Hey, 4channers! Randy Pitchford here. I'm here to answer any questions regarding some of my games...

Hey, 4channers! Randy Pitchford here. I'm here to answer any questions regarding some of my games. You've probably heard of them already, our hero shooter Battleborn paved the way for new titles such as Overwatch (aka the game made from a failed project by Blizzard. We nailed ours on the first try). I'm also here to answer any questions about my son. And no, he is not autistic.

Other urls found in this thread:


You really put the RP in Randy Pitchford

Ha ha, you're so silly!

We love to have fun hear at Gearbox


Why is noone asking questions? I have plenty to talk about. Ask me about my wife's weight, son's age, even my Scrabble bathroom tiles. Ask away!


Ha ha, true words, friend!

Me and my wife have teamed up to stop nasty bigots like our president once and for all! If you fight against bigots, you're a fellow BADASS!

How about em bathroom tiles then Randy Bobandy


Cry babies are NOT badasses

I sense a troll here. Don't you have a life? I feel like you've been hurt. Trying to troll someone on an AMA is NOT nice behavior. Mods, please get this guy outta here.

Is Randy shorter for Randall?

Are you doing okay Randy? Have the bigots gotten to you yet?

But Randy, that's how your song went.


now you fucked up, just delete the thread tranny

It was my wife's idea, really. It's fine with me though, I'm a fun loving guy!

The image I posted is me sharing with my fans my bathroom. Any fans of mine in this thread? Of course there are! Aren't you all?

How can I get a job at Gearbox? I'm a freshman studying CS.

I know! Don't you think I know my own songs? I'm a capable person, you know! I have a wife, son, AND castle all in one house!

It was a metaphor. And if you could stop trolling me while I'm trying to have a discussion, that would be great. Go back to mommie, child.

Randy, why are you on your knees, arms behind your back, looking like your about to suck a big floppy cock?

Nope, and they never will! Ha ha! I'd like to see them try!

I like that Amy Shumer. She's a funny gal!

I think you may have severe autism Randy Bobandy

Randy here.

I'm not only contractually obligated to refrain from doing stuff like this (especially on a Chinese cartoon image sharing website), but I have no interest in the opinions of a bunch of nobodies.

Sup Forums, make your own video game. Gather your own talent. In your infinite wisdom, and broad experiences, you should be able to craft (1) good game.

Spoiler: it'll be terrible. Because none of you have project experience, or any sort of passionate drive (maybe hentai), or a basic understanding of what makes a gamer tick (also probably hentai).

Learn the craft and do something. All talk from this website. No action.

You have to be a BADASS!
And then simply fill out an application via our website!
Please send one

Hm. There's mature people trying to DISCUSS things, and you're here trying to troll. Quite sad, actually, that you would post something so vile about someone who has done so much for this industry.

At least it wouldn't bomb like Battleborn and suck shit like the entirety of the borderlands franchise.

>tfw youre a successful dev with nearly 100 titles under your belt

Anyone got the screencaps of him posting links to on twitter to a reddit r34 of battleborn that he made?

You're mean. You're just a mean person. You intended to make me feel bad, didn't you? Battleborn is doing great, just check the steam charts, kiddo. Now stop trolling and get a job and contribute to a cause like me, THEN try to talk.


>tfw aroused and disgusted

I'd be more interested if she didn't have a moon face.

She looks like a hideous slug
Just like Randy

What's wrong with that? Yeah, I did do it. No shame. I'm just trying to draw in the DeviantArt crowd. It's called business, troll.

First Anthony Burch and now you, are you worried that your company might be cursed?

Please stop. Just stop. Stop being a negative, rude, mean, and hateful person. Why do you enjoy this? Why do you enjoy making poor Amy feel bad? Please get off the Internet and pick up a book. Educate yourself.

We make good games here at Gearbox, your trolling only makes me temporarily sad for humanity. Kids need to get off the internet and go play some soccer.

Gearbox has never made a single good game ever.

Stop shouting! The pic was for the fans!

List one. I'm so sick of you trolls, you make hurtful statements but can't back the up. So go ahead. List ONE bad game and I'll eat my Scrabble tiles.


I did already! The pic was for the fans! I would never do anything so dirty!

And also, I'm already sexually pleased! I'm quite a handsome man, just look at my dazzling blue eyes! Thats how I got a sick babe like my wife!


Why would I read a wikapedia page on my own company? Are you trolling?

Those bags under your eyes say other wise you disgusting fuck

You asked for a list of bad gearbox games. There's your list.

Great games don't come without tireless and hard work!

But thats all my games! I don't understand! Are you trying to troll and confuse me? I'm too sharp for it! No getting past this noggin! Try again next time, troll.

Keep the questions coming guys! Trolls, stay out! And you guys would be happy to know that Battleborn is selling like hot cakes! It's hard to keep 'em on the shelves for a solid half hour!

What's your wife's pussy smell and taste like Randu?

How tasteless! You expect me to be able to FIND my wife's vagina? You naive troll!

Can I get some free Battleborn keys for me and my wifes son? He wants to be a BADASS too!

You're right randu my bad faggot

The game is too mature for your 'lil badass, but he will blossom into a kickass hero one day! I know it!

Really!? Again with the rudeness. I AM NOT QUEER. For the last goddamn time. I'm starting to lose my goddamn patience with you people. You come after me? Fine. I've got skin thick as NAILS. You come after my family? Now THAT is a different story. Lay off the insults and let's try to have a reasonable discussion.

Put Duke Nukem in Borderlands 3, faggot.

>This is probably legit
Top Kek

This is MINE board, Randy. Your incompetent sickens me. Leave at once.

Faces of meth sure is scary

While I am annoyed at your vulgar language and accusation, at least you're trying to discuss something. You'll be thrilled to learn that we *MAY* have a Duke Nukem easteregg in Borderlands 3. The fans will love it!

How fucking dare you slander the name of the good god our Lord you nigger.

Todd, we can share. Fallout 4 wasn't THAT great... and to be honest... Gearbox could've done it better...

What do you mean by this?

Those piss stains kill me every time.

I do NOT do drugs. People that are close to me know that I do NOT do drugs. Please stop with the libel.

When will you finally kill yourself Randy?

Stop! My son is still learning to aim!

PLEASE no bigotry here. And I am a devout Christian. So stop the trolling. You're a sad, sad man.

Then use gosh damn you fucking kike

Never, because suicide is a crime AND a sin. And as stated above, I am NOT one to cross god. I am a Christian father and a law abiding citizen.

Sorry, stopped reading when I read the "k" word. Please refrain from using such vulgar terms in the future, or get off of the Internet. The Internet isn't a place where you can just post harmful things like this.


Kike was the last word in my post so you read the whole thing you dumb stinko chinko

>Not sitting while peeing



To be CLEAR, I will NOT tolerate that language.
Have you any shame?
And you are a disgusting, disgusting troll.
This deeply saddens me.
When will you grow up?
A badass doesn't curse
Sizzlin fickles
The fact that you troll on a board like this...
Happy you will be if you troll no more
Everything comes to an end
Just trolling is all you have left, isnt it
Only YOU could type something so offensive
Knuckles hurt less than words
Everything you say has consenquences

Post your wife's tits Randy

Disgusting. Women are not just OBJECTS you can MASTURBATE TO YOU SICK FREAK. My wife is a HUMAN being, with FEELINGS. I know you trolls don't have those, but please, cut the talk about my wife's body. It's a sensitive issue.

I was right and still stand by what I tweeted. Battleborn has a strong and growing community on ALL platforms. Maybe check the stats before trolling, you jerk.

hey randy

He's a small boy. He falls straight into the water when he attempts to sit. Stop bullying my son.

Nice overused joke, troll. Someone's already use that on me. Try harder next time.

It... it still hurts though...

>watching standups
>comedians all have great showings, some hit and miss but they clearly put a lot of work into their routines
>the women comedians however do nothing but shock humor
Female comedians fucking suck.

Please, stop harassing women. This war on women NEEDS to stop. From the wage gap, to fat shaming, to manspreading, EVERYTHING men do seems to have negative ties to females. There are even bastards who consider my wife to be FAT. Men today have NO manners.


What's your son's butthole feel like around your curly pig tail cock Randy?

What the hell is that!? Todd, is this you again!?


Fuck off Bobandy

please stop calling me that

Make me Bobandy

That is not my last name and you damn well know that. Have some respect for a hero of the gaming industry.

More like a super villan

Evidence? I single handedly hand crafted modern gaming. You OWE me and Gearbox.

What about the Colonial Marines lawsuit you fucking gook.

Keep on asking away, guys! Aren't you curious about Battleborn!?

that didn't happen; in other words, fake news. now stop trolling and trying to ruin Gearbox's solid reputation.

How many kids have you touched in the past 3 years?

>Gearbox could've done it better
Is that why Battleborn has SO many players?

Gearbox's games have touched the hearts of children all across the globe