What are some good vidya with satisfying swordplay?
I've already played the shit out of MGR, Dishonored 1 and 2, Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, Die by the Sword, and various Ass Creed titles. I crave further swordan gaems.
What are some good vidya with satisfying swordplay?
I've already played the shit out of MGR, Dishonored 1 and 2, Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah, Die by the Sword, and various Ass Creed titles. I crave further swordan gaems.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yakuza Kenzan and Ishin
>die by the sword
Trust me. You'll thank me later.
Should have specified, PC only. I don't have any current-gen consoles, just a PS3 right now.
Is there a single WRPG with good swordplay?
I played Witcher 3 but it was tolerable at best. Everything else I tried is unplayable.
Dammit, I'm almost installing MGR again.
Holy shit, this filthy earth will never see another game this awesome.
Buy a PS4 and Nioh.
Mount and blade, Chivalry, Witcher 2, Gothic, Dark Messiah and Savage. Just from my Steam library.
I never played MGR but I can only guess it's similar to most of Hideki Kamiya games. You will probably enjoy Bayonetta, DMC, Scalebound ;_;...
For Honor is actually good but if you're not super into the multiplayer aspect of it there's not much in the way of Singleplayer. There's a campaign but it's like 5 hours long.
There's a lot of negative press about the game but the actual swordplay is really fun.
Ninja Gaiden motherfucker
Gameplay to illustrate my point.
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Lmao no
>that video
>same combo over and over until it isn't parried
Monster Hunter, you can emulate p3rd and experience the coziest MH game ever. Kinda easy for a MH game though.
Shadow warrior. It's pretty good
Better than a lot of games OP mentioned.
Unless you think that Assassin's Creed's hold RT and press X swordplay is better.
Jedi Academy beats all of those. Not swords but close enough, and it's the best melee weapon combat system in any game imo
Mount & Blade Warband is my second favorite and generally what most people think is the best
then there's Chivalry
then there's Blade Symphony
I'd also argue Witcher 3 has some pretty damn fun sword play. but everyone else will say I'm trolling.
I think you're looking for action games rather than RPGs. The best RPGs have turn-based combat.
No but I think Dark Messiah, Arx Fatalis and Die by the Sword are better. Add Mountain Blade to that list as well.
The video you think shows how cool and exciting For Honor is is boring. parry bash kick slash over and over again
Yeah they will because there's no actual "Swordplay". It's a great game altogether but the combat is at best weak, at worst horrible and weird, exploitable gimmicky weirdness.
>60 dollars
>shit ton of micro transactions
>shit ton of emotes
>paying for animations
>shitty net code
This topped the biggest disappointment by ubi that I had in a while. I anticipated this game months prior, practically playing darksouls from excitement.