When was the last time a AAA game got roasted this badly?

When was the last time a AAA game got roasted this badly?

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>Sup Forums review bombs a game because it has brown people, gay romances, and a tranny

I didn't know Sup Forums had people in game "journalism"

>giving Sup Forums boogeyman cred
You think this board can cooperate like that?

Destiny 2 will be in the 60's. Save the date. I've got inside information.


>Destiny 2 will be in the 60's.
Impossible. That would mean it would have to be worse than the first game at launch. Which would quite possibly be the biggest video game blunder ever since Bungie more or less fixed Destiny at TTK release.


Probably Mass Effect 3.

Post yfw
>Bioware and Gearbox will be gone before the end of the year


>first post shit post




Let's have sex

>tfw unironically miss 1.0

the world needs a day of the rope

literally kys, there were zero (0, ZERO) redeeming factors about 1.0 FFXIV

It's going to be worse than the first at launch. There is only going to be one planet, earth at launch.

at this rate it's going to have to be the year of the rope

I don't believe you.

Bungie would not fuck up that badly after how badly Destiny 1 launch was shit on by virtually everyone.




lmfao it's 70 now?

When were you when Bioware was finally dead?

It can only get better from here, while Bioware it's probably the dev that has caused the biggest amount of shitstorm this decade hopefully this can serve as lesson to all devs about what happens when you keep doing the same shit over and over even though your past game was incredibly divisive among fans.

Next one is probably bethesda.

>Next one is probably bethesda.
If Fallout 4 can still get decent scores Bethesda can get away with murder.

Literally untouchable.

>I blame everything that happens which I dislike on Sup Forums

Boy, sounds an awfully lot like Sup Forums blaming the Jews in here.

Have you not seen the animation quality my man

Why's that? Biowares New IP is going the post apocalyptic route with an actual open world.

I knew EA payed people to shill their shit here, but I didn't know they payed people to get upset on their behalf.

usually yes but this time, this time Sup Forums was right

Mainstream reviewers still sucked its dick.

The last AAA to get predominantly negative reviews was RE6.

Does Halo5 count? or did no one actually care it was shit?

Sup Forums doesn't have any power on metacritic you fucking clown

Not a chance. Normalfags may complain but they still buy the shit.

>anarchist who lives off welfare
>has access to the internet, mist likely with an iPhone
Why are leftists such hypocrites?

They don't think. Seriously. 30 seconds of clear logical reasoning would turn their entire life around but they're simply incapable.

Halo has been extremely irrelevant since 4.

day of the rake when?

Thaum was an actually interesting class in 1.0

ME3 got like 90's across the board by reviewers.

what are user reviews?

>gay romances

No man's sky

This. My friend complained about the Wildlands demo non-stop, but went and bought it anyways. Normies don't like being left out.

Duke Nukem Forever.


I love this fucking picture

The slower paced combat of 1.0 was much more enjoyable to play than the floaty, spastic abomination that 14 is now because they tried to turn a ffxi-esque slow system into WoW's jumping and sliding around on rollerskates. Nothing has weight anymore.

Amusingly enough, it's better than Mass Effect 3 (as well as many other AAA games) which have much better Metacritic rating

Bullshit ME3 wasnt great but even this piece of shit isnt better than that game. I'm glad I pirated it. Have 4 hours on it and it still hasnt picked up and interested me in the slightest, every character is forgettable. The nexus is fucking boring.

>ME 1 had that first mission where you see a reaper for the first time and see saren be a traitor - got hooked
>ME2 had that opening scene where shepard dies -got hooked
>ME3 had the war starting on earth - got hooked

>MEA has you walk around and talk to uninteresting characters and then do some shitty mission where they do a shitty job of hyping up the new baddies. It's just normal grunts with dogs that go invisible.

They couldnt even make your fathers death look like it meant anything probably because of the shitty animations and lack of emotion from characters.

Open world sections are awesome in my opinion. And in general. ME A has more in common with ME1 than ME2 and ME3 did.

I haven't played it, but how are the Kett(?) the villains anyway? Do they want something more evil than "stay out of our galaxy"?

Kett convert (exalt) every race they encounter using some chemicals. Somewhat like you've seen in Mass Effect 3 which had different reaper-converted turians, asari etc. Also, afaik, Kett are not native to Heleus cluster.
Also, local archon (local leader) is a psychotic baddie.

Only the Mako (or w.e its called in Andromeda) parts are like ME1. everything else is something new/boring entirely. Stop acting like it's similar to ME1 when its only 1 thing. Characters/Nexus(Citadel)/Gameplay/Main character/Choices/Conversations/Squadmates. I'm sure theres more

are NOTHING like ME1

Even the Mako at times is nothing like ME1 since they don't let you leave a certain area. But I'll give that one to you since you seem to argue it's the most similar to ME1

I see, they're another borg.


>tfw to intelligent too be diplomatic with other races

Inventory and vendor system is much more similar to ME1 too. I really missed randomized loot and items in vendor shops (one of the reasons I replayed KOTOR 2 like 20 times).
Squad in MEA is similar to ME1/ME3 i think.
But yeah, I agree with choices and main character - those were much better in ME1-ME3, and gameplay - it's different from all previous games

>Even the Mako at times is nothing like ME1 since they don't let you leave a certain area
If you mean some "leaving the area" zones in mountains, yeah, this is annoying, but honestly, I've only encountered those on that exiles planet. Aside from that, it's similar to ME1's "can't go outside the outer edges of the map"

I think they already made their money back from ME:A.

>new galaxy
>same old bipedal races with same old technology and social structures

It's the lack of imagination that turned me off.

I doubt it. Activision will throw all the cash necessary at influencial video game media outlets to ensure its a success.

60 hours in here. There is very little she stuff and there is clearly no agenda for it. The issues with the game are the structure, story and gameplay.

The faces are bad, the animations are poor. The voice acting is all over the place. None of that would matter with a good script. However the game lacks that. It is tone deaf and shallow.

The plot and narrative are both bad which makes for a bad story. The structure of gameplay is part of the narrative, how a story is told. Planet hopping, the interface, conversations, missions. They are all stilted and tedious.

The combat suffers because of pathetic enemy design/AI and lack of overall challenge. The game gives you all these tools to play with, but you never get to go all out in prolonged and varied fights.

The game suffers from bad plot, narrative, structure, combat, writing, performance, terrible UI design and bugs.

The game is not bad because of liberal bullshit being put front and center over other aspects of the game. If anyone was paying attention, they botched trans character so bad they had to patch that too. It speaks volumes.

The game is repetitive and lifeless.

Metacritic user reviews are not journalism you stupid fuck

*Sjw not she

Toilet posting

How did they patch the trans character?


Neither are the critics reviews.

This is PC on low settings right? I thought being pretty was one of the few things it had going for it?

>bad combat, terrible UI
I don't get those complains. Combat is fine, as well as UI. What exactly is your problem with it?

ME:A is a solid 7, 4.6 user score is just assblast

Low settings. My PC is not that great, and higher FPS is more important for me than prettier graphics

>game features resolution scaling
>which means even a potato can run it

I love this feature and more games should have it.

Did you even read it?

>Kett convert (exalt) every race they encounter using some chemicals. Somewhat like you've seen in Mass Effect 3 which had different reaper-converted turians, asari etc. Also, afaik, Kett are not native to Heleus cluster.

I don't know why Bioware always needs some, I don't know what to call it, McGuffin to keep the story running? Just make an ideologically opposed faction that's doing shit for their own valid reasons.

Yeah they are you may not like agree or whatever but they are journalists

>The dense user lives in his habitat subdued by his obliviousness to the meta of why Sup Forums is angry about the alleged SJW tones
>He goes solely on about the game and not about the plethora of diversity hires that destroyed the animation, or the hateful writers who shit all over the story

Ebin. Truly ebin. Won't stay to read your response either.

Diversity hiring hurt the game. However, I am talking about the game and not the development of the game. Try again sweetie.

because bioware can write precisely one type of story. I'm genuinely surprised this isn't another "ancient evil awakens" or so I've gathered.

>but they are journalists

No they really aren't. Go read some real journalism and come back to them and see the difference.

Like the other day I saw some review on Polygon and the editor in the comments said something like "wow this is the greatest review ever!" Do you think you'd ever see something like that in a serious paper, for example?


Nice attempt to false flag buckaroo. The game has some nice tones of SJW going on, even if you're too oblivious to see it.

Again, you are going to have to try again. I never said sjw crap wasn't in the game. It is, however, it is not overbearing and it is certainly not the biggest problem facing the game. Keep trying sweetie! :)

Dark Souls has all of those.

3.8% of the population is gay. Your image shows that gay romance is overrepresented, not under

didnt they patch the game heavily on the 4th?

did it fix the glaring animation and mechanic problems at the very least?
i understand that the story and character development is fucked but is it any better than it was?
not that i plan to get it but i am curious

At this point there's alot more trust in collective consensus of user reviews than game journalists.

metacritic is the rotten tomatoes of the gaming world

Is this really all just because of crappy facial animations or is the game bad in other ways? I can see people getting mad about a game being released early without polish, but it's not even like this would be the first time that's ever happened.

How did they change the Trans character? I'm curious as to how they backtracked

I dunno, Lords of the Fallen?

Living under a rock? Theres plenty of things wrong with it. Some stated in this thread too

Wait, I got it. Mirror's Edge Catalyst. It's not even a year old and that shit got decimated in reviews.

Obviously haven't been paying attention to the game. Haven't really even liked or cared about ME since the first one, was just curious.

The best indicator of that game's quality was the all present "What? It already came out?" whenever it was mentioned.

Are you shitting me. How do you fuck something like this up AFTER the fix?

Fair point, though I think that also has to do with it releasing like a week before E3, which is basically a death sentence for all but the biggest of big titles.

>Score keeps dropping even with the new patches

I think they took out the part where they tell you their old name