"Get owned noob"


"rekt scrub"


What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

They're all just as bad.


>he still uses kys

get molested kike

I seem to remember it was pwned

h1 Sup Forums d0 J00 R3M3Mb3R wh3N p30PL3 7ALk3d L1K3 7h15?


>prep your bull cuck!!!

Are you a hacker?

are you implying one is better than the other?

It's some kind of advanced hexidecimal machine code

2012s were dark days. I rolled my eyes in pure disdain every time some 14 year old redditor faggot would unironically say rekt.

Go big or go home, kys is great, you either force the receiver of the insult to overreact or if they do the right thing and ignore it and play it off, both parties kinda win

Why so serious?

welcome to cosco, i love you

>kys is great
Go back to youtube, underage.

I believe it's gg ez
Thanks Dark Souls and Fighting Community for giving Normies that



ship wrecked(how did we get here)

i don't know where the kids pulled that last one from really, who doesnt use GPS on their ship these days
fucken scrubs

*humiliating taunt*

I miss the days when people unironically said "good game" after a match.

Get raped



and more like 2006

Fuck off back to nigger twitter or instagram you fucking normalfag redditor cunt. Do not even acknowledge this shit as it only perpetuates it. It never will be a norm

>Not using "Proceed to Oblivion"

t. 14 year old redditor

Actually spelling out kill yourself is better than kys

You cannot understand my warlock strength. Kneel down knave and humble yourself before me.

I remember a friend explaining 1337 speak to me when we were in middle school. Felt like I suddenly learned this secret code that not even the NSA could crack.

Man I miss online games before you got reported for saying anything that might hurt someone's feelings

make like a leaf and hang yourself

No, he's right. You're a fag.

Execute yourself you fucking underage cunt.


You seem to be getting upset.

Woah, hold on now. I'm on board with telling people to kill themselves in good fun, but I wouldn't wish fucking Oblivion upon even my worst enemies. At least let them mod it first.

It's funny, but I actually miss some of the old lingo like noob and stuff. It sort of gave gaming it's own freak culture, much more than something like KYS does. That just sounds for more malicious.

I think it's because words like "noob" can't be said without imagining 5 year old saying them, and that's hilarious.

That said, there was always lots of cancer in every year. A few examples include phrases like...

Proscope, lol stupid nigger, Kony2012, Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8, LOOK AT MY SCORE/KD, 1337, get on my level, u mad bro, skill, skrillex, lol, lel, 2pro4u, COD is better, 4scry8me, fkn rekt, 360/720 no scope, join my clan, xbl gmrtag XXX SUPA12337 KILL ACAPACOPXXX, ROFL NOOB, ARROW IN DA KNEE, CAKE IS A LIE, scrub, ill own u, ur a faget, fite me irl cunt, do you even lift?, camper, quickscope, swag, YOLO, SWOLO, fucking pleb, MLG, 420 blaze it faggot, merica, pro, PWNED, TROLLED HARD, r u even trying?, u jelly?, am I hardcore?, !!1!11!1, HAX, c mon STEP IT UP, What are you?/wat r u? A casual?/casul?, What you got bitch?, Are you cool yet?, Are you pro yet?, Well, what is it?, NO SCRUBS ALLOWED, ur mom, ILL REPORT YOU, IM GOING TO HACK YOUR ACCOUNT, WELL WHAT IS IT!?, 1v1 me, fuk u haters, lad. oi u r 1 cheeky cunt m8 i swear ill rek ya i swer on me mums life, oi, madcuzbad, fite me irl im 7 feet tall

This shit was always around, but I do feel that it's gotten worse.

Is rekt that old? That feels at least 2014-5

Kys is used because people inherently know that the earth is overpopulated, they subconsciously vent this via telling people to die on the internet.

I don't simply because it quickly followed by "He didn't say gg so he must be bm, report this guy" which was something I detested the most.

Anyone who says gg after a stomp is a cunt btw.

disregard that post i suck cocks

>no gg ez from 2016

Why you forgetting user?

Why are people acting like kill yourself is something new?

I remember everyone telling each other that on Sup Forums in like 2008

>Get raped
this still triggers people

Normalfags now use "kys" in place of "owned"

>well you lose again, no surprise there

It's not new but now it's more widespread I suppose, outside of Sup Forums that is.

gg ez
"wow easy"
git gud why play

there are so many missing that were good, but who cares some are still used and some were used for a long time. Personally I've been using :^) since like 2007 or ez :^) at the end, if I want to piss them off.

I remember in class one day back when I was I wee lad. The teacher was reading from some book and said molested. Someone asked what it meant, and the teacher said something along the lines of it being bad. After lunch I cornered this kid name Brandon in the back pack room. It was dark as fuck and when he turned around I whispered "I'm going to molest you Brandon". 3rd grade me thought I sounded like some badass, but he immediately told the teacher, and I had to stay after school. I had no idea at the time, but now I think I might have autism.

>It was dark as fuck and when he turned around I whispered "I'm going to molest you Brandon".

Is this the hacker known as Sup Forums

You must get insulted a lot

Pure pwnage was like 2004, wasn't it?


I just say "ya gahbage! ya fakken gahbage!" in a Jersey accent.


yby shpxvat abbo

>kys is great
Underage b&

>pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm
>VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1864: Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!

It's as old as humanity itself, faggots.


>Not Living in Oblivion

>I'm going to come to your house and rape your mother then stick a 12 gauge in your mouth you little nigger faggot
>wow dude did you really just say gg ez???? reported enjoy your ban

What went wrong?

People still use noob and I still get autistically angry in Runescape when people call me one

Fucking kek

>kys means get owned noob
wasn't kys meaning: "okays" (fruity voice)

So did you molest him?

gg ez pz and all versions have existed for decades.

y3s n30


this only happened in 90's shitty movies

Is get molested kike the new hip phrase?

no its kill your self


I am so devilish I used to say "good game" when it really wasn't. Nowadays I use "hope your mother has a nice weekend".

I alternate between making fart noises and saying rekt

>*braaaaap* rekt again
>*braaapppppppfpfpff* get rekt scrub

>no "you mad, bro?"

It was an ironic shitpost people used in the early days here actually.

It was also used a bit before the gaia raid IIRC, but it wasn't huge at that point in time.

"kiss your sister" is really an insult like the others.

347 b1g f47 c0ck

3V3RY D4Y 1 DR1NK P155 533M3N 4ND 8L00DH

1 4M N07 4 G0D

WHY D0 1 574ND N0W 83F0R3 7H3 70W3R 4ND D13
MY M0MMY W0N7 G37 M3 4 M4CV800K F0R CHR15H7M45 1 4M 7H3 N1N37Y N1N3 P3RCH3N7X

3V3N 7HN0UGH 1 4M 4 R3PU8L1C41RN

4ND WH3R3 7H3 FUCK 4R3 MY CHR157M45 70Y5H

1 4M N07 D1353453d

U1 4M N07 4U7U571C

1 D0 N07 FUCK1NG 4HV3 4U715M 5HU7 7H3 FUCK UP 1 4M N07 DY5L3X1C PL3453 CUR3 M3 0F 7H15 3V3L 7H3R3 15 4 D3M0N 1N51D3 0F M3 1 4M P05535553D 8Y 5474N 14 M CUNC0N7R0LL48LY 7YP1NG 8ULL5H17 0N 7H3 CH4N
0H 80R7H3R 4ND MP07H3R 4ND F47H3R WH3R3 4R3 7H0PU1G WHY D1 7H3 M0NK3Y5 D13 WH3R3 7H3 FUCK 1 4M N0W WH3R3 7H3 FUCK 4M 1 WH0 7H3 FUCK 15 N07 7H41 1 4M N07 K0VR34N 1 4M N07 3V3N 4514N 1 4M L471N 4M3R1C4N 5H0LY 5H17 1 4M FUCK1NG R374RD3D 7H3R3 15 4 L4MP 5H1N1NG R1GH7 N70 MY 3Y35 R1GH7 N0W MY F1NG3R5 74P UP0N 7H3 K3Y5 4ND R4P3 7H3M R4P3 R4P3 R4P3 R4P3 R4P3 RP43 R4P3 R4P3 R4P3 7H3 FUCK1NG K3Y5 L1K3 K3Y W357 L1K3 K3HY L4RG0 U1 U53D 70 L1V3 N34R K3Y L4RG0 4ND 7H3 0Y573R K3Y5 4ND H0LY7 5H17 WH3R3 7H FUCK 4M 1 JU57 H4D 4 51X D0LL4R 8URR107FJ0 50RRY 1 M34N 8URR170 F0R 8R34KF457 4ND 4 C0FF33 17 W45 R34LLY G00D 7H3 8URR170 1 M34N N07H 7H3 FUCK1NG C0FF33 MY 4M81710N 15 70 7R4V3L 4LL 4CR0555 4M3R1C4 N4D K1LL P30PL3 L1K3 4 C0W80Y 3XC3P7 1 W40N7 G37 4RR3573D 7H3 P0L1C3 W1LL 7H4NK M3 F0R K1LL1NG WH03V3R 7H3 FUCK 1 W4N7 WH3N3V3R 7H3 FUCK 1 W4N7 WHY 7H3 FUCK 4M 1 H3R3 FUCK FUCK FUCK 1 4H73 $CH4N F0URCH4N FUCK FUCK FUCK WHYYYYY

I had no idea at the time that molesting meant touching people's privates. I thought it was more along the lines of hitting or hurting physically. I don't know if Brandon knew what it meant or not, but he fucking snitched on me and I had to go to the principals office.

>get shitted on

Is that what it means? I always thought it was kid, you're super

Hit me with your best insult against the loosing player/team.

"Im gonna get you banned for calling me a noob"

I want to go back in the days where the players weren't little girl crying. When people insulted each other and laughed afterwards.

>Not saying "Tutorial: Complete"


What's gonna be 2018's shit talk?

huh... really? you tell someone after you killed him that he should kill himself?


>gg no re

>it's half time


Yeah I still use this one when someone starts crying about "cheating" when they lost

>please come cuck my wife's son

>ship wrecked


Say hi to your mom for me

I sure as hell hope whoever wrote this used a script and didn't actually manually type that all out

Whether this is true or not still got a hearty kek out of it.

Isn't that same as "I fucked your mom"?


this annoying shit was way too widespread on early gamefaqs

>0 results

objectively the best insult. a timeless classic

das my shit sempai

>gg no re
>gg ez
>ez pz