Japan's national game franchise is dragon quest

>japan's national game franchise is dragon quest
>burger's national game franchise is call of duty
how do we fix burger?

Other urls found in this thread:


Battlefield has been outselling cawadooty for years user. Even gears 4 outsold the latest call of duty

Is it really Call of Duty? Seems to me it'd probably be Doom.
>Still getting sequels or remakes
>Still highly popular
>Old as fuck
Or, if we're just talking about money, then it'd probably be Battlefield, right?

even if thats true, the question still applies

Did you forget about the monster that is grand theft auto? The sims? Fucking madden?

I know like 1 person who still plays call of duty. The series is practically dead.

>dragon quest
I would say Mario
dragon quest is just wizardry for retards anyway

Japan really likes CoD and Burger town really likes Dragon quest.


What data are you using to make these claims?

dragon quest always outsells mario in japan. you're pretty stupid, user

all of those games are the exact same thing

dragon quest is garbage tho

>being this retarded

Don't think things will change much from FPS being the norm in the west, unless we happen into the genre completely dying.

>just wizardry for retards anyway
Wizardry is a totally different type of role playing game. Dragon Quest is more akin to early years of D&D.

Also, what's up with the increase of Log Horizon post? Was a 3rd season announced?

Was Infinite Wardare that bad?

Is Madden 17 good or should I wait for 18? I just want to try being a normie and see if I end up happier.

They're all the same basic game. The yearly updates are basically $60 roster updates with some new shit added on.

>outsells mario in japan.
oh I forgot that sales numbers was an actual argument in the era neogaf my mistake
>totally different type of role playing game.
not really

dragon quest is literally THE game in japan. the only games bigger than dragon quest are mobile shit like puzzle and dragons and monster strike

you're an absolute moron

>sales numbers was an actual argument
Considering it's what is being discussed in this thread, yes it is part of the argument. Japan sales of Dragon Quest dominate Mario there.

As for Log Horizon getting another season, didn't think so, not after the author was found guilty of tax evasion.

>what's up with the increase of Log Horizon post
I think it's just you. All I've been seeing is Samurai Jack and Konosuba.

>Was a 3rd season announced?
fuck you, stop reminding me

>man who writes about economic solvency gets hit with tax evasion suit


I've seen a bit of those as well, but was just lurking a thread maybe an hour ago that had a fair amount of LH post.

Shit sucks, I know. We'll never get more Haurhi or No Game No Life either.

I know, right? He paid what he was due and apologized to fans and all, but there goes any Season 3, video games, or more improvements on the table top game.

Not that guy but I like it, the zombies is a fresh take on it without being overly complicated. Multiplayer is fine I guess but I honestly just got it for the cod 4 remaster

>tiny body
>full agility build
>still can't evade taxes

They are really different year to year man...
Go ahead and get 17. People will still be playing 17 a few years from now. The games hardly die out

>Comparing Log Horizon to those awful shitpiles
Tripfag, typical.

Eh, who knows. It still got to stay on an educational television channel and was allowed to pad out the episode length with unofficially published content from the writer, so anything's possible.

You have any special feelings towards Log Horizon, tripfag?

Its cuckoldfield, user.

I have a vast taste in anime, as I do video games. There's a lot of series I could go on to list that I'm annoyed we'll never get more of. Besides, I didn't come here for your acceptance.

>special feelings towards Log Horizon
I liked that it wasn't like every other "We're stuck in a video game" trope series. I liked the thought went into the characters, the world, and even the details of each of their classes and abilities, as well as the whole economic structuring of the world, something I enjoyed in series like Spice and Wolf and his previous work Maoyu.

I've never played Dragon Quest.

Oh FUCK. Burger thread.

kys underage

>I liked the thought went into the characters, the world, and even the details of each of their classes and abilities

That's pretty much the appeal of the series, and that the characters are mostly interesting and enjoyable.

Akatsuki best girl.

>I liked that it wasn't like every other "We're stuck in a video game" trope series
Wow, a story with different goals in mind is different from standard Isekai? What sorcery is that?

Europe's isn't CoD too? The answer is yes, it is; if you want to make a "Japan is the best country on Earth thread" you don't really need to disguise it like this.

>Generic FPS is America's national game symbol
>Generic JRPG is Japan's national game symbol

>Japan is the best country on Earth thread
I thought those were just joke threads. What retard would think Japan could ever deserve that title?

You're right

Europe is all about FIFA.

Where are the threads for any other country?

Actually Japans national game is mobile shit. Like kancolle, or granblue.

then burgers is angry birds and candy crush
and the japanese government or something officially stated that dragon quest in japan's national game franchise

>Both have garbage national franchises that are regurgitated en masse with little to no changes to the formula
>Only difference is weebs think their taste isn't complete trash

Even CoD kiddies have been getting bored with CoD. Weebs still slurp up the same old excrement with the same vigor as always. So the real question is, how do we fix weeaboos?

The answer is an hero now you faggot

>Europoors national game franchise is Fifa.
How do we fix Europoor?

It is, really? I don't know a single person who plays Fifa nowadays. Back in the day when I was 12, maybe.

Just looked it up, FIFA 17 has sold nearly 8m in Europe and barely 1m in NA. 17 sold 20% more in Europe than 16 did, so there's even more people playing it.

Show more explosions.

>8m in sales
They literally buy a new console just to pkay FIFA.

>bringing up sales numbers
>irrelevant to argument about popularity

>American game is manly military men fighting and dying for your country
>Jap game is cucked weeb fantasy encouraging young boys to fap to waifus instead of making their country great again

The real question is how do we fix Japan?

Watch Projared's april fools review of it. It may be for laughs but it's very much true for someone who's not a sportsfag going in.

It's a 'generic' JRPG because it's the original JRPG. Despite that it still has it's qualities you can only find in it (and Chrono Trigger/Blue Dragon but whateves)
>Toriyama's god tier art, inb4 'muh sameface'
>Koichi Sugiyama's god tier music
>Yuji Horii's solid as fuck game design, which makes NPCs matter and sound design matter.

Call of Duty and Battlefield haven't done anything for their genre, if anything they've devolved it. Halo at least has some artistry to it (before 343). Can you name a single name behind CoD that wasn't a shoehorned celebrity actor?

Mario is more popular in the west because of autists like Movieblob and Dobson

Doom is culturally significant to the US, especially with columbine, but what really makes a 'national game' is 2 things.
1. The game is made in that country.
2. Literally everyone and their grandma knows and plays it.
Battlefield is probably it, you have children playing it, teenagers playing it, women playing it, middle aged guys playing it. Hell I bet there's some old farts playing it too.

Too bad it's shit.

I've samefagged the last 4 posts because this is a really interesting thread and I don't want it to die ;_;

Fake news

What's the appeal of soccer management games?

DQ claims are something you can look at sales for over a VERY long period of time.

CoD is similar but has been on a decline the last few years.