*blocks your cast*
*blocks your cast*
>not *blocks your invocatio *
Get the memo senpai
What are your thoughts on the new set Sup Forums?
Looks pretty bad imo
I still can't get not-mad from this
whoever signed off on the border and font needs to be lynched
Wtf is this Aztec looking gobbledygook card?
would be cool if it wasn't magic
*blocks your sunlight*
if mana drought and mana flood are such a problem and since you can under normal circumstances only play one a turn, why aren't your basic lands a seperate pile with a seperate "draw" each turn?
>give counterspell it's best artwork ever
>it has a shitty we wuz kangs boarder
WE: the set
I was hoping they have yet to spoiler the mythics, but then I realized that mythics were already spoiled, it's just the set symbol was too yellow and looking as rare
Well played WotC
holy shit, this card design is really bad
>still pating for mtg cards
First: it's manascrew, second: fuck off to HS. Not everything has to be dumbed down so it's easier to play.
I can't explain, but me and some friends tried it and it becomes a really dull game, and by the third game of the 10 or so we played it was obvious this would sort of render every deck that wasn't a monogreen 6/6 flood a uphill battle.
Did you see Kaladesh and Aether Revolt's Inventions?
Wizards is reprinting old cards/making alt art for new ones on these fancy card templates. They're not considered legal in any format other than what they were already legal in.
The inventions looked good but I haven't seen a single person say these new ones in Amonkhet (Invocations) look anything other than shitty.
The only one that looks decent is pic related.
No you don't faggot.
>mfw I love dwarfs crazy RPG science but dwarf pilot + vehicle decks have become extremely obnoxious and played out
The Gatewatch is the worst thing to happen in Magic history
That assumes its a creature he decays.
That's the Jacetice League, right? They're absolute cancer and killing the lore.
Not so fast faggot
>play deadeye navigator + peregrine drake
I stopped playing MTG around Kamigawa and got back when Kaladesh come out, I fucking hate anything related to planeswalkers, Jesus Christ what a faggotry.
But I think that actually looks pretty cool
The card name is still barely legible, is the issue. The art looks great, but who the fuck signed off on that border and the title text?
>playing blue
literally KKK
>Destroys all your permanents
There are better setups. But that fucking KKK shit is mint.
Not so fast
i miss when there was a standard legal deck that could hardcast emrakul on turn 3 if you drew what you needed
Years later and it still reads like some 12 year old made it
I run 4 of those in my "Sac attack" deck. So fucking good.
How many times did they change the mana cost for this spell?
>the coolest lore thing in recent magic involved a planeswalker who declines to join the gatewatch
when will we see more of Tamiyo?
Nah I'm fine
The only good thing that came out of Battle for Zendikar were a bunch of ways to kill Emrakul
>he doesn't play standard
Hol' up
>colorlesses your path
Why would anyone in their right mind play Standard right now?
I only play EDH and free play stuff. Sometimes I do some modern at locals and its really fun.
I love the game and people getting me into it changed a lot in my life.
I hope you have fun with your standard play!
>there will never be an action rpg based on MTG where you play as a walker and the spells you cast are based of spell/instant/enchantment cards
>you will never hand out oblivion rings like candy to all your enemys
the only format i played was Commander, then I see the recent changes to the """"""DUEL"""""" format and it makes me want to vomit
RIP EDH desu baka
The standard for non-conditional counters nowadays is usually 1UU, if that's what you're asking
Be careful what you wish for. It's obvious it'd be goatwatch shit.
I was damn near ready to jump ship when the power of friendship killed 2 Eldrazi titans.
because the constant cycling keeps it fresh
over cockatrice / lacky of course
ITT Cards that get you erect
i wouldnt monkey paw it but a man can dream
what happens if there aren't any other targets? Could you redirect the counterspell to redirect?
Yeah, while Redirect is resolving you change Counterspell's target to Redirect, then Redirect finishes resolving and leaves the stack, and when Counterspell resolves it fizzles due to lack of target
>He plays Standard
what a cuck
Part of me wants to get it cause I *might* be able to run it somewhere in the side board for Modern Burn.
And the other part of me is saying it may not do shit since it doesn't have haste.
>why aren't your basic lands a seperate pile with a seperate "draw" each turn?
You would want to look into Force of Will for that mechanic.
>Noncombat damage sources you control have wither
>On a 1 drop
>With prowess
It might just be the last thing my janky caster deck needs.
I tried FoW, it was alright but i felt that having a ruler was too restriictive since those determine how your deck will be.
Turn 4 lethal damage in Standard? Yes please.
>pay 1 life
what happened?
ban the cat already
I only noticed the filename after I already searched for this.
>burn my hand like a motherfucker by playing burn spells and discard to enable madness triggers
>drop a 5/4 indestructible hasty beater on turn 4 to finish people off
>turns land draws into burn
>you can play the sexy 1 drop that beats goyf after performing the age old taboo of bolting it alongside her
This bitch is joining Jace and Elspeth in the "shit spoiler standard rape machine" club.
I appreciate this
I hope mono-red burn makes a comeback in standard with this as a finisher somehow
MaRo, lead designer of Magic and Duel Masters, has said that keeping the mana different overall lead to a worse gameplay experience when they tested it with DM, and I am inclined to agree. It takes out choice (especially factoring in fetchlands), it takes out suspense and all for what? Even with a separate land pule you aren't guaranteed to get the color you want not to mention it gives an unfair advantage for lands with low (16 or lower) land count since they can guarantee land drops despite the risk of a low land count.
Lands are my favorite card type and Life from the Loam is my favorite card, it goes to show how something you can perceive as a "chore" or bad gameplay element has more to it if you delve deeper.
Swiftspear this is not and won't see play outside of casual or standard, but who cares about either really.
magic is more about winning more then you lose then winning 1 game
Even in the most aggro of decks, it's going to be hard to dwindle your hand down to 2 cards at the start of your 4th turn for a hasty Hazoret.
And I really hope you're not implying there's good burn in standard.
Pretty neato unless you're playing against blue. Or even Aether Hub if the player is wily.
>played magic for the first time a couple days ago in tabletop sim
>got fucked by my friend's white equipment deck
LoL just gotta draw my flying minions dude only 38 cards left to draw xDDDD
I thought this game was good
It's shit m8 and the fact you even bring up goyf as if you imply this will in any way see play in modern goes to show how fucking deluded and shit at the game you are.
you can play over table top sim? how does that work without wizards sueing them?
If you play it for the first time you really can't judge it. Consult with someone who plays at your local game store and build yourself a good budget deck and then go to your local FNM and after that decide if it's for you or not.
>Or even Aether Hub
im a retard please elaborate
There's plenty of discard thanks to innistrad 2.0 and we're getting even more support in amonkhet.
The problem with madness vampires is that the best vampires weren't strong enough to act as finishers. Hazoret is not only strong enough to win the game, but also puts your opponent on a burn timer.
uh oh, watch out everyone! the tourney fag is here to post his opinions no one asked for!
>"hmmm, how do i launch myself to be the center of attention in this thread? by being aggressive as possible of course, then my opinions will hold more value"
What are you, 17?
I dunno why he isn't sued but there's an entire board with all the cards except the most recent two xpacks available
I got a hearty kek reading the unglued cards
I think i'm just going to suffer from being a late adopter. I'll keep trying it out but I can't really find a deck archtype i'm enjoying
Aether Hub can be tapped for any colour with an energy payment. So if they sideboard in a Counterspell or Dispel, then tap Aether Hub for a blue, even in a Mardu deck, say goodbye to your beautiful pumped Pummeler.
>play R/B zombies
>Everyone I play consistently finds all their copies of mainboard disallow against me
>like regular blue players, they take 2 minutes trying to decide if they should or shouldn't disallow my scrapheap coming back when I have nothing in field and nothing in grave and constantly make it sound like they have a real thinker on their hands
>torrential gearhulk in general
Someone save me from this hell.
i remember fucking around with a freeware sim some 10 years ago
it's probably because they can't squeeze blood from a stone, and also because it's not trying to make money or cut in on online Magic
M8, I just wanted to point out the card beats 4/5 goyf with bolt. God is a standard bomb only.
What burn spells do we have on hand in Standard? And post-rotation? I feel like it's not enough to compete.
>I think i'm just going to suffer from being a late adopter
Nigga literally everyone is a late adopter, this game started in the early 90s. Hell if anything you are more poised to enjoy magic right as opposed to a game veteran, Wizards designs new sets to target you not the experienced player.
I started playing during Aether Revolt, the last set to drop. It's honestly fine.
The removal is far too good right now for a Vampires deck. Grasp can take out the God, Push takes out all the small drops, Vehicles can outrace it, Saheeli and tower can out-tempo it, ect.
Good game kid.
Oh yeah, but at that point everything is fucked already, i play RG aggro, if it gets to that point its ogre
>another fucking Gideon in standard
>no cat hate
>no cat ban
>two standard decks running the entire business
amonkhet was supposed to save us from this hell