Two scarabs! I repeat, Halo thread.
Two scarabs! I repeat, Halo thread
3 > 2
Halo 5 Custom Games
It's on PC and it's Free
You need Windows 10 and it's in the windows store.
>muh privacy blah blah
You can opt out, just shut up and download it
Lets play
2 > CE > 3 > R > 1 > 4 > 5
Haven't played Wars.
halo sucks
>1 before reach
Custom Edition is not Halo 1.
No! That's too low!
3 > 2=Reach>CE=ODST> 5 > HW >= HW2 > 4
It's been a fucking decade. How has no FPS topped this game yet? It's still the pinnacle of the genre.
>it's a 3 babby post
CE > 2 > 5 > 3 > 4 > Reach
>it's a butthurt 2 fag
Are you mad that your game is objectively worse in every way to 3?
I'd say tf2 is just as good, games don't give enough freedom to players anymore. It's just what the developers make for us.
I used to play this part on repeat with my friend. We would literally load Rally point Bravo (that's what it's called right?) that goes right to this part of the game and then once we beat this section we would do the same thing again. We did all sorts of crazy shit in this part. You can easily explore out-of-bounds areas by being launched into space by the scarab's legs.
>objectively worse in every way to 3
>good movespeed
>better maps
>no equipment
>non-shitty br
>better netcode
>better campaign
Halo 3 is worst of original trilogy.
>better maps
All of the good halo 2 maps were basically remade in 3.
except headlong :^(
>better campaign
Whoa watch it man
>no equipment
Equipment added some needed variety to alleviate all those repetitive encounters in 2
>better campaign
it was boring and rushed and whatever impressive encounter ther was, it would be improved upon in 3
>opt out
Combat evolved.
SP/CooP 3 is better than 2
Multiplayer 2 is hand's down the best of the series, and arguably the best multiplayer console game to date.
>2 mp better than 3
Do you enjoy being 4 shot across huge, open maps by a weapon that everybody holds?
You clearly didn't play Custom Edition.
>All of the good halo 2 maps were basically remade in 3.
Ascension, Ivory Tower, Colossus, Sanctuary, Relic, Terminal.
Lock out > Guardian and blackout.
>Equipment added some needed variety to alleviate all those repetitive encounters in 2
No it was a stupid gimmick.
>Hunter flood
>4 man co-op
>halo 1 warthog race ending
>multiple scarab boss fights, at one point 2 at once
>flood transforms dead bodies
>best vehicles
>key character from the beginning of the series deaths
>cool skull locations
Halo 3 had the best campaign.
>his first halo multiplayer experience was 3
Halo 3 babies need to leave
Well Halo 3 was my first online multiplayer experience with the series. I played a lot of split-screen on CE
>>multiple scarab boss fights, at one point 2 at once
Garbage, only the first scarab fight was good.
Had a good setting for scarab to be stuck in, and the rocket mongoose marines were cool too.
The rest were paddings because they had already scripted scarab and could drop it in.
Second one is in random desert area with random platform to help, not particularly hard or fun.
The two scarab fight is same being in open area with nothing interesting, they also give you hornet so you just float around shooting at back.
>Halo 2
>Swipe Sniping
>Plasma Pistol/BR
>Garbage Shotgun
>Bunch of mediocre maps
>Horribly low FoV
>Shitty Melee
After so many wonderful LAN parties, Halo 2 was one of the biggest disappointments of my life. The only way Halo 2 is good at all is with BR starts.
>his first bungie game was halo
Halo babies need to go
Fucking this
1>2>3>who cares
>muh nostalgia
People who like smg starts have brain damage.
>Bunch of mediocre maps
If Halo 2 has anything it's pretty good maps.
CE and H2 maps are both much better than H3 desu.
>implying Halo 3 babbys aren't nostalgia fags
Nostalgia and being a preteen is the only way you could think le epic minigame customs like fat kid and trash compactor were fun.
Nostalgia is thinking that being 3 shot across the map by either the magnum or BR was any fun.
CE and H3 had better maps than 2.
At least we can agree that CE had some god tier maps... and CE has a few of the absolute worst maps in any MP game
and all the remakes were exceptionally worse than the originals.
git gud
At least on legendary it was a lot more challenging fighting the crew of the ship on the ones without hornets.
You still had other cool fights added to the campaign though like invincible hammer chieftains and flamethrower/flame grenade flood fights.
Out of the original trilogy of Halo games, which one requires the most skill in multiplayer?
2 or CE.
2 has more tech as far as stuff like button combos and so on, CE has a lot of stuff with spawn locking and spawn prediction
Reach > 3
Telememe and permanent triple buffering is what's preventing me from getting w10. How did M$ fuck up this goddamn bad?
>swipe sniping
you wot m8
3 objectively. 2 had much higher precision on all weapons combined with less time to kill and low damage drop off on all weapons meant that the game was just sitting across the map and holding down r trigger. CE was more or less the same but with the magnum and lobbing the mini nuke excuses for grenades everywhere. Halo 3 actively encourages map movement due to the primary weapons not being OP. Also precision/hit detection was lower than previous installments so more skill was put into hitting your shots. The only good thing about 2 was that grenade spam was at it's lowest. But that didn't really matter as most people sat out of range of grenades and camped anyway.
spamming bugs does not translate to skill, memory of spawn timers doesn't either.
I have never read a more garbage opinion.
>tfw giggling like a retard playing Halo CE at the LAN cafe
We wouldn't stop flipping in the warthog, we wouldn't stop.
>I have never read a more garbage opinion.
have a look at then
Great argument
It's a pity halo 2 fags have their heads so far up their asses to realize 3 had some of the greatest maps in the series too
>3 objectively
t. 3babby
Funny you call people who like 3 babies but yourself argue like you're still fucking five.
>Hi my name is user, I am a 3babby who takes my very correct opinion on a video game imageboard extremely seriously
i remember when everyone hated halo, i told you he's a cool guy
Too bad the gameplay in 3 is casual, slow garbage.
Shit man what are you even arguing right now
smg's were like novelty weapons you find with cheat codes they're not a primary weapon at all
>3 objectively
I never really got the hate for Halo. The only thing people bring up is that health regeneration started with it which is true but it was done right. Enemies are always aggressive and punish sitting behind a wall with grenades and moving to you.
I'd take slightly slower movement speed to the fucking rock sitting that was 2. Really enjoyed how everybody had a fucking pocket sniper that could 3 shot at full map size.
exactly, it's shit.
At least the AR had use in CE and 3
343 made the SMG useful in 5
>Halo 3 actively encourages map movement
You can literally stop power weapons from spawning while you control it.
>so more skill was put into hitting your shots
Random spread is skill?
>3 shot
Dawn of War 3 is better anyway.
And you can flush out campers with grenades? You know the things that bounce and blow up in large areas? Are you implying that bullet magnetism translates to more skill? Because 2 had a shit ton more of that.
>camping is skill
It's not random spread, it's that Halo 3 wasn't abusable like h2 was where it was nearly as easy to land headshots.
1 and 5 have the best multiplayer. 2 and 3 are trash and the only people who think they are still good today are babbies' first online fps.
>wahhhh I got stomped at Halo 2 so it sucks
3 babbies are sad.
Oh shut the fuck up. 1 had the absolute worst spawn system you could have in a game, it also had the asinine idea of giving every explosive the throwing range of a football and the size of an atom bomb. 5 has way too much bullet magnetism, mobility in a game where you can die in one shot to a charge or 2 melee hits.
Are we going to bitch about halo or are we going to play?
This is what you need. It's free* and you can play custom games online.
Put up or shut up
>blow up in large areas
They have grenades too.
Being able to easily prevent a power weapon from spawning while you control it is retarded for an arena-style shooter, at least Halo 5 went back to static spawns like CE.
Breddy gud.
CE grenades are not that bad dude.
>1 had the absolute worst spawn system you could have in a game
How? It allowed for high skill teams to exert influence over spawns.
>die in one shot to a charge
Did you play more than one match?
>tfw pc can't run it
I wish they would add crossplay option for customs.
>343 made the SMG useful in 5
Not for long, the competitive community is throwing a fit about autos, the AR and brute plasma rifle already got confirmed for getting changes.
Best case scenario they lower the spreadlike the reach TU did, so that way at least accurate burst fire is still viable, but we all know precision weaponfags will want them to increase the spread instead like in the beta because double standards.
2A > 5 > 2 > CE > Reach > 3 > 4 IMOTBQHFAM
that'd be nice, maybe we could have more than 10 people online
The autos are/were ez mode in H5.
They do have grenades but most power weapons that you can camp are in small rooms. Such as the sword in The Pit. Where camping is actually a disadvantage due to the small space and windows where grenades can be thrown. Spawn camping does not translate to skill whatsoever, how does killing people, memorizing the timers/looking at the scoreboard and then killing them before they can react mean that you have skill? That sounds like a promotion of a lack of any mechanical skill if anything
>but most power weapons that you can camp are in small rooms
So? The power weapon won't respawn while you hold it, there's no reason to camp or hang out at its spawn.
So you can take power weapon and prevent from spawning while controlling good spot on map never having to worry about weapon spawn timer and having to contest it.
>memorizing timers and invisible spawn circles and using this in game isn't skill
Do you knot know about Quake, rts, moba, ...
Your whole argument is moot due to the fact that power weapons did respawn. Did you even play the game?
Quake is regarded so highly when it comes to how much MECHANICAL skill is required. Not remembering how much time it takes till you can kill someone who can't even react. And are you seriously comparing a fps to strategy games and mobas? Where in moba's there is little to no spawn camping due to fountains existing?
Also why the fuck are you mentioning mobas? Where you can specifically see the amount of time it takes for the enemy to respawn and how their spawns are guarded by multiple structures that kill you/ the main objective of the game not even being killing the enemy.
>Your whole argument is moot due to the fact that power weapons did respawn. Did you even play the game?
You could dirty the timer so they wouldn't respawn until you wanted them too. Compare to Ce or 5 where can't prevent them from spawning.
Halo 2 campaign sucked, go suck a dick and learn what a good campaign is bitch.
>Quake is regarded so highly when it comes to how much MECHANICAL skill is required. Not remembering how much time it takes till you can kill someone who can't even react.
It's definitely know for both.
Rapha is one of the best and is know not to have the best mechanical skills compared to say Tox who will out lg him 90% of the time. He has good map sense and timing sense etc.
>Where in moba's there is little to no spawn camping due to fountains existing?
You acted like non-mechanical skill isn't a skill when it basically every high level game there is combination of mechanical and non-mechanical skills. Most of the best players are very good at both, some excel at one or the other. Being able to remember timers while in game and use that, being able to have a sense where enemy is are all non-mechanical skills that are important.
I'm not just talking about spawns.
Remembering and being able to use CE spawn system to your advantage is a skill.
Agreed, loved that campaign.
I just saw Fall of Reach, if Humanity has technology to create flash clones then why don't they create disposable troops?
>You could dirty the timer so they wouldn't respawn until you wanted them too
This was only in the MLG playlist though.
>It's definitely know for both.
Rapha is one of the best and is know not to have the best mechanical skills compared to say Tox who will out lg him 90% of the time. He has good map sense and timing sense etc.
How is this a good thing though? How does this "skill" translate to fun though? Killing someone before they can react is not very fair, and makes the game a very big snowball. I still don't see how remembering one area on a map and looking at a number translates to skill.
Messed up greentext
>Halo CE used be to babbies first FPS
>now it's Halo 3
kill me
In default the weapons wouldn't respawn unless you stopped moving for 2 seconds.
MLG made weapons spawn in air so they would move then sit to make them respawn, but if you grabbed them right at spawn you could stop that and prevent it so it applies to both modes it was just harder to do in mlg.
>I still don't see how remembering one area on a map and looking at a number translates to skill.
It's not that simple, there were zones and you could position yourself to increase chances of your teammate getting a good spawn or shift probability of where enemy spawns. It wasn't just look at clock and aim at corner.
>my imaginary line that I draw in my head decides who's a baby and who's not
Yes you should kill yourself
Halo 3 for PC when
Never :(
Probably going to be my last post for tonight. Have a headache from trying to make New Vegas work and it's 3:30 AM.
I still don't see how any of this translates to fun gameplay however. Maybe spawn camping does take "skill" but then the game is just a giant snowball. One team kills the other and then it's just a cycle of back and forth. One of Quake's make weaknesses was how snowbally it was.
3 > 1 > 2 > 5 > 4
Can care less about the rest.
ODST is good though
ODST was an overpriced 2 hour empty game not worth the price. The fact that faggots complaining about the Destiny expansions made no since when people should have saw it coming after this mess.