Redpill me on Mario Party, Sup Forums

Redpill me on Mario Party, Sup Forums

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You can beat Platform Peril faster by short hopping

Its a party with Mario.

Pretty blue pill desu.

5 and 7 are the best
Nintendo 64 ones are fun but nostalgia fucks up peoples judgment.

It's fun with friends.

Wish I had some :(

Get the fuck out. 3 and 6 are the top tier Mario party games.

Your right about 5 at least.

>5 has random items
>7 has bowser time, bad board gimmicks, a character tier list, random bonus stars, random duel rewards, and free money from mic spaces if you don't disable them (which reduces minigame variety by taking out all mic minigames)

I've only played 7 and 2. Are 3 or 6 worth emulating with two controllers, or should I just stick with my typicals for game nights with cute girl?

It's THE game to break friendships and N64 joysticks.

Are you dense? You can change the mic minigames to button pressing minigames, thus not reducing variety dum dum
Every game had board gimmicks, most of them are shitty

>5 has random items

They're good games, but like most Mario Party games they're better with a full group.

Eatza Pizza will always make you hungry

>a character tier list
woah, what? I don't remember this, did they have specific items only those characters could get or something?

It's a vidya of a board game with infinitely more backstabbing and minigames every two minutes.

And their hands. I actually got stigmata from a Mario party game.

you can use buttons for them but iirc if you disable the mic they won't appear
board gimmicks meaning with getting the star specifically, 2/4/5 have all normal boards and 3 has five out of six

>you get all hammer bro capsules
>your mate gets flutters and chomps
it's even worse than chance time or hidden blocks since you can't even reliably use items to make a comeback

yeah, they're divided into pairs and some pairs are a lot better than others

>but nostalgia fucks up peoples judgment.
Hell no, the n64 ones are tied for best along with 7. 5 is shit. You can't blame it on nostalgia because I was a kid while playing all these games and replay them today.

>5 is shit

My dude,

5 is not shit.

Neon Heights was great unless you literally ave shit-tier luck stat.

What the fuck? You don't need a fucking redpill for Mario Party, you stupid memeing shit. It's fucking Mario Party, EVERYBODY knows what Mario Party is. You know another thread died so this one could be made, right? Thanks for this waste of goddamn bandwith, OP.

I feel redpilled. Thanks, Sup Forums

>open thread
>no retardy stream

it's a lot better without bowser time

>Sister would always start crying if you used the ghost on her.
>Why me? Why me?

Random capsules are gay.

Do you use codes, user?

>sister rage quits after i pass boo three times in a row with reverse mushroom shenanigans

Over time I realized I don't really care for them.

Not a red pill.

Fuck no. The minigames are a bore-fest. Me and my friends were all bored-out trying to play this trash.

If you beat MP3's story mode on Super Hard and get straight Miracle Star rankings, you unlock MP2 costumes.

>Steal 2 stars from the player in 1st
>Get a hidden star afterwards

And that's when my friends stopped playing with me


This i never actually knew, I'm pretty tempted to play the N64 for this again

Someone gonna host an online game, stream a retardy, or really do anything remotely interesting ITT? If not then at least talk about other releases and why they're good/bad

MP Advance was pretty great for what it was, and the aesthetics were absolutely spot on. The minigame focus change to single player did it well, and asides from the board adventure having space for improvement I still think it's the best attempt made at a single player mario party formula

Star rush is actually really fun since it's made to be played in short bursts so if you find yourself waiting for something to happen you can just pop open your 3DS and play a quick game. I just wish the minigames were a bit more fun and the main modes weren't so radically different from the main series up to 8, but otherwise this is a good way to make everything move faster while still making it all work well

>the best attempt made at a single player mario party formula
Why would you want that to be attempted in the first place

Best boards for the n64 games
MP1: Luigi's Engine Room
MP2: Horror Land
MP3: Spiny Desert
3 has the weakest boards overall but carying multiple items makes things interesting.

Does Mario Retardy only work on 2 and 3? Tried it on 4 a few times and it was really boring. Haven't tried emulating any of the post-64 ones after that

wheres the retardy stream?

I agree with all your best boards, but I rank the boards overall as 3 > 2 > 1.

for people with no way to play multiplayer with others. Against the CPU it just feels like ass most of the time so I'm half-glad they tried to still give people with no friends a chance at enjoying the handheld titles. Besides, I don't mean a game with only single player, but one with a heavier focus on actually making SP work instead of just using an assortment of CPUs that range from brain dead pocket lint snorting ass wads to the very incarnation of RNGesus' favor on earth

1 : solid mini games and solo player
2 : costumes are fun and solid minigames
3 : better version of 2 but with no costumes
4 : Nintendo listened to the fans and gave them some new characters and items that make for some fun gameplay
5 : slower gameplay, but overall looks a lot better graphically. Even more characters, Maps are solid, but items are swapped out for traps in order to fuck with people more.
6 : remake of 5 but it's not as great.
7 : point of no return.
8 : Shitty because all the maps are way too small
9 : Remember how the maps were too small? Well now you all share one space because everyone is now tied together like some fucked up 3 legged race. Minigames are shit.
10 : Minigames are god tier, Bowsermode is great, Amiibos are kinda shitty because the amiibo mode just makes you remember that you could be playing a different mario party. But don't worry, even though the minigames are god tier, you'll get to play one once every 2-3 rotations if your lucky. There have been some games where we have finished the board and we played a total of 5 minigames excluding the boss battles.

Why did it all have to go so wrong?

t. 16 year old

>6 : remake of 5 but it's not as great.

why did they not listen and made 10 like 9 after we kept shouting the car was such shit. is the better question

3 gave an incentive to Battle Royale since it gave you new courses and junk for playing. I think you could coop that shit too.

Can't remember what the later games did. I think 5 had that cool car mode where you could unlock shit and 6 had little minicourses. 7 is a blank.

Could you inside how competitive Mario party could be if they gave it online? Oh imagine the tears as you steal everyone's shit

It must have made money. If that happens then good reviews and critical acclaim aren't needed.

Can someone tell me why there haven't been made any Mario Party clones that you can play multiplayer online on the PC? Seems like a missed opportunity.

You can netplay Mario Party online, just get a few friends together or join a netplay Discord

competitive wouldn't work in a million years. that's why I want it so much

Mario Party clones always tend to be shit. I guess people are afraid of getting sued if it's too close. I dunno.

>what is 100% orange juice

Battles aren't as good as minigames desu

retardy when

Why not?

Tons of games of heavily random mechanics in them but remain competitive.

Mario party has more skill components to it than most card games played using a standard 52 card deck.

And the obligatory, over the long run randomness evens out, so in the event rankings were determined via ladder then eventually the best players would move to the top, and the shit would settle at the bottom.

>minigame collection+board game
>just a board game
Not even close, pal.

There's just no way to take it seriously on a competitive level.

I agree that it would never be taken seriously, but that does not mean it wouldn't work.

Example you could make a sport out of tricycle riding, while hula hooping, and it wouldn't be taken seriously as a sport, but it would work just fine.

Mario party is about the same, it would not be taken seriously as a competitive game, but it can easily function as one.

I actually do play it competitively and keep a leaderboard of sorts, there are a lot of little tactics you can use to get ahead.

Neat. May i bombard you with questions? Trick question, here it comes.

What is the most critical skill being tested in Mario party? When i say most critical, what i mean is, which skill is most correlated to victory. Example clicking heads (technical execution) is highly related to victory in shooters, and game knowledge is highly related to victory in magic the gathering.

Do you have any secret tech?

What version do you play, and is that the most commonly played version from a competitive perspective?

Do you play other people who are playing with a competitive mindset?

It varies from game to game and board to board, but I'd say that generally the most critical skill is situational awareness and adaption on the board. Good players will always have a plan they try to achieve, but being able to come up with a plan B on the fly when someone figures out what you're up to is what helps the most getting the win.
Winning minigames is important too, and on some boards that's the only thing you can really ensure, but with clever enough boardplay you can make up the deficit.

There's not really a lot of secret tech it's more just figuring out the most efficient ways to do things or what is and isn't RNG. Some of the minigames have little tricks, like getting hit with a hammer just right in 3's Awful Tower minigame to clip up though blocks, but those are few and far between.

I can't speak for all competitive players, but personally and among my group I mostly do 2, 3 and 6 on the more consistent boards. The other games have varying degrees of competitive merit as well, but these ones are more proven.

I do, playing with people who aren't doing all that they can to get 1st is boring to me now.