>I trust my teammates
>and they trust me
What did he mean by this?
>I trust my teammates
>and they trust me
What did he mean by this?
>Kapkan sets traps at eye level
>frost places welcome mats miles away
how do you screw up playing trap characters?
Did I step back in time to February 2016?
He means
>that player that doesn't barricade walls
>that player that barricades walls between the two bombs
Fuck you
> me irl
>Speak slav
>Kapkan means bear trap >sometimes with fucking say look out for "Kapkan"
>people will think frost traps
T. Someone with low situational awareness
>setting the EDD in the main entrance of Bank
>no one ever sees it against the red carpet
So when do those new chink operators come?
>set up an EDD near the hatches above the objective
>hearing an explosion in the distance
Kapkan is great
could they make an operator like kapkan but its a motion sensor?
Sometimes I do it at eye level because they are obviously going to expect it when they see you have a Kapkan
even then I don't do that since they could just crouch under it. I just try to place them in spots most people are not gonna check and just run in.
>mfw I got a double kill with an EDD and won the game
They were looking for the last defender instead of just planting the defuser
I love kapkan too. Here's a neat trick: if you place your traps in a red room the lasers turn invisible :)
Sometime in may
The thing with traps is good people know where all the good places are, and since you don't really need traps to kill bad people, you end up putting shit in really stupid places
I usually end up with more trap kills for when I just put them in random places in rooms where I expect gunfights to break out.
>tfw too intelligent to put down the heartbeat sensor
>hunting most your life
>tfw join Spetnaz
>tfw you were at Beslan
>tfw get to join Team Rainbow
>Get an Asian waifu who also likes to hunt
The problem with Frost traps is if you place them right around the main point you're defending they're just gonna get fused or grenaded. It's generally best to try and snag a sucker at one of the main windows or doors people use to get into the building
>All the Asian chicks are taken
Who is Hong Kong one being claimed by?
Is Rook the THICCest operator?
by Smoke since apparently she might have toxic mines
why are siege threads so comfy?
fuck off ts shitter
Hey buddy, i think you've got the wrong door
>First 3 armor female operator
I need more art of her
Honestly, 2/3 of your Frost traps should be off site. Everyone expects there to be one on site so often now, it's practically second nature to look down when you swing into any window or vault over anything. What they don't expect is to enter a random window half the map away and find one, and that's often when they get careless. Even just in nearby rooms works a lot better. I'd say leave one one site still though, because if time gets short, that's when people start making mistakes and falling for obvious shit.
If you've gotta put them in obvious spots, try and do them a little weird like off to the side or around a blind corner. Sometimes in the middle of cluttered rooms is great too, between things like tables and other obstacles. My personal favorite is to have a teammate make an impact hole between too rooms at a fairly high level, then I put a mat below that in case enemies try to use it.
Say it with me
/vg/ is for faggots
Anime name?
This art woulda been better if Thermite's goggles weren't transparent
I was thinking about picking this up, I tried it a while ago and thought it was alright. Starter or standard?
The siege general taught me that /vg/ is a board where you cannot have nice things
I just bought this game and placed at gold 4. Is that good?
Why would the guns in storage be loaded?
then the joke wouldn't be funny
Probably but I think a lot of what makes those funny is the eyes on the dude
Around average i'd say
buy starter edition, unlock two operators, then refund it and get the normal edition
Here you go fampai.
Mira is the smallest op in the game shes like 5'4
In standard operators cost 500 renown, as you buy operators the other operators of that CTU increase in price. So if you bought Twitch, the next GIGN operator you buy would be 1000, and so on.
In starter every operator costs 12,000 renown. It's designed to get you to buy shit, don't fall for it
Why not?
Read her fucking profile
What the hell was ubisoft thinking Hibana is a literal anime character
Post your best siege memes
Co-incidentally, whats the best way to deal with roamers?
i bought the starter edition and i regret it dont be stupid like me
Learn popular roaming spots, use your headphones for sound cues, always be watching your back, never go into a room without aiming and checking the whole place
t. Chronic roamer
His gun is also super fucking good
Am I the only one who loves playing Buck? That masterkey shotgun is OP as fuck.
>Tfw always drops matts behind the portable shields
>Can't see the floor right behind it, nobody wants to waste a grenade to blow it up so they don't have to climb over
I love those shields mainly because they work as a perfect trap just by themselves. Just drop it in a doorway and wait around a corner watching it for some hapless bastard to try to climb over
Buck is absolutely top tier, I fucking love him, you're not alone
>not knowing how to counter shield+trap
Spoken like a true silver
Buck is highly picked in pro-league matches for a reason
Frost is love
Nobody usually does is the point
It's in the file name you nerd
Why is she never picked in Pro-league matches?
Wouldn't she be useful for making the Attackers look down when entering rooms?
I love siege but the esports suck
Feels like ubisoft made the starter edition just so people can say just buy the standered edition.they know its a scam
how so?
At major tournaments you see her picked once or twice. The problem is at high level play she's completely countered by them knowing how to deal with her traps. Like you don't have to look straight down and if an attacker is rushing due to time they're already probably at a disadvantage anyway
It's like Malphite in League of Legends. At one point he was the top picked champion in every role at Bronze level because in Bronze no one knows how to teamfight and when to go in. Malphite's ult is a big fucking OK WE'RE FIGHTING NOW RETARDS signal and the enemy team is full of people who can't dodge it. At high level people can dodge it easier so he's not picked
Which one? His arsenal is pretty good overall.
I always preferred his rifle so much I never bothered with his other guns
They're really boring to watch, for the most part. The game is fun as hell to play, but watching it is like paint drying.
>installing game
>ultra hd texture pack takes up more space than the actual game
I only just built my pc, is this shit normal?
Don't bother installing them unless you have a tank of a PC
One of them found ammo in an adjacent room.
*blocks ur path*
who /SAS/ here
jesus christ
Yes, Siege's Ultra HD textures are a huge file size, it's like that for everyone. It also drastically increases your loading time before each match & round, unless you install it to an SSD. Then, you'd have >50 GB of your SSD dedicated to just one game, and it's getting larger and larger with each DLC pack every three months.
Shooters are not exciting to watch, at all.
When Cav uses her silent step she isn't detected by Jackal, she is the direct counter to him
Arent the panties supposed to be over the stockings so you can take them off