Tfw you can't play as the helghan, rightfully fighting to take back your planet

>tfw you can't play as the helghan, rightfully fighting to take back your planet

>tfw you can't play as zeon, rightfully fighting for your right as an independent people

>tfw you can't play as a German soldier, rightfully fighting for the sake of your abused country

Why is it this way bros? I mean these games practically right themselves. Even throw in some philosophical garbage about how your motivations are right and pure but egomaniacs in charge are doing horrible things to achieve it and your character/cast must come to terms with it.

>tips stallhelm


>can't play as zeon
Zeonic Front

whatever, dead cyclops all look the same anyway

I meant it as a game

>Even throw in some philosophical garbage about how your motivations are right and pure but egomaniacs in charge are doing horrible things to achieve it and your character/cast must come to terms with it.

Nice try but given gaming press right now, they'd write off as "hate speech" games and blacklist it from everything. Look at what they did to anything featuring the Confederacy.

helghasts did nothing wrong

ISA and Helghast are both the bad guys.

>mfw you cant even put the name of the game in your op


ISA are the bad guys
when helghasts realised they fucked up they tried to stop
ISA went holocauster space tycoon mode

ISA want to genocide all Helghans, Helghast want to genocide all ISA/humans/whatever the fuck

They're both BAD

but in the Helghan's case, their aggression was waaaay more justified.

>I-it was about State's rights!

>what is justified retaliation
The ISA deserved it.

Seriously, are you aware of what they did to the helghast?

Which is sad. Unlike what this retard thinks, , 95% of Confederate soldiers never owned a slave in their life.

Sure they didn't give two fucks about blacks and their condition but to them, it really was about stopping the expansion of the federal government

>tfw you're too stupid to Google helghast, zeon, or Germans

Please kill yourself

Actually googled helghast before i posted the comment and got nothing. Neck yourself you fucking stupid cuck

Okay I was joking before. Seriously kill yourself and refrain from tainting the gene pool

>Even throw in some philosophical garbage about how your motivations are right and pure but egomaniacs in charge are doing horrible things to achieve it and your character/cast must come to terms with it.

That's not the case though. Have you even played the games? Helghan is 100% in the right and were EXTREMELY lenient on ISA for far longer than what would be reasonable.

This isn't even "Hitler did nothing wrong!" shit, Helghan literally is justified in every single action.

Neck yourself seioiusly just kill yourself and neck yourself cuck. Literally kill yourself like literally


Yes but in later games at least, and even to a small extent in the first one, the idiotic leaders of helghan commit inhumane atrocities, even against their own people.

Don't misunderstand me, I agree with you. The helghan people are the justified ones imo.

>the idiotic leaders of helghan commit inhumane atrocities, even against their own people.

Not a single thing they did was worse than what the ISA did to Helghan. They were ready to take the risks.


>t.brainwashed yankee

How's the Animal Farm, dawg?

Killzone 2 remastered on PS4 when?


Yes but this isn't a comparison. Both sides did some terrible things. ISA was definitely worse and they instigated it.


i missed out on KZ2 MP glory days.