Are there any non-cringey JRPGs?

Seriously, are there? I like the format, but I almost universally hate the characters. I like the concepts for the stories, but generally don't like the actual story execution.

To make matters worse, I'm a PC gamer, and use mostly steam.

Please send help. I need a good JRPG to buy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Souls 2

Emulate earlier Dragon Quest.

Pretty much any snes rpg.

Why do you 'need a good JRPG to buy' if you think they're all 'cringey'?


Just hurry up back to fucking Reddit

Problem is I have played those a thousand times. Those were my golden years of gaming. Looking for something I haven't played that works similarly for me. If I ignore the characters and story I can find things, but I need some sort of story investment to make me care.

You mean real life?

Because having an actual social life is the reason JRPG characters are generally so cringe to me.

Trails in the Sky. On Steam. Devoid of modern anime tropes. It's just like a 90s JRPG.

Looks like you need to get out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.

Lol you fucking destroyed that weeb

Is this sarcastic?

Shut the fuck up kid, you just don't understand JRPGs and their uniqueness

How so? I think you just have autism.

>*:0 Wha-whaa?!
>;) Hmph, typical
>unleash attack name!!
>It can't be helped
>we must destroy the demons and save the land let's go

Anime stories are great man what are you talking about

fuck off

That sounds like something a faggot trying to fuck a straight dude would say.

Lets use an example from the thread itself: Trails in the Sky

Played the first one. Now I'm only going to use the first cringey thing that comes to mind. Girl wants to bang her adopted brother. Wincest fantasies aside, this is actually really really cringe in real life. Also, forced crossdressing.

I can smell the underage on you. I'd guesstimate 15.

Weird, I get that feeling from anyone who would have that thought, considering my issues with the genre.

>destroyed the weeb
>on an anime image board

Mainline SMT games are not cringey. At least not by my standards (haven't played IV though, but I did play Strange Journey and it was great)

>le cringe

>I'm a PC gamer, and use mostly steam


>Nip dick sucking faggot still buttmad

Nice shit taste in media bud, kys.


Well, what have you played and why didn't you enjoy them?

Emulate some SNES JRPGs, namely Secret of Mana, Lufia II, and Chrono Trigger. They are quintessential to the genre.

>I'm a PC gamer, and use mostly steam

Let me tell you about something called emulator. It's a software that allows you to play a game released on a console, and it's fucking great.

But the power of friendship can overcome anything OP


Ah, so you're a child. Everything makes sense

Yeah, I know. Steam is convenient, though. And I don't want to have accounts everywhere across the internet.

Reading through the thread, I think jrpgs aren't for you. You should move on and play something else. Wrpgs maybe.

You might like SMT: Nocturne or one of the snes smt games, but I don't think most jrpgs have what you're looking for.

Yeah. He just seems to want "jarpegs that aren't actually like jarpegs" which is fine, but he should look for other games.
Have you played LISA OP?


Sigh... well, I've been getting that feeling for a while, but older ones were a lot more tolerable, good even. It's cliche, but FFT is one of my favorite games of all time. And I usually find WRPGs to be boring and nearly completely un-engaging.

>caption meme images
>I'm a gamer
>dude cringe xD
Take your filthy ass back to csgo surf maps, underage faggot.

>le cringe xD

All DQ games are great fag

Don't use ellipses or say "Sigh" when posting. This is an imageboard. You can use images to convey the same thing and your disappointment is usually clear without saying those things.
That being said, what do you like about JRPGs and what do you dislike about JRPGs? If you don't get specific it's hard to give you recommendations. Do you want a gripping story, heavy focus on characters, lots of player choices?
It's like saying "recommend me a show". It isn't too specific.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid?
heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead.

Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that.

You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat.
None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat.

This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>hahahahah XDDD wadda fuck dude I just can't stop cringing man xD! Le KYS! XD brb gonna go watch some idubbz xD I am... a GAMER... a tru GAMER... lmao fug anime JUST CANT. STOP. THE CRINGE... XD!

This kind of posts always gets me for some reason

>Being this fucking salty on Sup Forums

Fucking slit your wrists and do push-ups you worthless virgin

In a college debate class, a Shaftfag and a Kyoanusfag were debating which was the superior studio.

"Shaft isn't technically an anime studio!"

"At least their faces don't all look the same!"

Just then a brave Trigger fan who had bought over 1500 KLK figurines and fully understood the necessity of Inou Battle stood up and held up what appeared to be a rock. "How old is this rock, bakas?" he asked.

"O-Haruhi-sama created it 9 years ago, ahou," said the Kyoanusfag.

"No, Godoka created it 4 years ago, and Homucifer recreated it 1.5 years ago," said the Shaftfag.

"Wrong! This is actually a bundle of Life Fibers created by based Trigger 2 years ago! If it were created by Godoka or Homucifer it would be tilting its head by now, and if it were created by Haruhi it would have evolved the Kyoanus sameface by now!" he said.

The two students were visibly shocked, dropped their unsold Tamako Market and Sasami-san DVD's, and ran out of the room crying their crocodile tears. The same tears Shaftfags cry in joy and Kyoanusfags cry in sadness, still thinking that sales=quality.

The student applauded and quit to enroll in Honnouji Academy that day. "Before My Body Is Dry" was sung several times, and a Goku uniform labeled 'Savior of Animu' landed on the flag and shed a tear on a discarded uniform. Ragyo Kiryuuin herself appeared to offer everyone free Goku uniforms.

The two debators lost their tuition and were expelled the next day. They died when they were betrayed by their clothing, and Inferno Cop himself showed up to personally take them to the lake of fire for eternity.

Yeah, quite a few actually.

DQ series
MOTHER series
Paper mario series
Metal Max series

>terrible image with memegenerator watermark
>everything about this post
Fuck off underage cunt.

Turn based, deep story with interesting plot/premise, adult characters, high difficulty/deep strategy

I'll type how I want, though.

>fiction does things that would seem strange in real life


OP should play this.

>I have an actual social life
>Instead of asking friends what to play, let me ask random strangers on the internet what I should play
Protip: Next time put more than 2 minutes of thought into your lies.

Also if the genre itself has stories you can't get into why not just play something else? Dumbfuck.

>I have played those a thousand times.
You mean you played FFII and maybe Chrono Trigger 5 times. Have you even heard of Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei?

It's Ars Goetia-tier, so people that hate le anime would probably enjoy it if they enjoy dungeon crawlers on any level.

It's been recommended before. Honestly not sure why I haven't at least tried it. So, I guess I just need to.

no fun allowed by top hat and monocle college aged "adults" anymore

I have not, but I'll check it out.

Yo what's up Senpai I know it's 2 am but can you recommend me some JRPG games with less emphasis on the cliche animu girls that are less week pandering?

You: "wahhh don't talk about games on a game board"

Fucking idiot.

duh faggot

I came here for suggestions and I got some.

Check out Undertale my man. It will certainly fit your tastes.

Avoid Tales of Faggotry games.

FF games tend to be westernized enough.
Lost Odyssey is what FF13 should of been.
Bravely Default is great but Bravely Second is a bit more anime than the first game.

>le good old days
You know you'd hate half of the games you like if they were released today, faggot.
Most of Sup Forums is like this

You people know that if games like most of the ones you enjoy came out today as new IPs, you'd be hypercritical of them.
>Deus Ex is tinfoil hat wearing bullshit for alt-right nutjobs
>Diablo is a retarded Christfag brainwashing game in disguise. Can't fool me, Blizzard, I know this game is all appeal to emotion.
>Mario is a randumb faggy platformer. Talking mushrooms and evil turtles? They definitely want the Twitch audience for wacky streaming.
>Legend of Zelda? Why do I want to play a game about some gay weeaboo anime swordsman?
>Metal Gear Solid? This is just a meme game. They even mention memes! Why am I just running around in cover while these non-sequitur bad guys attack me in this stupid popamole cinematic """"shooter""""?
>Mortal Kombat? This is just some edgy, attention whoring weeaboo game that wants to try so hard to look Japanese, it's pathetic.
>Sonic? This is just literal furry pandering. There is no reason for a character like Cream to exist outside of loli furry pandering, Tails is for the shotafags, and Knuckles is only there for forced nigger diversity, 0/10

>adult characters
That seems like an arbitrary restriction unless you mean mature characters, but even then having everyone be "I am so mature and sophisticated all according to keikaku" isn't good writing.
You should try LISA the Painful then. You'd really like it. You could try LISA the first, but it is a walking simulator. It helps when understanding The Painful though.
If you don't make posts befitting of the standards of posting then you're breaking the rules and mods might ban you.

One of these threads, huh?

>Yo what's up Senpai I know it's 2 am
How is this any less cringe than the average RPG? You sound like a fucking idiot in denial.

By the way I hope you're at least playing these in a dorm or with someone else in the room because if you play alone in your room and you still get embarrassed by what you play then I can only imagine what kind of emasculated faggot / clown you must be.

Once again
>Needed to ask Sup Forums what games to play
Nobody here is an idiot but you.

Symphonia and Vesperia are fun though.

>should of

>expecting anything good to come out of what is objectively the most sterile, stagnant, regressive, overly monetized genre in any form of media
There's a reason most of us play WRPGs user.

Pretend friends are cringy.

Valkyria Chronicles if you omit the beach episode.

Most people here aren't weebs so fuck off.

>This reading comprehension
>Think I'm the OP

I'm done. Talking to you is cringe as fuck cuz you're just a weeb fanboy and you're also dumb as fuck. Sorry redundant.

I would really like you to name a single WRPG that's come out in the last 3 years that is actually any good.

Then why the fuck are you playing JRPGs in the first place?
Is this bait?

You need to go back.

>fails in the cry
>shit niggermi tensei
>cuckold triggered
>dragon "i refuse to change even after 11 entries" quest
>final faggotry
>gayly default
Wow you sure showed OP

user, even the worst WRPGs are better than the least awful J"""""""RPG"""""""s.

So you're saying your social life consists of bitter fucking wagecucks who hang out at bars all the time?

Lol, talk about "cringe" your fucking social life sounds like actual shit.

Name ONE (1) good WRPG from the last 10 years

Edgy cunt.

Every Square Enix game I've tried to get has been a crappy PC port that hasn't worked on either of my PCs

Well, have some things to go on, now. Going to get one of these suggestions and try to play something.


Most people still find anime and shit related to it cringey like OP said so don't act as if it is weird faggot.

for some reason social outcast autists get offended when you bring up cringing. why do you guys get bothered by it? because the word intrinsically makes you remember how embarrassing your life has been?

But user, don't you love "Follow the Red Line" quests and clunky combat? Throw in endless dialogue that puts you to sleep most of the time, and you have THE BEST GAME EVER MADE!!!


sounds more like you suffer from shit taste like most amerifats just deal with it and move on

Under Rail.
Darkest Dungeon is okay.

>Most people still find anime and shit related to it cringey like OP said so don't act as if it is weird faggot.
>Sup Forums
Pick one, and only one.

baka desu senpai

Why make a thread like this? Anyone who is capable of giving you a good recommendation won't post if you make a shitty OP so you'll only get bad recommendations. What are you trying to accomplish?

If you don't like weird shit you shouldn't be here. I am not saying that to be mean, but this isn't a place for "normal" standards.

all the weebs in this thread defending anime writing please post pictures of your disgusting fat faces so we can better understand the connection between being an unfuckable loser and being dependent on anime for your sexual and social interaction. youre not fooling anyone, we all know what you are. please just stop deflecting

woah woah woah woah...

Are you saying this game trailer of a 100% western game ISNT cringe? LOL

You fucking brainwashed western cocksucker. Western games are by far WAY more "cringey" than Jap games. Fuck off, you goddamn retard.

I've been here for years nigger get over it.
You weebshits should fuck off if you don't like people with other tastes.

No thanks, NSA-kun.

Fallout new vegas,mass effect,dragon age origins,alpha protocol,the witcher series and I probably forgot a few.

If NSA-kun wanted to see your face, he could just call up CIA-sama and get it.

Still better than any incest and pedophillia filled japshit game.

which alphabet agency is the cutest

Im honestly cringing at all of the people in this thread posting their anime games and saying "I swear it's not like the others!"" Like I tried that Trails in the Sky game and it literally had a bath scene where the girls are naked and anime humor

This guy gets it
The ost is addicting

t. homosexual