Disturbing things in games thread

Disturbing things in games thread

Things that scared or disturbed you about certain games

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Pretty much anything that happens that's not "supposed" to happen spooks me. Like glitches, falling through floors, error screens.

Zelda 2's game over screen, combined with the laugh scared the shit outta me when I was a kid.

I've starting playing Wizardry 8 recently. The low poly graphics, draw distance, and general nightmare fuel design for some of the monsters is pretty unsettling.

Metroid Fusion.

You all know what I'm talking about.

This scared me the first time I saw it.


That metal shark in Spyro 2.

tilted a paper mario cartridge as a kid, made a garbling screech that scarred me for life

didnt help that the whole screen was filled with random fucking numbers

Holy shit those things. Why did you go and mention them.


Most disturbing game I've played

its cute

>Boss, get down !

hi Sup Forums



>Super Glitch can cause some rather strange effects. The most famous scenario is a chain of events starting with the music slowly fading out before stopping altogether known as the 'TMTRAINER effect'. The opponent's name then changes to "TMTRAINER" followed by several lines of glitch dialogue, and the HP of his or her Pokémon rises to a very large value which is often larger than the amount of max HP that the opponent Pokémon has, which causes the HP bar to stretch and wrap around the screen (the filled part the bar also instantly jumps from empty to full repeatedly before fainting (0HP) during damage animation due to the fact that the calculations to display how much fill in the bar in percent has been overflowed, thus causing the fill to wrap between empty and full). It will display that the enemy Pokémon is poisoned, but the game will state that it is frozen solid, followed by the enemy Pokémon becoming hurt by a burn. This burn will often deplete all of the enemy Pokémon's health, causing the giant HP bar to loop several times before all the HP is depleted, causing it to faint. If the battle is won before the game freezes, the glitch Pokémon that used Super Glitch may grow to a random level (sometimes even exceeding level 100). Also, sometimes many random Pokémon not part of the player's team evolve right after a battle. On such cases, Pokémon that cannot evolve can evolve into themselves.


The other skyboxes are fucking great too, especially the one for Boo's Mansion.

I seriously wonder how this game was programmed for all this weird shit to work like it does. There's no way any game, by any programmer, no matter how incompetent they were in programming, could be as buggy as RBY were. It's like they programmed all the glitches deliberately, and then built a game around it.

Keep in mind, these games were originally a lot buggier in the Japanese release. Compared to the shit we got, they had worse.

Fuck this shit

Again, there's no way ANY game could wind up as buggy as these games were. They had to have swapped hands numerous times over development, and had zero documentation each time, thus everything was custom made.

And considering the game's weird frame pacing/framerate and the habit of random sprites appearing where they aren't supposed to be for split seconds, I want to say that the infamous Micronics (who ported various arcade games, poorly, to the NES) had their hands in this as well.

Pokemon got really fucking lucky if you think about it.

Usually, a game this glitchy would get horrible reviews.

While we're on the subject, these fuckers and their laugh gave me raging nightmares as a child. They were just off.

The code for Red is on GitHub. It's all in assembly

Trust me, there's a lot of ways to fuck up code. Worse things have happened



Everytime that Samus clone walked into the room, even if you were separated by layers of sediment or highly refined metal, I scared myself shitless thinking it would find me. I was about 10 at the time though.

I'd like that think that's mostly from the fact RBY may have been glitchy, but they were functional and worked. Didn't the original Red and Green have game breaking glitches within them? I don't recall Red and Blue having those unless I got lucky.

Can you seriously not Google "Pokemon red GitHub"? That's what I would have to do to find the link

Same here. I don't remember anything else scaring me in this game.


>Wizardry 8
My nigga. Truly a hidden gem, and games in that style in general are mega underappreciated.

Call me casual if you want, but I honestly think there's such a thing as a game being too hard, and W8 falls into that category.
I still think it's lots of fun, though.

What's this from?

The game was only kept "bug free" with very minor failsafes in place. No one would encounter any of the major bugs by accident, in fact just being able to discover the missingno trick (which is pretty much where all the glitches stem from) is pure luck. No one would talk to the old man, then fly to cinabbar, and then swim up and down the coast purely by luck.

I encountered this one bug that I'm positive no one else has. I was replaying Blue, except I didn't catch ANY Pokemon and only used my Squirtle (now Blastoise) the whole time. When I went to the Pokemart in Lt. Surge's city, when I went to the counter, bought some things (maybe I sold, I don't remember), and then exited, I was stuck in that spot and could not move, as if there was an invisible barrier around me.

Every time you can avoid a asskicking or altercation. Then they throw you into that impossible to avoid chase in the Tropical area. Then you wait for the next one but it never comes until the moment you know you'll have to fight it to gain access to the control rooom.

Those pricks knew exactly what they were doing.



I think you guys are really overestimating how prominent the glitches in Pokemon Gen 1 are. For 99.9% of players, the game is completely stable.
As someone who has spent a lot of time fucking around with the original games to get them to glitch out, in order to get to most of the glitches in the game, you have to do some crazy shit to get in a place where you can actually see them. While there are certainly some more common exceptions than others (Missingno., Lavender Tower skip, evolutionary stone bypasses), pretty much most of the crazy glitches that destroy your game such as Super Glitch moves () and the ZZAZZ glitch have to be deliberately hunted for.

It's incredibly uncommon, seemingly impossible, for any player to stumble across a glitch in the game just by absolute random. They'll either know about it, or just get really really really really fucking unlucky.

Holy fuck this.

I remember the bird door that attacks you in the last stage giving me the chills the first time too.

To me they were really really annoying instead of creepy, I still hate them.

I guess that was the point though, good job Insomniac.

>mfw struggling to unlock the very first first locked door while this guy tails my ass
You've unlocked some primal memories user.

nuketown had a spooky weird atmosphere with all the mannequins and ambient noises. and BO3 made it worse by adding those zombie mannequins.

I will never get why people love this map so much.


>be me 10
>playing Carnivores on my PC
>finally get to T-Rex
>open map and in less than 2 seconds see red dot darting from across the map to my location
>try to get to hill but hear loud footsteps charging behind me
>scream loud enough for my parents to hear me

GB games don't have any sort of memory protection aside from a CPU jam if they can't read from ROM or when they try to write to it. So if anything were to cause a game to start reading out of range addresses for something, it'll continue to interpret the entire memory as instructions until it hits a return command. It's not that unbelievable really, and a lot of games can have the same things happen.

same reason why people love fy_poolday, two towers from UT or even 2fort from TF2. it's a small and simple but fun map.



i remember playing Diddy kong racing and bumping into a door accidently when i didnt have enough balloons and getting startled as balls at the music that played


This, too. youtube.com/watch?v=x0AZUE1Ewi4

>hosting unauthorized, illegal downloads of Nintendo's intellectual property
already reported to both Nintendo and GitHub staff
thanks for letting me know this exists

>taj running in your direction from miles away in the hub while you're immobile
Fucking poo in the loo.

Always this youtube.com/watch?v=KHhd176SQ6c
The fucking sound and music in this game legitimately spooked me out so bad when I was kid. I always used the wind waker to switch from night to day. During the part with perpetual night I tried doing it again and the "Nothing happens" message scared the shit out of me because that meant I'd have to sail at night with the creepy ass version of the sea theme.

The """"earth"""" temple was also fucking terrible with the redeads screaming at you, the relative darkness, the creeping "enemy is nearby" music, and the mist.

I used to play that when I was about 8 or 9. Replaying it now feels like time travel, even though my only memory was dying to those skulls in the first area.

This. Carnivores used to scare the shit out of me.


Free (you) for being entertaining in thinking Nintendo gives a fuck how much of a corporate nutlicking virtue signaller you are.

Corporations aren't and never will be your friend autist. Not a pirate either before you try that damage control. The tears of pieces of whiny shit like you are what fuel pirates to keep going.

the skyboxes are what frreaked me out, the worlds just feel so big

>oh man those early 3d games were spook af
Bitch, please. DOS games were much worse.

I present to you: Waxworks.
>dat london music tho

>going in the water in Treasure Trove Cove

Hated that shit

Spectrum games were worse.

look how brave banjo is in this image

I really don't understand the point of this picture. Anyone that played the game at the time was amazed it could even fit on a cartridge and play on the gameboy.
Is this for the e-sports dorks?

fuck those water treading spiders FUCKS
they used to scare me so much

got you covered my dude *posts picture of very scry thing from early 3D video g ame*

I hope you get cheeto dust in your penis hole you tripfag faggot

This game taught me to never play whatever my parents were playing ever again.

are people really gonna be going after the belly slide race penguin?

It's just writing to arbitrary memory, but it is built to display something rather than crash. A lot of these older games are written in C or directly in an assembly and so these kinds of errors are common i that environment.

>It will display that the enemy Pokémon is poisoned, but the game will state that it is frozen solid, followed by the enemy Pokémon becoming hurt by a burn.
>This burn will often deplete all of the enemy Pokémon's health, causing the giant HP bar to loop several times before all the HP is depleted

I wish I could say that nobody has fallen for such incredibly obvious bait so badly before, but amazingly that isn't even true.

Everything was fine until the part with the aliens. Don't know why all that hit me so hard.


Small map, easy for campers to rack up those killstreaks.

Same reason they like Rust in MW2.

kys sonybro

i thought they were really cute, they made me laugh. i got catching them down to a fine art though.

It's not even funny, but I got scared of this enemy called Peanusweenus in this game called Yourmomwilldietomorrowifyoudon'treplytothispost64. Haha!



Honestly there needs to be a SM64 style 3d platformer with creepy skyboxes.


It's just design flaws the game has.