What's your excuse Sup Forums?

What's your excuse Sup Forums?

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I got the PS3 version and remote plays works like absolute fucking shit when it's PS3 to Vita.

You have figured out your own problem sir.

Remote play is a bit shit through internet, and why would I play it on Vita when I'm at home?

I'm probably gonna get a Vita again soon after I buy a new GPU, but CEMU is the reason I am not buying a Switch.

Excuse for what? Spending $60 on an Isaac port? I'm not that stupid.

It was free
my dad created gamestop

Nigger what? I need a goddamn vita now. Why did you lie to me and tell me these things were shit /vee/??

The switch either will be a failure...

Or be successful get a redesign like this that makes the OG switch look like a piece of shit.

Remoteplay works like shit for me even 2m away without anything between the PS4 and Vita, and using 360p mode
Deleted all saved WiFi passwords on both consoles and using only direct wifi, if I use my router it works even worse

Still have my DS Phat. It's crazy to me how primitive the entire design is. Especially the buttons.

Since the Lite redesign their buttons have generally stuck to that look&feel

>vita library so shit people only use it as a remote screen

it's a bad library for normies

elite library for dungeon crawler / vn / turn based jpg / rhythm crowd

Persona 5 via Remote Play is fucking perfect.

>Vita Library

>Being this delusional

>dungeon crawler
Bullshit. And don't give me that "Stranger of Sword City" crap.

I'm sorry you have shitty taste in games.

Yeah? Does it run all right?

> indie-tier weebshit

>weeb says others has shit taste in games
100% pure ironing

shitty memory cards cost an arm and a leg

Posting anime reaction pics doesnt really help your case

shit i forgot you could do this
the remote play performance always sucks for me though

Jason you were in this thread yesterday. Turn off direct connect setting on your PS4, and it also helps if your PS4 is connected to the Ethernet cord instead of using wifi.

Go back to your mass effect and fifa

Have been playing for about 3 hours now with no hiccups. I'd say it's perfection. I don't even have grade A internet.

Go back to absolute trash like criminal girls

>doesn't even HAVE indie weebshit
>just a fucking horrible mario game a shit zelda game, and monhun

Niiiice brotha imma try it out.

It's pretty much what the portable version would be like if it existed, in some ways playing it in bed is better than the nicer looking actual PS4.

>Vita only connects to 2.4G
>I'd have to take my PS4 off 5G
>Don't feel going into town and buying an ethernet cable
>Guess I'll just have to play Persona 5 on my 45" TV

kek, it has weebshit that actually had budgets put behind them.

Btw, RuneFactory 4 is already better weebshit than anything on the vita

If you're within like 20 feet of your PS4, it doesn't use internet anyway, it uses bluetooth.

>rune factory
just lel.
it doesn't even have weebshit with a budget. What, you mean the etrian odyssey games that came out half a decade ago? Oh, sure, it has those. How about this millenium, gramps?

Who's Jason?

I'm currently upstairs and my PS4 is downstairs in the next room. I'd say that's farther than 20 ft.

I bet you're those shitposters who list Xenoblade, Fire Emblem and Shovel Knight as reasons to own Shitch.

> lel
> just lel

I thought you cant remote ps3 games at all?

>$60 port of a cheap game
>Console with a few decent weeb games and memory cards that cost way too much than they should

Why would I want either?

saving up to buy a PC and my younger brother has a vita so we just share it. I'd gladly buy a switch but I'll wait for some more worthwhile releases and, again, building a good PC is kind of a money sink, but I'm tired of spending my entire life on god awful laptops lagging behind by 10 years on the development curve

> stella glow
> ever oasis
> Fire emblem(s)
> Lord of Magna
> Pokemon mystery dungeon(and mainline games)
> story of seasons
> dragon's quest
> Bravely defaults

Probably abunch more jrpgs that I don't care about and have never played. Inb4 lazy one-line greentexts about how each one doesn't count.

>attacks vita for having weebshit
>posts list full of weebshit


>You can marathon every Persona game sans Q on your Vita

What a time to be alive

I dont buy shit from Nintendo since they announced the Wii, or Sony shit

Exited for the Scorpio, xbro?

Weebshit isn't bad unless it's bad.

3DS has recognizable franchises/developers. Vita weebshit is spat out on shoe-string budgets by literal-whos trying to capitalize on fan-service.

what are you even playing then? dota and team fortress?

lol Vita is a virgin machine. Stay deluded.

oh, you're another mentally ill "it's okay when Nintendo does it" drone

Oh, so you do own one.

To each his own I guess.

I'm sure your chinese 240p toy for $100 pulls all the pussy :)

> it's okay when the games don't suck

Yeah pretty much. The average vita game in 2017 is steam greenlight tier.

At least it has games in 2017, unlike your toddler toy.

Except it keeps getting new announcements?

Didn't Atlus just announce a SMT and Radiant Historia remake last month?

> toddler!!!

Lol, mature games for mature virgins such as myself

I am mostly a /vr/fag, but I pirate shit on pc
Microsoft is trash, I would never buy their shit after the shit they tried to pull

> I refuse to buy any corporations products!111!!

2 kool 4 skool

>two shitty remakes

fucking lmao

nintentoddlers will have a busy year

I don't know man, looking forward to Summon Night 6 and especially the new utawarerumono more than anything on 3ds right now.


This I almost want to get a ps4 just for the remote play though, but they're 200 bucks and I just bought a switch
P5 portable when

It really was like a prototype that somehow made it to market. I remember never even seeing the things at gamestop or anything as a kid.

Well I buy old games. and sometimes indie games from the comiket
But yeah I dont like the current practices of corporations, like DLC or paid online

Except remote play is fucking shit
It's got like a whole second of input lag and the screens too fucking small for anything
>tfw we'll never get a new sony handheld system that's not shit, uses micro sd, has a high resolution screen, and better sticks, with better remote play
It'd be the perfect console
It would destroy the Switch

vita meams life!

How is it that so many people still don't know how to improve the remote play feature? It was shite for me for about a week until I got tired of it fucking up and looked for ways to improve it. Now it works like a charm and gets more physical play than the actual PS4 console. It's possible man. Just do a quick google search.

Would be nice to play Persona 5 on vita, sucks it doesn't work for 3.60

how well does internet remote play work?

But CEMU only emulates Wii U games

>Haha man just use it right
What the fuck does that mean
Does it mean
>Buy a 500 dollar router
If so, what's the fucking point? I'm gonna be using remote play outside of my house obvously.

If you let Sup Forums tell it, they'll say it's utter shit. Meanwhile I'm actually playing on it and have been for a while and I can tell you that it's worth the price of a used vita. It works really well on decent internet.

My router came free with Comcast and it works just fine. Why would anyone actually waste money on an expensive router anyway? Nigger my phone hotspot works with this shit.

You guys know you can connect your Vita to your PS4 directly, right? MASSIVELY cuts down on lag.

can you do this over the net?

neat grips too:


>can you do this over the net?
actually nevermind

Enter the Gungeon is supposed to be coming to Switch, and that does everything Isaac does but better.

but I bought Branding of iZach AlterBridge + already, so I'm not really making an excuse.

Wait a fucking second nigger, tell me in details how you got your PS3 to remote play in the first place

I'm a 25 year old male so i don't play handhelds any more.

>buying a shitty tablet with no games when everyone else is playing Persona 5

Wewest of lads

>I think I'm King of the Big Dicks, so I voluntarily miss out on lots of good games.

That's you. That's what you sound like.
Poop face.

What version of the vita is better?

There's no way a new one would use a micro sd. It sucks but I get it. It worked to cut down on piracy. It would be nice fore a new handheld. I'm really disappointed I won't get p5 for the vita.

Slim for obvious hardware fixes and internal memory. Oled screen isn't present on this one but it's not a big deal.

But what's the point of remote play if it's not remote
Whoa I can play my ps4 in another room whoa
No, the point is to play it outside my fucking house

>he doesn't know.

>Tfw I have a 1k screen and will get another one if I can when it breaks.
That oled screen is the be all end all.

You can!

If you're directly outside of the room where you keep the PS4, and your house's walls aren't too thick. laleliluLOL!

>Implying I don't regret my purchase
Only reason I'm holding on to it is because I'd end up buying one down the road for mario and shit anyways
Shit, if e3 isn't mindblowing I'll probably sell the fucker anyways

Came here to ask the same question

Only certain games supported it, ya dingus.

How stupid do you have to be to trust Neotendo after the Wii U

You only have yourself to blame.

stick a dongle in your vita retard

I have no interest in the vita but I miss my psp so badly. Nothing has ever been as comfy


if it wasn't for the vita library, pc would have no games

Hacked ps3's can remote play any game
It's bad though

I need to learn nippon first letters before I buy a Vita.

Don't think I'm getting Persona 5. The whole "time management simulator" aspect really turns me off. I have a hard enough time managing my shit in the real world. Having it in a game isn't my idea of fun.

But by all means, enlighten me. Why am I wrong?