What's the point of PC gaming? You will never impress a black qt with your $3000 rig

What's the point of PC gaming? You will never impress a black qt with your $3000 rig

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Won't do it with my 4 inch white dick either, but at least I can play video games.



you wont impress any woman if your cock isnt at least 9 inches faggot

Of course I won't, her brother stole it.

implying i'll ever impress any sort of female with my terrible southeast asian features


why is terry so perfect?

>You will never impress a woman with expensive shit.

Are you a virgin mate?

To have fun and fap to waifus.

No women ever needed.

because you're a filthy redditor that lusts for black cock


I just want to play vidya with him

You're right

She's gonna steal it from me anyways


top zoz

Nice oxymoron.


Pick one and only one

>impress a black qt
>thats not overweight or obese
isn't that like catching mew on the first throw of a normal ball or something

>wow anom, your 4k 60fps pixel game is really getting me wet

said no woman ever

I'll impress her with my white privilege and deny her this dick and my glorious wealth

Feels bad. :(

>These lovely ladies will never take turns sitting on your face

Bet they smell like abortions and Newports

but brown skin is gross user

>Just want a thread about qt black girls
>Every thread turns into a boring thicc image dump
Fucking white guys, jesus christ you guys have terrible taste.

Black women are part of the PS4 cult, I guess.

It's literally one autist m8, he's here every day.

what's wrong with thiccies?

I don't want to deal with her 5 monkey brothers.

If it's thin girls you want I got some of those.

>no $3000 nig joke
come on

They're boring and basic.
Pure whitey jungle fever material.
This is more my style, qt as fuck.

>brown girl
>>>>with freckles

fuck my weaknesses.

t.assblasted Sup Forumssters that never had a hot black girlfriend before so I figure all of them look alike

damn thats cute I wont lie. Not even into black girls at all.

You gotta love how that Afro obscures her eyes too.

that was a spicy post!

>They're boring and basic.
>Pure whitey jungle fever material.

You don't sound like a true negress enthusiast to me.

My gf is a black qt and she likes sucking my dick while I play pc games.

>You don't sound like a true negress enthusiast to me.
Because I'm not, being a "negress enthusiast" is for white guys.

kek, this


>never ever

You are white, just like everybody else here.

>inb4 ironic playstation nig-hand posting

Asian are cuter

I'm upset my dick twitched at this because this afro could easily belong to a guy and I wouldn't be able to tell

>tfw no skater punk gf

How much money would I have to earn to attract women?

what's up with black women getting cheesed? not even black guys want black women, why would you give up on white girls for them?

Come home early,cant find girlfriend at door to greet you. Go to your bedroom and see this


What do Sup Forums ?

There's no point of spending a lot of money on a PC unless you will use it to work.

But knowing how to use a PC well to have fun is essential.
Consoles are only complementary systems that bring the newest games to the table and decent joysticks to use with your PC.

there are really cute asians but I feel like you're baiting with this shoopd plastic mess

Hotter vaginas mostly.

if only she had a dick and was forcing me to rim her while she impregnated my gf

There's some truth to that thought.

PCs are the most nigger-free platform, with Playstation being the highest in darkie presence.

Spotted the underage nerd

i'd do a 360 degree turn and walk from whence i came to reddit

fart and flap my arms

>Honestly believing that everyone on Sup Forums is white
Blinded by jungle fever.

This girl basically has a white face with delicious chocolate skin.

If more niggers looked like this they would actually be an attractive species.

An electronic that is worth $200-300 to a pawn shop won't impress a black? Do you have any idea how much crack that would buy?

>all these racist comments by suburban middle class white "men" who have never interacted with anyone outside of their race/ethnicity or culture

>Can't impress a $30 nig with a $3000 rig
What a shame.

one day a big black ass will sit on my face. ONE DAY! this is my dream

Post PS4 game collection and/or sega consoles

>black people don't exist in suburbs

Diversity is our friend

>secluded suburbans
that's literally not how it works user. the suburban whites are full blown progressives. racism lies in the most diverse climates.

>Owning a PS4

off topic thread


Find out how to blow a black qt's mind with this one little secret.

the shape of that jawline and chin makes her face look weird to me. its a too narrow angle


Not him but as a non-whitey I prefer mixed girls, their hair is a huge turn on for me.

user, the simplest way of putting it is that i do those things for myself. I wouldnt waste time and money doing things to impress a woman, getting laid is easy as hell, i dont need to spend thousands of dollars on it.

I'm never gonna impress a black qt period. Or a white one. Or any other one. There's literally zero chance any girl I find atteactive will ever find me attractive.

It's kinda funny actually, I have a black friend who loves the fuck outta Berserk. Probably her number #1 manga. Having black weebs as friend is amazing, I always get recommended some good shit.

Western white girls are shit. So black girls take up the mantle of what used to be whites girls who wanted a nice guy to settle down with. And I for one welcome it.

wtf black lives matter now

Those hot pockets must be really good.

Shes fucking hot, but girls need to stop shaping their eyebrows.

If I was a girl I would lie to you out of pity and tell you that I found you attractive. I hope I made you feel better.

I'm gonna be straight here, if her eyebrows were THICK I would be stroking it right now. I mean they're pretty thick, but this is a bad age to live in for me, all these girls iwth thin eyebrows are the worst. Thick eyebrows literally give me a boner if it's on a cute chick.

who is this nubian semen demon

Damn straight they do. Better start bowing down to your new queens.


That chick is like 1/8th black

ur right


I feel sorry for Alex Jones now. Who's he got to rage against now he's on the inside of the NWO?


4th black women look straight white, so I doubt it

As long as her IQ isn't sub 100

I appreciate the attempt.

More of this? penis_awe is my favorite tag.

>strawmanning because wacism hurts your feelings ;(
You don't need to be white to hate niggers dude. Most of their women are either over 300 pounds or pass for men with wigs

>your ps4 and or xbox one is really getting me wet

said no woman ever

switch though, bitches love the switch.

>Bing Bing
Yeah I take my switch to the bar and girls panties practically pull themselves down.

So what does a "black qt" look like anyway?