Does anyone else think the atmosphere in the 3D era GTA games was some of the most comfy in vidya...

Does anyone else think the atmosphere in the 3D era GTA games was some of the most comfy in vidya? Maybe it was the lack of much ambiance noise. Something about the HD that doesn't follow suit.

The "HD" era never put a smile like 3d, V almost do it, but it feels plain and empty in the end.

>atomsphere in gta sa was comfy
>constantly surrounded by blacks
>can't relax
yeah... real comfy

Video games arent real.

>implying the atmosphere isn't fantastic once you leave Los Santos

I don't know. I find GTA4 and 5 both really comfortable and relaxing to play.

Their music choices are just consistently excellent that I love just driving around or flying and listening to music.

San Andreas is the best GTA

Last good gta was 3

honestly i think the game is starting to become stale because i've been playing gta since i was in grade 2. hopefully red dead 2 won't have an online like gta5 with a horse costing 5k and the average mission paying out 10 dollars.

bigger maps=less comfy

It will be exactly like that
Why change something which prints money?

About to play GTA4 right now. What am I in for?

Should you the first three games before playing this one?

I don't know, man. Why are you asking me?

yes, itd be like playing MGS V without playing the first few, you wont understand the story line.

play gta london first to understand

IV has a super comfy atmosphere to me (I just think it captures the urban dwelling feeling perfectly) but I agree with you OP.
I think it has something to do with the graphical style staying pretty consistent in III's universe while exploring different environments that feel unique yet real in a way when you explore them.

I feel like that love is missing from vidya today.

It's a lot slower than 3d era. Very different feel. Lots of nice details but somewhat less to do than SA.

Liberty City Hardcore and the classic channel are very good. Driving around in the rain, listening to Philip Glass gives you the perfect mood to kill youself. Cool stuff.

Play the earlier ones if you haven't though. I like 4 and 5 along with the previous, not instead of.

it's because we were young and carefree back then

yup, as a kid even gta 2 was total sensory overload for me. gta 3 was like the perfect 3D version of that game. IV had a great city but not much else and V is just a big cramped city with no variety and then empty mountains just outside it.

fuck man, gta III, gran turismo 3, metal gear solid 2, tony hawk 3.

why did 2001 have to be so good ;_;

I hate to ask but do you REALLY need to care about the story to play GTA games? As far as I'm concerned, comparing them to MGS is really far fetched.

Aimed at as well.
I was under the assumption they were all disconnected and decided to just jump into 4 since it's the one I've heard the most about. Instead of like MGS5 I thought it would be more akin to jumping into Skyrim first instead. I don't really think I will or want to play the previous ones before desu. I'm probably a shitty human being for not, I guess

I didn't mean to imply that you dhould play them first. You're just missing cameos. I just mean they are all worth playing.

Just do whatever is fun for you. Don't get wrapped up in dumb rules that restrict your enjoyment.

Ambiance is comfy, pleb.

Haha no. There are a few references to past games and in-series running jokes but you can play literally any of the games whenever you want without playing the others first.

Gta 4 is really comfy too,it's almost relaxing