Is Sup Forums hyped for the new spiderman game?

Is Sup Forums hyped for the new spiderman game?

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no ps4 exclusive

This isn't a Zelda thread.

They need to show off some gameplay

Getting real sick of this "announce a game and pretend it doesn't exist for >2 fucking years" meme

It's set to come out in 2017. Just wait for E3.

the devs are huge leftist cucks so no

spiderman is shit, capeshit is shit

It is impossible for me to get excited for this game. We have not seen any footage since last E3. If they show some game play this year at E3 and it looks good than I will be hyped.

This game being exclusive is just the cherry on the cake. I love salty PCnigger tears and I don't quite give a shit if you miss out.

Keep those tears coming.

I generally like Insomniac so yeah.

that doesn't make it okay

>the devs are huge leftist cucks so no

[citation needed]

They probably could have shown it sooner, but they're most likely holding it off until E3 on purpose. Just have faith, my dude.

Also, apparently that whole coffee shop sequence isn't scripted..

There's no way they can translate the table flipping into gameplay beyond mapping it to one button like the boost from Sonic games

There's nothing wrong with being inclusive, you stupid alt-rightfag. Face it, liberalism is the only viable ideology.

>Those graphics

Jesus H Christ, are those actual in-game graphics? Good Lord, that's some really high quality shit if so, especially for a game based off a movie. I haven't seen anything that high quality since Uncharted 4.

Not with that attitude it won't

>still no gameplay videos

Man, Brazil must be paradise to you

It's not based off the new movie. This Spider-Man game resides in it's own universe.

That's fine with me, but look at those fucking graphics. Holy shit.

Some of the best looking games this gen are console-exclusives. It's bound to happen when you don't have to port a game to 2 different systems with completely different architecture, allowing you to just allocate efforts into one.

>people are STILL fucking falling for "in-game footage"
you can't play this shit without 2 GPUs and at less than 1080p. the environment they're presenting is catered specifically for what's shown in the camera. anything outside the camera is static and even non-existent because rendering an actual world with these visuals and physics would cost too much $ for consumers to handle.

That's what happens generally when a game is exclusive. The developers don't have to adjust the graphics for multiple different platforms, they can focus on making it look god tier through great optimization on one.

Insomniac is a pretty good developer. A couple downgrades isn't going to be a surprise but I still have faith in them

It's not even that technically impressive. I wasn't even blown away by the graphics during the reveal, I was just blown away by the idea of a new Spider-Man game after all those Beenox failures.

I've been burned by pre-release HYPE trailers with pretty graphics before (FFXV), but just going by their comments, the game sounds promising.

Not hyped, but optimistic.
Why do you know this?Why do you care?Give me an example of it affecting their games?

Who's paying for that window?

>It's not even that technically impressive.
yes it is without the obligatory downgrade. look at Horizon; it's beautiful statically, but technically it's dogshit when you actually MOVE in the environment. digital art can be stunning, but video games have to be consistently playable and the only way to make them appear beautiful while having that for 99% of gamers to enjoy is image trickery through blurs, pop-ins, filters, limited brain of the AI causing stale enemies and NPCs, etc.

>recycled amazing spider-man 3 game
It still might be good but that costume sucks. The white is fine, except on his wrists. Change the Amazing Spider-Man spider too.

I didn't like it at first but it grew on me

At least it's different, I'm getting tired of the same suit over and over again. I don't know why people are okay with batman changing suits every other day but once spiderman does it people start autistically screeching.


If it's anything like the Spider-Man 2 vidya, it'll be fun.
If not, meh.

I hope we get cross-overs

hope they gave him the classic look rather then that piece of crap

yes it was one of the factors that made me buy a ps4

that costume looks disgusting the white spider better be removed

I wouldn't say I'm hyped, but I am eager to see some news. Since the comic is still shit and the upcoming cartoon and film don't look very promising either, I'm hoping that this at least turns out well.

They're trying to distinguish it from the movie. Making it clear that they are not connected ina ny way.

>there's white bits and lines and shit!
it's not distinguishable enough to warrant such a spergy criticism. do yourself a favor and try not to be so sensitive to every little change in media.

then just go with the classic costume
>they will include it as an unlockable or dlc
this is not arkham city where the costume is close enough to the original where its not a big deal. and its a waste of time making this shitty oc costume

Oops looks like another one escaped

giving him the white spider that looks almost exactly like the black suit costume and stupid unnecessary white bits is pretty valid criticism especially when that probably means the villains will get shitty redesigns to

spidermans costume is iconic its one of the few costumes that constantly go back to the original look after a stint in a new costume

>baawww this dev team is mostly if not entirely comprised of liberals
>better bitch on my cantonese imagur even though next to no conservative is involved in the video game industry

No, but I'm genuinely interested as to what is it about it that makes it worth being hyped up? I just don't understand.

just a solid web swinging mechanic really

i miss those. It's relaxing

why would I be? all spider man games suck

>Shitsole "exclusive"
Oh boy what a fantastic addition to the rest of the vidya that is forever lost on dead end platforms.

How can one be hyped for a spidey game if we don't even know what kind of swinging it has?

I haven't played a Spider-Man game since pic related.

What ones are worth picking up?

I dont, looks like ass, and every other SpoderMon Game suck dicks hard enough to not giving a shit about this franch.


You can't prove that
>the most popular gaming system right now
>dead end

Your trying very hard

>black suit costume
Venom symbiote

Are your parents brother and sister? Do you not understand what dead end means?
All third party platforms need to die to save the vidya.

Tech companies support immigration because they're starved for skilled labor so they have to import people all the time.
Inclusivity is just a PR excuse.

Dr. conners class

Seriously? All you focus on is the graphics?

How much is Sony's marketing branch paying you?

>sonic is put on the genesis
>dead end
If its popular enough it'l get sequels, and rereleases, and eventually it'l be emulated on PC.

>Sony exclusive

Nope, 99% of them suck.

No one knows peace from this. Eat a huge dick marketer~san.

2 is literally the best spiderman game with swinging perfection but you can avoid the rest.

Web of Shadows is the only one really.


>no costume modding
>deathly afraid of showcasing gameplay, would rather display QTE sequences
I'm sure we're looking at another Bamham clone here. Who would have thought Sony giving into Marvel would go so horribly wrong.

It's a glaring Deviantart-tier mismatch, you don't know what you're talking about.

Give it to me! I crave a good Spidey game so bad.

What about that one with cartoon style graphics, and the same web swinging?I forgot the name.


What do you want from a Spider-man game? Fanservice? Combat? Swinging? Most games excel at a single factor while halfassing the others.

It's a post-Bamham western super hero videogame made by a Sony funded studio. It's physically impossible to end up any good.

B-but...Insomnia is making it...dun crush the dream.

Infamous is a post "le bamham" western super hero game by a sony funded studio

It's not the same web swinging. The swinging physics in Spider-Man 2 were the work of a single guy that still owns the rights to it but he retired a while ago.

>eventually it'll be emulated on PC
funny that you already know that this is the only thing that preserves the vidya for future generations. But you still don't seem to see the whole picture.
Sony and MS don't have any business in the vidya anymore, they are just in it to make money, they are the only that gains from their existence, not the vidya and certainly not the consumer.
But that's something for adults to think about I guess.

Let's be real. Last time they showcased it officially was a whole 10 seconds of 4k* footage for the Pro conference. They keep cycling the same scripted bits, namely the coffee sequence, and bullshiting us about that being gameplay. Their last non-Ratchet and Clank game was Reddit Overdrive. And Fuse before that.

* Not actually 4k footage.

It was developed before Bamham.

True, I'm just really hungry for a good Spidey and that new mechanic where using your environment for combos got me excited.

>minding your own business
>enjoying a cup of coffee
>spiderman swings through a window and covers you in shards of glass
>glass cuts you all over disfiguring your face for life
>disorientated, covered in glass and your own blood, you accidentally knock your hot coffee all over your genitals, melting your penis permanently to your leg
why is spiderman such a dick?

>likes/dislikes disabled
>comments disabled

>why is spiderman such a dick?
Maybe Insomniac hired Sam Raimi to write for this game.

>only 1 black person there
>probably their slave
why are insomniac such white supremacists?

Don't listen to , he's a fucking idiot.

You should play Spider-Man 2000, Spider-Man 2, Ultimate Spider-Man, Web of Shadows, Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time which is the sequel to Shattered Dimensions and that's it.

i dont think shattered glass falling on you would cut you, spiderman would be the one getting fucked up from the glass

But why wasn't it Suckerpunch who was designated for this project? All of their projects feel like a natural evolution towards an eventual Spiderman game while Insomniac's repertoire is basically eccentric shooters. Seems like such a waste of natural strengths.


Is this gonna be ps4 exclusive or not?

I hardly get excited for new games nowadays
especially western games since most of them turn out to be full of sjw trash
so no. I´m not excited right now. Which is sad since I used to be a huge Spiderman fan

>Also, apparently that whole coffee shop sequence isn't scripted.


Anybody who knows even a little about games and animations can tell that coffee shop scene was totally scripted. You might be able to do it in-game, but it will be the same pre-baked animation sequence everytime.