Switch has BotW

>Switch has BotW
>PS4 has Persona 5
>PC has Nier Automata

What does the xbox have this year? Is this the best video game year in the history of video games?

Ps4 actually has two of those games, OP. So checkmate, faggot.

No, emulating doesn't count because you're breaking the law.

>No, emulating doesn't count because you're breaking the law.
Cry some more, conformist faggot.

Nier Automata is mediocre at best as far as character action games go. Nobody bought that game for the gameplay.

>PC has Nier Automata
Fucking kek
The best PC gamers can come up with is leeching off of PS4 console exclusives despite the ports being garbage fuckin lol

Also BotW is on Wii U.

Your post is so full of ironic shitposting that nobody is going to take it serious.

PC actually has all three once RPCS3 is finished.

Every non-conformist I've ever met in my life is some trash individual who barely makes 25k a year and never moved out of their parents room.

t. 30 year old user

I'm about to, playing the demo the combat is pretty satisfying albeit really familiar

Persona and Nier barely sold a million copies user. These consoles are for normies who want to play the latest Fifa.

>Cites an overrated Zelda game and some weebshit fanservice
Yep, you're a fucking faggot.

Entitled PC players get to reap the benefits on the hard work of coders and modders who put the effort into giving you that service. Meanwhile developers aren't seeing a dime out of you while you demand absolute perfection out of them.

PC players sound more like entitled niggers every passing day.

>xbox having anything



>perfect character action game

Don't get me wrong, I like it but it's clearly not a pure character action game by design. Oh sure, it has Platinum's trademark combat base but it's not the same kind of game as Bayonetta, Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden. Hell, you don't even have to be good at the combat to succeed, let alone master its intricacies.

>implying people aren't buying the games they emulate

>make a thread and say something positive about every major fanbase on Sup Forums
>they still make it about consolewars

You fucking faggots are undeniably the worst board on all of fucking Sup Forums.


I bet you think OOT is overrated too. Summer Sup Forums in effect early this year.

op destroyed.

At least they don't suck dick for a living


It's over.

>Perfect JRPG
>not even the best Persona game

>Is this the best video game year in the history of video games?

No, it's just the first good one in a while.

>Overhyped empty world trash


>Boring less than mediocre ARPG with fanservice galore to get the 12 year olds interested

Try again dipshit.

came to post this.

So Sup Forums just hates video games?

And that changes what? It doesn't magically make the Switch and PS4 versions not exist.

Where does it say anything about exclusives?

>implying they don't resort to sucking dick when their car tire blows out because they spent all their money on their GPU

also they aren't even the best in their genre. They're just chink shit versions of western games.

>on Sup Forums
>anime is reddit
holy shit

pls sunset overdrive 2

>What does the xbox have this year?

Halo Wars 2 which I heard wasn't that great.
Crackdown 3 which is whatever.
Sea of Thieves, which actually looks cool as fuck.

I think that's it.

>exclusives don't matter
>no they do
>no wait

TFW wii u ps4 and pc have all of these and xbox has nothing

and neither of them are on xbox one

Xbox could have had Scalebound

but muh 4.1 flipaflops muthafucka


>implying reddit can make exceptions for not calling anything eastern weeb trash

Is that the game David Jaffe was working on?

Why is it bad?

turbonerds btfo

>Nier Automata
>Perfect Character Action Game
Nigga it's like my new favorite game but if you really think it's the best character action game you haven't played a single character action game

why buy a pieceofshit4 when I can play all the gook trash that I'm not gonna buy anyway on pc?

Xbone is still getting KH3 and the new Valkyria game

console exclusives, but exclusives nevertheless

Persona 5 is on PS3? What the fuck? Is it a port of an old game? Or are they still supporting PS3 in japan or something?

Xbox niggers have always been complete dudebro trash

Xbox killed gaming, thank fuck they're finally dying. Imagine being an Xnigger and watching literally every other platform getting a stream of hits this year, then playing Gears of Halo: Musclebound Faggots for the 6000th time

If you ever owned a 360 you're reddit casualcuck nigger trash.

Edgelord style over substance. Shit netcode.

multiplats only matter when i say so.

So how's Yakuza 0 and Persona 5? Did you enjoy PD Future Tone? Cuck

>Character Action

Who the fuck cares what Xbox has? Play whatever you want, own whatever you want.

Bad netcode for a multiplayer focused shooter.
4 player limit for all game modes
No split-screen or any form of local multiplayer
Edgy 14 year old humor and style
Horrible weapon balance

I'm on PC emulating botw and persona and can play nier regularly.

>PC has Nier Automata
fuck all this he has she has shit, PC is used to play all multiplats with mods for the best experience out of any platform and whatever exclusives that may come to them. if you defend exclusives and don't agree all video games should be on a single platform that MAKES video games in the first place and technicially allows the best experience you suck big business cock

Xbox has nogaems

P5 was originally PS3 exclusive
Then i think Sony struck some kind of deal with Atlus to port it to PS4

>no physical collection

So you're a fake weeb then

There's a reason Japan buys all physical you know. Maybe if you weren't a 13 year old ironic weeb you'd understand.

How does Purse Owner run on that new fangled PS3 emulator if you don't mind me asking?

Thanks for your blog update. Where do I unsubscribe?

oh no the autist said cuck because I offended his fishface games

>le sony deal meme

Or you know maybe they put their game on a current gen hardware instead of limiting it to a 12 year old outdated shitbox

Even in Japan P5 sold 4 times better on PS4. PS3 is dead now.

>perfect action game

Lmao no, as a huge plantinum fan I admit the gameplay is easily it's worst aspect. It's good because Taro, not because of its mechanical depth.

>perfect character action game
How? The combat is literally mgr-tier, and all budget PG games sucks ass in terms of combat
Go fuck yourself

>Play whatever you want
can't really do that when you've got an xbox one

>Xbone get's KH3
>SE releases KH 1+2 & 2.8 for ps4 exclusively
Why even bother puting kh3 on the xbone to begin with?

Not many wanted to pay 599 us doll hairs user

>not playing "gook trash"

Wtf do you even play then, sjw infested shit from western devs?

Because the vast majority of people don't give a shit and are annoyed about the countless rereleases of games and just want the third game.

Like shit desu

Like, how shit?

Is it improving?

I got a bunch of games in my backlog so I was thinking I'd go through those first.

It's wonderful. We're in a second golden age of Japanese development.

>Playing Nier Tomatomatado for the fanservice.
>Not for the romantic love between an absolute madman and a stoic QTπ android bodyguard

Nier Automata plays well enough but none of the fights ask much of your or push you to mastering the systems. There's not much reward to mastering stuff like the perfect dodge or the parry skill chip because you can't really get much more of a reward than you would by just skirting around and shooting.

What was with all the games getting delayed for the PS4?
Were nips that tired of developing for the PS3?

You mean poorfags AKA Xniggers

>tfw can emulate BOTW right now to completion but will wait for perfection
>tfw Persona 5 will likely be perfect sometime this year
>tfw Nier was great and who would have thougt a JRPG like this would ever be on PC

Feels good to have skipped this console gen.

>Let's put the final game in a long lasting series on a console that's never seen a single release with a fanbase that most likely won't care because they were never invested in said series.
If ffxv is any indicator kh3 will sell poorly on xbone.

why the fuck would you quote me? Am I supposed to care about you? Do I know you?

>xnigger delusion

Anything that's not sweaty faggots throwing balls at each other or sweaty faggots shooting each other doesn't sell on Dudebrobox

>Perfect Character Action Game
It's nowhere near Bayonetta's level and has loads of combat flaws. Most pronounced is its lack of depth, but carry on, ugly fags.

The last game people gave two shits about was from 2006 on the PS2 which everyone owned.

How many of those PS2 owners do you think stayed with Sony?

Plus porting between PS4 and XB1 is super cheap and easy, it only needs to sell ~100k to cover the cost of the port, which it will likely do.

I don't have an Xbox One and I don't like Kingdom Hearts.

You know it's bad when a console doesn't even get defenders in a shitty consolewar thread.

is nier's crack out yet?

You mean the least well done part of the game?


>Switch has an exclusive
>PS4 has an exclusive
>PC has a PS4 game

one of these things is not like the other

Well pc also has persona 5 and botw since you can emulate them.

You'll have a better time watching those on youtube than emulating them.


In 2014? PS4 was new hardware while PS3 was 7 going on 8 and it was always notoriously difficult to develop for thanks to DA POWUH OF DA CELL, so that's probably the case actually.

All the 360niggers became PC Cucks once the Xbox One was shown to be an indefensible dumpster fire

They're the same ones who are still sayong PS4 has no games in 2017. They're still salty that Sony destroyed them.

You don't really believe the Scorpio will be a big hit user. It's not possible to be that deluded.

None of them are exclusive. BotW is on WiiU and P5 is on PS3.

What the fuck even is the Scorpio? Is it a true next gen console, or is it just an update Xbox One S?

It's just update, until it isn't.

Alright. Doesn't really matter anyway as long as Microsoft continues to not care about exclusives that aren't Halo and Gears of War, both of which have been getting worse by the entry

Shit on xbox thread? Count me in

It's just seems kinda weird not to have the remaster ported when there's so much nonsense between 2 and 3.

A new console with updated hardware but gives all it's games to PC