Wtf i love omnics now

wtf i love omnics now

>Start a war
>Whine when you lose

Why the fuck build a sentient robot race with human emotions at all then if you're knowingly going to treat them like shit.

They didn't build them with human emotions intentionally. It was AI going all divergent evolution and sheeit

Better yet, why build robots and not include a kill switch?

>Robot AI thought it was best to become like their creators

Is Ana folding her arms to hide her erect granny nipples from Jack?

Actually the Anubis virus controlled all of the omnics to start the war.

Anubis was just one of the "god" AI's that took over Omnic production facilities (Omniums) and took control of omnics that were created from there or were left abandoned after many of the Omniums closed down. There was no virus.

Lmoa confederacy

>Mercy gets gangbanged by Omnics while Torbjorn and Reinhardt are forced to watch

This is what will happen during the event.

>If we just cover our eyes and plug our ears while we keep pretending that refug-OMNICS have it bad that means we're the good guys

They did its one of the major reasons the super AI's took over the production plants so fast so they could remove that feature.

Its more than that. AI and omnics were treated pretty ok until the super AI threw shit at the fan. After the war no one trusts them. The first mental hurdle is to shift blame to the super AI's that basically mind controlled them. People cant wrap their head around the idea of not blaming the thing that shot you. From there they are scared that another super AI could take over the omnics again and throw more shit at the fan. Why keep a gun in your drawer when it could get up one day and shoot you?

These mental hurdles are why omnic rights and how they are treated vary from place to place some cultures have forgiven / let bygones be bygones and others have not. In England case in the modern real world they are already a big brother state that tries to utterly control anything "dangerous." Its not a stretch to think that they would react like this.

Send all the omnics to the moon let the monkeys deal with their shit.

>manga carta
Fucking weebs

I want these old war skins. They better fucking add them in. Mercy is cute as FUCK.

Do Omnics explode?

>"Oh robots have rights now, and I build a billion of them and they all vote for me, I win :)"

The gorillas are probably already building nukes to nuke earth. They are hostile as fuck to humans. If anything they would just hi five the omnics and build them a spaceship with lasers so they can come back down and kill more humans.

>it's a blizzard does thinly veiled leftist allegories episode

>Robots as a metaphor for marginalized classes

Oh, hun.................. should we tell him?


Germany did it


Well most not all but most of the omnics that fought in the war were unwilling. They were straight hacked and taken over by the various super AI.

If anyone is to blame for the omnic war besides the super AI that started it its the creators/inventors of the omnics not making good enough built in security and the security companies not staying ahead of the curve and doing their job to keep the omnics safe. I mean fuck before the ware omnic cyber security was big business and they literally failed at their only job which ended with the omnic war.

>genocide an entire continent


it's fucking orcs all over again.

>Humans make tractors and bulldozers to make their jobs easier
>Didn't give them citizenship

Humans are shit tbhfamalamadingdong

>I was just following orders

Yeah not a fucking argument.

Good of Einstein to say that when he was a non-combatant. I'm sure he knew a lot about what those people went through.

>only war criminals should be able to judge war criminals


Except in this case that "conscience" was literally deleted and replaced. In the case of the ones produced by the super AI they weren't there at all. Each super AI could only control so many omnics at a time depending on the complexity of the AI those omnics had. So the once mass produced for war had rudimentary learning AI so that individual units could adapt to sudden changes and new weapons but beyond that were blank slates to be controlled. It wasn't until after the war that they really "woke up." Its like punishing a child for what his father did.

entry rhuthun

that's exactly what the nuremberg trials were

I still love that all the research that showed that humans are predisposed to follow orders and that when an authority figure is in sight most of us WILL near blindly follow orders was so suppressed because it challenged the idea that all nazi's were bad

Nigga even Patton saw the error of his ways.
Shame he died in a (((car accident)))

Never mind the actual war crimes of the allies, up to and including the denial of visas to Jewish refugees, the raping, pillaging, and burning of Germany, and the tribute of Eastern Germany to the Soviet genocide artists

I get it.

>Soviet Genocide Artists
If pic related is to be believe then the Bolsheviks were fucking kings of gruesome torture and genocide.
Even better than them Nahzee's

>I still love that all the research that showed that humans are predisposed to follow orders and that when an authority figure is in sight most of us WILL near blindly follow orders was so suppressed because it challenged the idea that all nazi's were bad

What the fuck are you talking about, it's taught pretty wildly in universities. We had a whole unit on it in our Intro to Psych course.

mean't for (You), buddy. Enjoy

And the mass bombings of supply lines that starved the concentration camps

Yes now much later. When the research was just coming out it was ignored, hushed up and out right challenged as fake.

It was also the first real research into ideas that humans weren't completely in control and many did not like that. Humans hate the idea that we can be controlled by chemicals in our brain and their balances. Back then anything that suggested anything other than complete free will was heavily scored like most new research in the sciences. Now a days its accepted because its had time to stew and more and more research piled up to the point that we couldn't just ignore it any more.

>do the jobs people didnt want to do
Kinda hard to compete with things that will operate an industrial waste disposal plant for 2 9 volts and a quart of oil a day.

Patton was just butthurt that the war was over and he wasn't relevant anymore.
>I can totally beat these Soviets I swear!

Robo-racism feels like probably the laziest way to introduce conflict into a setting with AI.

Like you've got sentient creatures who don't need to act or behave anything like humans do... and you make them biped humanoid individuals who (apparently) reproduce in a similar enough way as we do to suffer from class discrimination and are motivated by the exact same things humans are. Just so you can make a lazy "racism is bad mkay" statement that's not even particularly fleshed out enough to be applicable to the real world.

>you make them biped humanoid individuals
I didn't like it until I read I, Robot. Then I was like "yeah, we have thousands of tools made for humanoid use, it makes sense for a farmer to buy a bunch of vehicles and one humanoid robot that can operate each of those vehicles when necessary, or even maintain them with a wrench and a screwdriver".

>We will never have the technological advances NatSoc would have brought us for another hundred plus years.
I swear to God I can't wait for the day WW2 is more than just 'nazis bad kill 800 gorillion jews for ABSOLUTELY NO RAISIN'

>Implying we couldn't
We had more Naval ships and men in the military ready to kick some rotten jew-commie ass than we have deployed currently.
Russia was already on the ropes after getting fucked by Hitler and was only saved by Winter fucking over German equipment and men and having to fight a two front war after disabling and leaving alone for NO RAISIN LOL RIGHT? Great Britain.
We could have easily gotten to Moscow in fuckin weeks invading thru China.

Patton just had the generic military mindset "complete given mission, assess result after completion" which is the fault that every modern military force still continues to possess

And because of this he only realised what they had done after germany was kill

>We had more Naval ships
That's so important in a land-based war, you know.
>Russia was already on the ropes after getting fucked by Hitler
Red Army was better equipped and way better trained in 1945.
>was only saved by Winter fucking over German equipment and men
Which happened because Hitler's blitzkrieg failed. Which, in turn, happened precisely because of the underestimation of Soviet military strength, similar to one demonstrated by Patton. "We rolled over half of Europe, we are ubermensch, they're Asiatic savages and won't be a threat." Whoops.
>having to fight a two front war
Battle for Britain wasn't even a land war and the actual second front only opened long after it was obvious Germany lost and the only question in the air was "how will the new Europe look".

>omnigger sympathizers
fuck off, it's people like you who are ruining King's Row. There are too many of those... things in my city and now even our women are starting to fuck them. How the fuck am I support to compete with omnic dick?

>magna carta
>holding any power except as a historic relic

jesus christ, hamfist more with the refugee reference please you fucking SJWcunts

What's the Omnic monk's argument of not going rogue because of a super sentient AI virus again?

>Why keep a gun in your drawer when it could get up one day and shoot you?

This is a very good question indeed.


they're robots
fuck them

Kill Every Refugee