Is megaman exe the best redesign the franchise ever had?

Is megaman exe the best redesign the franchise ever had?

Man, these games were the shit, also I remember an anime too, I wonder if it's good or just the nostalgia hitting in.

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Ah god every time we get a MMBN thread I want to replay it. If I still had a Gameboy Advance Micro I'd rock that shit daily.

>tfw you learned how to throw GutPunch

You know the drill
Post favorite navis

1st Game Navis were so fucking cool.

Skullman. Exe, Napalman.exe and Wizardman. Exe were my faves by far.

Europe got the shittiest Megaman boxarts.


At least it wasn't this.

Holy shit EXE thread!

The battlenetwork series are great

holy shit you didn't contribute anything to the thread

I bumped it. I loved playing 4.5 I mained Starman!

That should be illegal.

EXE was the perfect spin off to Classic. It expanded the lore while creating a parallel universe in a natural manner, from the decision to devote resources to Dr. Light's Networking and Technology research as opposed to Dr. Wily's Robotics. And then the gameplay is unique and brilliant while still retaining influences from the mainline series.

It's a shame we don't have a Battle Network 7, the 3DS was practically built from the ground up for it. And the Switch could still carry the torch.

>there will never be a new Battle Network on the Switch
>the portable mode won't be developed with mobile data and wif-fi access in mind
>you won't be able to build a custom navi to browse the web with
>you wont be able to insert commercial and custom chips into the cartridge slot to upload programs to your navi

Dr. Light and Dr. Hikari are not even the same person. Battle Network is fully and entirely unconnected to the original games.

>TFW Capcom didn't capitalize off the Pokemon GO craze

While you're technically right. Dr Hikari was still pretty much BN's answer to Dr. Light even if they don't have the same name.

Just saying.


Capcom are a bunch of retards



Imagine carrying 30 switch carts on you at all times and constantly changing them out for a battle that lasts a couple seconds

They're truly the greatest

they can work like mmbn 4.5 tho


What's the general consensus on Star Force? I couldn't get into it, it seemed too watered down and simplified, but I only beat the first one, didnt care to continue afterward.




I just started replaying 3 with my brother a couple day ago

The three Starforce games generally have a better story and characters
The battle system throughout is entirely simplified and broken down compared to BN


Surprised how there hasn't been a game that ripped off its battle system.



The better term is angry

Look no further senpai.

That's disappointing; Didn't care about the story, it was all about the unique battle system for me. Nothing will ever be able to match the feel of it

Even as a joke this makes me angry, user.

That looks slow as shit and full of QTEs.

I just play the one where you pick a Net Navi and cruise around the interwebs I think it's this one. You have less control over your Navi though. IIRC

There won't be a Battle Network game on the Switch, that's true. But Nintendo should consider it, they made 6 BN games on handheld and that one on GameCube. They could make TOOOONNNES OF DOSH with a Switch BN.

That isn't much of an improvement.

The series started dying the second the anime lost its popularity. And there aren't any new games because the development costs required to make an adequately looking game steadily increase, even on Nintendo hardware, while the playerbase keeps shrinking no matter how much effort is put into the games. No, they would not make tons of dosh with a Switch BN.

There is it moblie game, but I forget what it call.

At the very least, there's a semi-decent (yet unfinished) Touhou Parody called Shanghai.EXE.
Creator may or may not be in development hell since the last release was over a year ago, but releases in general are usually months apart.


So it's pretty well accepted that 3 is the best in the series, right? I've beaten 1 and 2 when I was a kid but never played the games past those.


The general consensus is 3>(6 and 2 in any order or being equal)>5>4>1, though 1's only so low because of how dated and unpolished it is compared to 2.

For me and my brother its the peak it had the most standard chips mega chips and program advances
And I like the styles more than fusions

It had fewer chips than BN4, and probably BN6 as well. And a lot of its PAs were worthless Z-shit.

Well I read that on the wiki but I never counted them myself

Word, it's on my backlog for sure, but I did the tutorial and already forgot how that whole chip letter system works.

Its simple to use I played 3 and 5 just using high power chips and brute forced my way though before I knew the system

As someone who's only played the first StarForce, could someone tell me why 2 is the worst in the series and 3 is the best?

considering the metric ton of things you can do, it would be insanely difficult to work out all the different combos different chips can do. there's also the whole lettering system and without it, its just not the same (star force had this problem)
also things would have to be near pixel perfect, used to remember as a kid the exact frame i could/couldnt dodge certain attacks

tl;dr way harder than it seems


Wrong the story were blanded and less connect to each other. However starforce two was the best story out of all them.

plot loses focus, not enough was focused on the whole "tribe" aspect they were pushing
gameplay is barely improved
solo is a bad edgelord
focuses back to space(the whole point of the series)
brings back styles that plays/looks like cross fusions
introduces noise gauge, more aggressive you play, it gives you buffs
ends the series in a cheesy, nice way thats worth it if you've played all 3

i still say play 2 and 3, 2 may be bad, but 3 is still absolutely worth it IMO

The thing i like about Network is that it an What If timeline if Dr. Light decided to focus on the internet instead of bot. That and how everyone is better off in the world, everyone has a good ending, and you could get a personal bot waifu

>best redesign the franchise ever had?
that would be gunvolt

hmm i wonder what that word means

1 & 3 have the best story, 2 is a slog story-wise but better gameplay than 1, 3 is basically perfect

>that sidequest where you pretended to be couples
absolute gold

dont gotta tell me twice

>mfw a woman won't cause me problems because they don't care enough to do so


>tfw only like feces
you poor poor user

If Capcom actually made this a thing I would buy a smartphone in an instant so I could play it.

>starforce two was the best story out of all them
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

cant stop loving this lighter

>starforce two
>good story

Join police force
You do all the work.
Tell what the point of ace again?

The decision to go into the internet instead of robotics is a hell of a divergence point.

Because of Light and Wily's actions the world undergoes repeated apocalyptic events, constant disasters, nigh-endless war, dystopia, the merging of man and machine in an attempt to create peace by compromise, and if you go far enough the extinction of mankind and the earth being passed on to the Carbons.

In the internet timeline, things are pretty much normal with lots of AI, a few terrorists, and the odd alien invasion.

ace was pretty underwhelming desu but everything else was goat

Same as classic. May not be as cameoable in the battle network series, but at least he has a good redesign.


>and the odd alien invasion
it's a shame lan never had to deal with ra moon and starnavis or x having to deal with sigma colluding with fmians

>he pretty much a joke in the main series and cartoon
>he a commander in Network and a threat

No the whole of the game is that you join a police force.
You don't work with the other em being ,they sit back and make you do all the work.

You can't play as other em being like the way you play as other navi in battle network 5.

Jack and this sister was fucking boring. And add nothing to the story.

At least the bosses in starforce 2 took the some the personality of their host. Since starforce 3 bosses were mainly corrupt wizard the had no backstory.

Best redesign coming through

Honestly, I wanted him to remain a recurring joke so the dream team cut & gut somehow could happen again in the battle network desu. He even has a fitting design for something like that.

Besides, he was somehow cut down into a joke in the anime anyway.

the other police have their own work to do, just because you dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen. the story in general is perfectly functional for the gameplay without getting as stupid as 2's. every other problem is solely because starforce cant be quite as great as battlenetwork overall on account of it not being a battlenetwork game

>generic army man

Dr. Light does not even exist in Battle Network. The series are not connected in any way whatsoever beyond exploiting the same franchise.

>I did not play network please rape my face

Look up what "Tadashi" means while you are at it. Dr. Thomas Light is called the same in all languages.

Did you miss that part where he is an entirely different person?

Tell user why did police force need megaman because he protect the world twice with out their help?

Most the bosses were in the path of megaman whether it was in a school, school trip or hang out with his friend he would of meet the jokers eventually.

Jokers boss was fucking retard and look like a fucking fag. Luna blowing up made no sense.

it doesn't have to make sense, megaman stories follow the rule of cool where shit just happens so the gameplay can happen which is the way it should be

That's such an obvious idea I have no idea how I had not thought of it yet. Now I have to deal with having yet another NEVER EVER.

I want to drink Yai's pee!


Starforce is great too.

>all these fanfic ideas and no new games ever
being a mm fan is pain

I'm not even a Soniafag that but that she got a shitty generic Wizard instead of Ophiuca was super lame, specially when Bud ended up befriending Taurus too.

Lunafag. Fuck. How did I fuck up like that?

What capcom meant by this?

they meant blonde > all

No. Tsunderes > All