everyone. Why would anyone give a shit about someone not even that popular?

I see, so what happened that was related to Gearbox that TB had to step in to clear up?

well what they do in the case of buying keys with stolen credit cards is they revoke the keys and whoever bought them from the scammers has no recourse

which is why you want to make absolutely sure that discounted key is legit before you buy it

Gearbox was gonna release a special collectors ver. of Bulletstorm Full Clip om G2A.
TB tweets he gonna boycott all future gearbox games cause of this
Gearbox asks why
TB tells them of wtf G2A is and the stolen credit card stuff
Gearbox saves face by feigning ignorance and demanding G2A be more consumer friendly or deals off
G2A does nothing
Gearbox calls off deal

Anyone who has watched Mr show knows he has eminent death syndrome

Gearbox wanted to cut a deal with G2A for some shit. At this point I forgot what, but they wanted to work with them and obviously nobody liked this.
TB kicked up a shitstorm and Gearbox changed their mind

I just searched "total biscuit hopes fan gets cancer" and clicked the first video, I don't give a fuck

nope, just enough to post this response, clearly no fucks being given here..

lol, I could care less.

Gearbox partnered with G2A to provide a special edition of the Bulletstorm remaster on the latter's platform.

To anyone on the outside, it looks like Gearbox and G2A are basically setting up a protection racket against stolen keys. One assumes that G2A probably also gave Gearbox some pretty significant kickbacks too.

Jesus Christ gearbox are a bunch of fucking pussies. It's not like g2a is some sooper sekret black market place. 99% of the fucking keysellers on there are legit. I'll always buy from them or kinguin if they're cheaper than steam. Fuck paying full price for anything.


Can I get a quick rundown on Cancer Mantits?

Tribes ruined Tribes. Don't try and put that blame on him.

Not in this case, no.

Because he put in work and made a name for himself.


That Seanza guy was outed for ripping people off.

Ah, fair. I honestly don't much about TB, I just don't like his personality.

He's dying from cancer and different industry giants are pulling together to make him feel important in his last days

It's all out of pity

wasnt he supposed to be dead by now?
why is he still alive? cant he just stop ruining everything he touches already?

We merely adopted pc gaming, he was born in it.

>99% of the fucking keysellers on there are legit.

I don't believe that.

I have no stats to back it up but 3 out the 5 keys I've ever bought from G2A didn't work. They were cheap older games that I was buying from there due to region restrictions but still, that's pretty fucking shit.

What did he do to planetside?

The whole fps police steam group made him look like a real retard.

I almost don't buy anything that's not from G2A anymore and I've never once had a key not work or get revoked later down the line.

If its not during a steam sale I just go through GMG since they usually have decent deals, even at release. Better than playing russian roulette with scam sites.

You can literally email Valve and ask for a tour. I've done it.


>This is why when you buy something in a place that isn't an authorized dealer you get no warranty

That's what they have the G2A Shield for, right? Like a Pay2ConsumerProtection or someshit?

No, it made Valve look like a retard, because it exposed how Valve blocked "30 FPS" from being a tag.

Valve's using the retards and their retarded fanbase to get popularity.

Fuck Valve and Fuck TotalAttentionWhore. Two things that were decent and turned to shit.

who is this guy and why should I care?

he gon be ded soon dat y mang





He's got massive something alright.

G2A Shield is just a racket, I'm pretty sure if you refused the tax you'd have a pretty decent chance of getting scammed and the admins just shrugging at you

What is wrong with those tiddies?

Do you get to sit down with the heads of Valve in a conference room to talk about future changes that will be implemented to Steam?

its happened to my brother, they literally just give no reason and no answer on what to do.

So where are the G2A viral marketers to ironically call anyone who criticizes G2A a shill?

why is Sup Forums bullying tb now days, he'll be dead soon enough

Everything his wife lost went to him

but srsly chemo can do that to you, fucks your shit up hardcore. he needs to get out of the chair and exercise.

I've always paid the protection money on the few times I've used G2A because I was aware it's basically organised crime, I'm really glad that I did now

playing our cheap games

Why are people down on g2a? Ive gotten dozen of keys and only one game has been removed from my account because of stolen credit card. And that was months after i bought the game. Paying $15 instead of $30 is always a best idea scenario.

She's getting ready to find a better husband.

>people gaining weight from chemo

top laff

God damn what a weight lost. Why doesnt Boogie do the same?

He's famous for being a fat retard, what does he have left if he becomes a human being?

I honestly think he'd rather just enjoy the attention until his heart explodes.

She spent like 1.5 million dollars on him, doubt she wanted him gone, she and her son also had cancer soon afterwards, jesus christ are they living on a nuclear reactor or something?

Chemo does the opposite. It makes you lose weight fast.

Wtf Tbs wife and son also have cancer?

Her son had a couple, nothing serious as hers though, she got the goddamn uterus cancer if I recall correctly, besides all the anons shitposting about TotalButtsecks, that is fucked up.

Horrible genes, lifestyle and diet.
Basically, they did everything wrong.

Look at this shit:


> future of valve

Kek, and what nugget of wisdom did he depart with exactly?

Does he know if Valve will ever make games again? No?

Didn't think so.

>Paying $15 instead of $30 is always a best idea scenario.

If you want to be a cheapskate, sure. G2A actively fucks over smaller devs and publishers who can't afford to eat the chargeback costs.

A company like Ubisoft doesn't give a fuck. They'll just shrug and disable all of the keys on Uplay. On the other hand, devs like Unknown Worlds (the Natural Selection 2 guys) have been royally fucked over by stolen keys being resold. From their perspective, they're better off if you just pirate the game rather than purchase stolen keys off G2A or Kinguin.


How does it feel that he'll amount to more in his short life than you will in your long life.

Well now I understand why mom told me to eat my goddamn vegetables.

Her twitter, it was like 4 months ago so I won't search it for you, user.

>gynecomastia is weight gain

Common chemo drugs like methotrexate or ciclophosfamide have been known to induce gynecomastia

They had benign tumors but yes

Johns a nice guy who understands the world has different opinion and he has a lot of followers who agree with his. He said that steam will be consulting with a number of industry influencers to get their input on how it as a social and game recommendation platform should develop.

Also to answer your question about g2a, he was the only one to call them out publicly and this led to a big backlash against gearbox hence the fact he was involved.


This is why immigration is good, we need strong african seed.

>implying carrots and potatoes are healthy foods
>implying any person needs that amount of processed meat and cheese
>implying you'd buy several bottles of beetus juice for a guest

the kid's probably picky because he's been raised on processed fat, salt and sugar, that shit is crack for your instinctual monkey-brain

Preaching autism on the internet for faggot "gaymers" is not an accomplishment.

yes clearly he should be shitposting on Sup Forums instead

> muh 60 frames

Truly one of the great voices of our time

>All that frozen food

Jesus christ guy makes 10 times what I do and he can't buy a fucking steak or some goddamn ground beef, nope too much work gotta microwave it.

No, but I got to playtest some TF2 stuff and provide feedback. I didn't meet Gabe, but ate lunch with Robin Walker and a few other fairly high level devs you you might have heard of.

>75% of refrigerator dedicated to sugary drinks and butter
Also who here misses /comfyCrendor/ :(

You can chargeback for any reason. That would be a valid reason.

But I've boughten 100$s of dollars in discounted games from these types of sites and it always goes smoothly and quick

Like this guy said, , all he could come up with to defend himself was "I eat carrots and potatoes too".

There is no fibre in his diet, no wonder he got asscancer.

a PR stunt, of course.

I mean, they are game reviewers, people that think they know what makes a game good or bad yet have never made one. Their opinions are irrelevant for game companies in anything but PR.

>boughten 100$s

What's wrong with carrots, user?

>Why him?
because a lot people take his idiotic opinions as gospel

>He needs more fat in his diet
>Load your fridge up with things high in carbs and sodium

Stuff like yogurt, nuts, and eggs are high in fat, not fucking lunchables and food with dinosaurs on the packaging.

there's nothing wrong with carrots, but they're not amazingly good for anything except beta-carotenes and vitamin A

you can't just eat tubers, grains and processed meat/cheese, it's fucking horrible for your digestive system
you NEED to get some variety of plant food in there, especially greens, or you develop bowel cancer

I make a sick tomato, carrot and broccoli salad, guess that not enough greens.

When a company asks you what they can do to improve it and the only thing you can say is " put me in it " I think we can blame it on him.

He stole a contest away from the winners and proved once and for all, that TR are the biggest faggots.

good for you

>Gets called up by Gearbox to deal with the G2A shitstorm

I thought Randy Pitchford hated him after all that Gamergate shit.

Holy shit, that zinc deficiency

>i don't believe that

I've bought over 50 games from both G2A and Kinguin, and did so without their shield (refund thing). 100% worked. Same for my friends. Your either full of shit (like 99.999999% of anti-grey key cucks) or you're a supreme retard who bought keys from low rating sellers.