What games have you played today?

What games have you played today?

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100% Orange Juice
Labyrinth of Touhou 2
Initial D Street Stage
and the meme konosuba minigame


3rd post best post



im suffering from hangover


Does anyone have that pic with a message like "ignore anime shitters posting anime girls with an ambigous videogame question"?

Iori is not for sexual

You might be able to find it on reddit


Just Breath of FIre 3.


Super Street Fighter II Turbo

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

isn't that a stand in part 4?


Dark Souls 3
Fallout New Vegas

Seriously, i can't seem to stay satisfied on just one game, is there something wrong with me?

Iori Minase is not for anal

I played Nioh and realized it's a shit lifeless Souls clone, then played Bloodborne and got mad cause I couldn't beat Micolash so I quit, then I played some CSgo

Could be ADHD

Iori is for ANAL SEX

>Fallout New Vegas
Mah dude, what are you doing ?
I´m playing for my 9th time.

Majora's Mask, my savefile randomly wiped
Mario 64
Now I'm playing Havest Moon 64

It's comfy and cold in my room

PlayerUnknown's: Battlegrounds. That's about it.

Nothing today.

But yesterday. Overload. A friend wanted me to try the demo.

Same, i'm doing a run through of the Fallout Games i have. I've finished being a good guy on Fallout 3, now i'm on New Vegas and being the biggest dick i can. Then i'll move onto Fallout 4 and just wander about i guess.
But for the life of me, i just can't stay on it for too long. I get bored after a few quests and move onto another game, but then get bored of that as well.

I don't know, never been diagnosed with anything like that, but then again, i can't remember the last time i've been to a doctor for anything other than a broken bone.



System Shock
Ys 2
Left 4 Dead

Shits fun

Yes Iori.

I have played no games today

Instead, I am funposting on Sup Forums and eating some M&M's.

You guys like M&M's, right?

Shut the fuck up aceman you stupid cock loving faggot.



It´s a shame there are not many bad karma options in-game. I understand you completely. Games usually get repetitive.


Aceman I want to rape your asshole.

I didn't play a fucking thing since I spent my morning being pissy about having to go to work, I spent my day working, I spent my lunch shift picking up after a co-worker that is borderline helpless and I'm spending my night bitching about the fact that I did all that and then have to open the next day on a mongolian cave painting forum.

when will anime be real
it's just not fair

I played a bit of dark souls 3 with my buddy

I'm waiting for you to give me someway to talk to you.

Drakengard 3
(replaying) Dishonered
Super Smash bros Wii U

Tommorow will most likely be playing writing an essay and doing some calculus studying.

KOTOR and Civ 5

The game of life

Horrible game

Is Iori the sluttiest Idol in existence?

Nier: Automata
Rocket League
Dungeon Defenders

Yes, and Hibiki is the most pure one


Absolutely nothing yet.
Unless finishing Nier's Ending C,D, and E late last night at like 2AM counts.
Really hope Taro does some more crazy shit with those locked doors that have apologetic machines in front of them.
I teared up when the chorus kicked in.

I bet you all think your so cool posting unfunny stale memes.

Ys 1 and 2 are pure unadultered fun

bumping enemies is the best combat system to ever be created

Artist mah nigga?

Post your steam faggot.

You should go back, Micolash is pretty easy. You can do it.

Real life. It sucks.

Too many fucking micro transactions.

I already did last time.

Well post it again you absolute fucking imbecile.

>the sidequest where you get a gf is locked
>need 25 self-confidence stat or you are locked out of dialogue options

Oracle of Ages, specifically Jabu Jabu's Belly, and a dash of Devil Survivor 2.

>Got the normal version of the game so born with only a luck stat of 5
>Others were smart and bought the collectors addition which gives them a head start of cash and a luck stat of 10

Shit charisma and seduction. Alcohol debuffs.

Persona 5.

Once I finish it I can't decide what to play next though. Nier Automata, Yakuza 0, or Gravity Rush 2.



Mass Effect 1

Already did

Go with nier.


I would say go with Gravity Rush 2 since it's shorter than Automata and Yakuza 0.
As soon as you beat GR 2 go with Automata.

After I finish Mass Effect 1 should I play RE7 next?

Binding of Issac Afterbirth+
Persona 5

Pretty much my whole week

anal iori is like drinking coke, pleb as fuck but it's so good

And don't play any other ME game, you played the best already.

Deus Ex HR
The Witcher 3

Bloodborne, Shovel Knight, EU4

shit taste. 2/10
0/10 fucking degenerate please leave Sup Forums we don't need people like you here

Was mostly watching anime but played a bit of BotW to test out my new setup of having the switch mounted and hanging off my bed so I can play laying down.

>System Shock
Mein nigger.
I still need to play that game some more.
It's way more like Doom with an inventory system than SS2 which had quests and upgrades.

She is a top five cute idol.

oh yeah? well i'm gonna play some overwatch now

I'm Why am I degenerate? I don't get it

it's easier if you cheat

here you go, goys

wish I have time to play Persona5

I've spent all day trying to get into Unturned. I've been playing single player, and so far it's an exercise in frustration. Hunger and thirst are so fast that you'll die on the first day constant eating and drinking, and since you spawn without a weapon you spend the first hour or two doing the same thing over and over: get your weapon, get your backpack, get all the clothes you can to make rope to make fertilizer to grow food to keep from dying -- and if you make a single mistake during that two hours, you die instantly and have to start all over again.

The main problem is that this first two hours isn't fun. It's a boring grind that you have to get through to get to the fun part. And since dying is so easy to do, I've spent the whole do doing something I hate. And not even getting paid for it. I spent an hour looking for hints and tips only to find every forum is split equally down the middle with people on one side saying exactly the same thing I am, that the ridiculously fast hunger and thirst prevents you from enjoying the rest of the game, and the people on the other side being typical sociopathic 12 year old cowadoody douchenozzles whose only response is "git gud."

Persona 5 and Virtue's Last Reward liking both a lot

Two three hour Nier:A sessions
Two two hour Sims 3 edging sessions
Thank the lord for that sims thread a few days ago, was still using animated woohoo over kinky world since it was in very early versions when I was gathering all these mods, it's some good shit.

Tried to play persona 5. The default screen size does not fucking fit my tv though so I got mad and gave up.

Been looking forward to this shit for years and now I can't even play it without buying a new tv unless the lazy fucks patch it.


None i just woke up picked up my tablet refreshed the page an saw this shit, im planning on playing ff 15 or nier automata i dunno which though.


this game is raping my ass

Feel like playing either Rainbow 6 Siege or some fighting game, but can't get either someone to que up with me or smack me around.

Have a billion other games I could play but I'm just bloging on a Taiwanese Haberdashery Forum.

I can't even decide on what to eat or even what to jack off to.

If its your first time through bb im fucking jealous.. what id give to go through that game again fresh, if so dont use a guide, dont ask for help, fear the old blood!

yeah, it's my first time
still holding myself to not reading any guide

I wasted time on NBA 2k 17. I wonder why I keep doing this to myself. This game sucks and most of the time I end up regretting it. I'd like to play more Guilty Gear.

Then battlefield one when my friends went online.

I've done nothing but play Zelda Breath of lori's Ass for the past week
Send help

Raper Mario

Well I just played some Fate/Extella as my King an now I'm going to eat pizza.

Lilly should've been a costume instead of that piss poor 'Stay-Night' recolor job

Playing through the Mass Effect trilogy, finally jewed out and bought all the dlc for every game. Currently half way through Omega.

Its pretty fun so far