Did normies ruin this series?
Did normies ruin this series?
I just beat it with my dad. He's a super casual, but we had fun together. I'm sorry you forgot the point of playing games.
Nah ds2 did
When will this meme die
The series didn't change.
You did.
Normies don't play Souls.
Demon Souls is better than every game after it. Bloodborne came close.
The game was never about PvP.
you're you fucking piece of shit. Bloodborne ruined dark souls 3 because miyazaki thought bloodborne style combat/fight mechanics should be put into the souls universe. It's so dumb. The only thing good about dark souls 3 is how good it looks.
Bloodborne is the reason normies got into the series in the first place.
Prove me wrong.
Unfortunately, any series with sequels coming out this quickly is going to decay. The games are all very good, but by Dark Souls 3 you can tell that things are being "streamlined", in the bad sense.
No but Sup Forums has this need to feel special and someone to blame for things changing over time. Blaming normies is especially good because there is no clear definition for the normie boogeyman.
No, the game it's difficult as always and the lore is still a thing very closed.
The only bad thing that you can say that it's possibly related to sell the game, its the linear progression. But everything else has nothing to do with normies.
>muh difficulty
>"praise the sun!"
Actually pc cucks ruined the series with their shit memes and casuals
No. From Software ruined the series by being a shitty developer. Three games later and they still can't figure out what made Dark Souls 1 good.
Ah, here's the sonybro, defending his honor. Quit being delusional. Bloodborne was a gateway for casuals to enter the series.
>the consolefag calls pc casual
I thought the fact that the games became so sucessful was the reason they got worse
Miyasaki didn't want to make anymore sequels for Dark Souls, thats why they got the B team to work on a sequel and just had him overlook it once and awhile while he spent most of his efforts on Bloodbourne which is consired one of the better games. Bandai just milked it
Direct sequels ruined the series. If they released a new souls-style game every 3-5 years with a different setting the series would be fucking amazing.
>often-recited and obscure catchphrase becomes known by casual fans
>solaire never actually says praise the sun
I wonder how many of those memeing fucks know this
How did that phrase became even popular?
ds2 is the best game in the series objectively. i get people preferring the story or setting of the other games, but mechanically ds2 is vastly superior to the others. the only reason people say otherwise and insist that miyazaki is some kind of genius is a meme started by one youtube video
BB > sotfs > the rest
the series was normie meme tier at dark souls, if anything it made the series better
>i get my ass kicked at pvp and i don't like it :((((
i bet you are one of those fags who disconnect when you get invaded. pvp absolutely makes the series what it is
Pic related I think
>spam R1: the game
>soulfags argue that there's actual depth to the PVE
it exists as a casual filter--a meme game thats known for its "difficulty"
the only worthwhile thing to do in these games is fuck with people via PVP
Played all the games and like em but I think they have their own individual flaws
DS1: The best imo with Bloodborne, but some of those bosses can be pretty bad. Bed of Chaos was just shit
DS2: Shit level design, shit graphics, and shit bosses. But the original armors and plot are good -- it helps to differentiate it from the first game.
Bloodborne: Chalice Dungeons could've just been used to spruce up the main game. Hell, the Chalice Dungeons were way longer than they needed to be. Weapon degradation was also pathetic
DS3: Re-used way too many assets from the previous games. I get that this is the finale and callbacks are appreciated, but there is such a thing as TOO MANY callbacks. Also PVP is way too bullshitty this time around, even for series standards.
Still mt #2 series of all-time
It couldn't possibly the gesture.
no it's not, stop using words you don't know the meaning of. the controls are horrifically clunky compared to even the first DaS let alone no3. the levels are just clusterfucks of enemies that are both a pain to fight or to run past, and bosses have retarded hitboxes.
anybody who says DaS2 is better than the other games is a pleb.
PCcancers ruined the series.
It's plastered all over the in-game world in meme notes expressing triumph and yes the gesture.
Ds2 was shit
>So many weak throw away bosses
>The downgrade
>The beginning classes were fucked just to make it harder
>B team thought adding a shit ton of enemies was what made the previous games difficult
>Life gems
>Worst level design out of all the games
>The same walking speed and animation when running around butt naked or rolling with the havel set
Nah because BB was great. From fucked up by continuing to make Souls games after DaS1 the same way.
DaS2 fucked up by being overall terrible and DaS3 fucked up by being mediocre and shoehorning BB pacing into a Souls game without the polish or overall design of BB.
I don't think so. What evidence would you use to suggest that they did?
The series normies REALLY fucking ruined was Elder Scrolls. That's really fucking high on my list of reasons for hating normies.
>ds2 is the best game in the series objectively
>worst level design ever
>worst art design ever
>broken hitboxes
>80% of bosses are fuckin trash or are horribly designed
>80% of enemies are humanoids in armor
>bonfires are everyfuckinwhere
>lore is utter garbage and almost completely forgotten by the sequel
having the best pvp and a decent build variety isn't enough to make it good, it's still fuckin bad for a Souls game.
And yes, DS3 has its flaws, but it's miles better than DS2, objectively.
I think the issue with every Souls game after 1 is the difficulty design. DaS1 wasn't even hard if anything i died less during it then any other Souls game around 30-40 times at max on my first playthrough. Bosses are simple and super easy to trivialize be it shields or poise and alot of weapons flat out destroy bosses especially the BK ones.
The reason i say this is because the idea that it was hard is what hurt DaS2/3 so much. From felt like they had to design all these lack luster situations with groups around trying to make the game hard to recapture this feeling that was never there for anyone with half a brain. Also out of those 30 or so deaths atleast 50% of that was to the Anor archer and Bed of Chaos hardly anything that wasn't a gimmick.
Yes, yes you did.
DS1 PC port killed the series. It brought in a wave of cancerous memers, eCeleb youtubers, and general mustard race shittery. The difference in the community pre / post 2012 is shocking.
Do the "DS2 is best game" guys just forget about soul memory and ADP? Or breaking your weapons on the first boss if you didn't swap to club ASAP? Or the really haphazard enemy placement along with relatively dull and annoying map design? I get that the DLC's were pretty neat, but they really suffered from all these problems as well.
DS2 was really bland the dlc was the redeeming factor
fuck off reddit
Blame the NEVER EVER shitposting
>no arguments
>let's shitpost because that's what retarded niggers do
Depends what you mean by ruined the series.
The gameplay of the series was ruined by a focus on PvP.
The online communities were ruined by porting to PC.
>you're you
>Did normies ruin this series?
No SonyNiggers ruined it by overhypering Bloodbore which in turned dragged Dark Sous down with it.
the series is absolute fucking quality except the sequels, and the sequels were a bad idea from the very beginning anyway
demon's souls, dark souls and bloodborne are kino
keep in mind that bloodborne was made after dark souls 2 and the dip in quality in the series has always aligned with sequels coming out opposed to becoming progressively worse with each game as they became more popular
im 100% sure that's taylor swift on the right.
>vastly superior
When thinking of the ds2 setting one must ask themself:
>Do i like fat sasuage stuffed looking excuses of shit replacinf hollows?
>Do i like copy and pasted flat images as background atmosphere?
>Do i like the color brown?
If so, then congrats, you are elligible to enjoy the view of ds2
>running up to an enemy and R1 until it dies
>block or i-frame when it attacks
Trust me, PVP spiced things up to a rather bland and boring game.
>implying DS2 wasn't the most colorful of the Souls games (except maybe BB)
PC unironically killed the series.
More like
>Am I a strwaman faggot?
>anyone other than normalfag casual scum enjoying this utter filth
monhun players hated you from the start
especially you red head loving borne playing faggot
>running up to an enemy and R1 until
>block or i-frame when it attacks
Damn, this is simply epic. It's not like every single game can't be reduced to:
>press button 1 to attack enemy
>press button 2 to avoid getting hit by enemy
The game being balanced around PVP made everything boring. Twitch streamers and """fight club"""" communities made the series shit.
t. buttblasted mustard who can't play Bloodborne
but pretty much everyone accepts that bloodborne is fantastic, so what do you mean by "down" when you claim that bloodborne and dark souls were dragged there? down to being considered excellent games?
Are you saying there are other colors in Bb besides black and grey
>liking Monster Hunter
Normies are the reason why the series even continued past Dark Souls 1
>This is what the Sonybro believes
There might be a huge casual market on PC. But there is simply no such thing as a non-casual, non-normie console exclusive gamer.
>eCeleb youtubes and cancerous memers
>He honestly believes there isn't a 90% overlap of console gamers and these two things
Toppest of keks, sonyfriend.
monster hunter is an autistic grind series
There's a lot of blue and red due to the chromatic aberration.
Miyazaki DIDN'T want to work on a Dark Souls sequel or expect their to be one he went on to work on another project that he was more passionate about which was Bloodborne
red, purple, green
I just remembered I still haven't got the DLC for DS2. Those theorycrafting threads before it landed were interesting.
>Miyazaki DIDN'T want to work on a Dark Souls sequel or expect their to be one he went on to work on another project that he was more passionate about which was Bloodborne
Bloodborne was Studio Japan telling From Soft to make them a game. It wasn't Miyazaki's idea.
Alright, fair enough
>The guilty pay the price is STILL the best quote in the franchise
Hey guys lets all watch the new game theory that the shit stained autistic headphone wearing faggots will pretend they know the games even a little bit along with mattpat himself and prepare ourselves for the wave of shit and snot that the shitty game theory will bring forth
>when the frail of heart joins the fray, the hunter becomes the hunted!
would like a word with you
>implying "a truer shot was never loosed" coming from the hulking giant who had just sat unmoving for years, having brushed the magnitude of dust from his own body, just to grab his bow, stretch his stiff limbs, and pull without the aid of sight, only using the slight sound of wings flapping to obtain a direct and beautiful hit upon Kalameet isnt the best quote in the series
>tfw stake diver was shit
I don't think the quote was that great but that was one of the best cinematic sequences in the game
2010: .........
Mid 2014: I didn't want it anyway.
2015: ......
No, bamco did
>tfw stake diver was shit
Not him, but yeah I really really wanted the stake driver to be a good weapon. There aren't many bad weapons in Bloodborne but that's one.
>CoD kiddies and fans looking forward to the Demons Souls sequel share the same platform so they must be the same audience!
absolutely fucking retarded.
the only real eCeleb was ENB who only did DeS lore and he wasn't a flaming autist like 90% of the PC PvPfags out there.
That is bad and sadly the lack of hyper armor makes wheel and kirk hammer bad as well.
Normies undeniably ruin everything
the wheel is good if you spec it out with the right gems and use the triple attacks (flat elemental damage x3)
>>CoD kiddies and fans looking forward to the Demons Souls sequel share the same platform so they must be the same audience!
>DS1 PC port killed the series. It brought in a wave of cancerous memers, eCeleb youtubers, and general mustard race shittery! i.e The entire PC community did this!
Really makes me think.
Either way hes mentioned in an interview that he wanted to step away from the dark souls series and work on something new
>PS3 series
>sequel on 360 didn't kill it
>same game released on PC a year later killed it
wow, really makes ME think
More twitch streaming and easier access to recorded gameplay with which to meme out with.
Isn't the wheel supposed to be god tier if you play an ARC build? I've seen people say that, at least, although that doesn't make it true. I've never played an ARC character.
You clearly weren't around when the series started to see how the fanbase changed over the years.
When only Demon's Souls was the focus there were tons of actual discussion and memes was kept to a minimum. Fans were actually interested in finding things out about the game, helping each other and discussing lore and shit.
It wasn't until Dark Souls 1 was released when the community started going downhill with the abundance of "git gud" and other stupid memes, and it only got worse when the PC port came around.
In other words no other Souls game ruined the community more than DaS1 did.
DeS >= DaS > DaSII > Bb > DasIII
The series got worse with every entry because of the relentless normie memers. All are still 4-star games at worst but still.
How does it feel to not be self-aware?
Lack of hyper armor is still shit.
You should try an arc build that only uses that alien arm and arcane tools. It's the most different playstyle in the game.
>Demon's souls first
Good taste
>>same game released on PC a year later killed it
Define "kill."
I know you'll probably deny it, but this is almost a perfect timeline of sonybro Sup Forums behavior.
>Any fanbase
>Being more cancerous than the Sony fanbase
Go around, ask anyone, just which fanbase is the worst. The entire community is in almost unanimous agreement that the sonybros are the absolute worst.
>DS1 has limited message options
>Praise the Sun kinda fits for a triumpf moment
>people use it and spread it everywhere
>Solaire is a popular character because he helped shitters beat Gargoyles and OandS
There you go.
Praise the Meme was inevitable.
So dancing around for five hours before getting backstabbed while the guy was a mile in front of you is your idea of not being "bland and boring"? Because PvP was always the worst part of the game, even all the back back to DeS. There is only so much laggy Scraping Spear and Plague Dagger you can take.