>lol you mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
>lol you mad?
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Just start talking about your growing erection.
"Whatever" then ignore/end conversation until your partner coms up with a real argument.
>/nick Madthad
Say no I am merely perturbed
Send a picture of your dick to them.
No just upset
You can't, at that point in the argument you've essentially won, because the guy on the other side has shirked logic and reason for regurgitated ad hominem bullshit. Anything you say at that point, even if it's something he'd agree with, is just going to be met with criticism.
At that point in the argument I usually spam hateful memes until they leave.
"Yeah I'm super fucking mad"
And your asshole. Like, a ton. Or better yet, a picture of you fucking their dad. I sent this guy a picture of me fucking his dad, I spammed it to him 100+ times a day, and after a week he killed himself.
>I'm not going to respond because I don't talk to kids.
>Shhh kid
>Shhh kid
How do you win this argument?
You already have.
I just speak Norwegian, which causes the silly fuck to lose his shit.
Lots of hmmm, aaahh, eh, hrmmm replies, sometimes with multiple question marks at the end but never just one. Every once in a great while just use a ... If you have a mic burp and clear your throat excessively, breath into it.
You dont and then they get even more mad because you dont respond to them
>even getting to that point with some random retard online
Not him but I've literally gotten that after one reply.
"Yeah I'm fucking mad you triple niggerfaggot"
Ignore him and keep talking. You win by default
Ignore him.
In my experience this only happens when you're losing. So you respond by beating them, then laughing at them.
At that point you just track them down and kill them
I say yes and continue to let them think they're still a 13 year old boy in high school
>progressivism is making us so dumb that whoever acts like a smug child first in the argument automatically wins
You can't tell me you DON'T get assblasted when an idiot who believes they're genuinely smarter than you blissfully praises their victory of making u mad by giving a half sentence response to your paragraph of an argument. Back in the day being dumb was embarrassing and settled your fate in life, now it's truly the only way to survive in this society without being mad all the time.
You respond with the exact same thing
Start talking in Russian. Bonus points if you were talking in perfect English JUST BEFORE he said "lol you mad?".
start brap posting over mic
>are YOU mad? For you to even bring that up makes it seem like you're projecting a bit.
>no u
I'm mad that I can't gargle on your cock right now
Gay shit always works
>"This is why Donald Trump is president"
ultimate libsmasher
>without sounding mad
But I am mad.
>No, because I'm not a nigger lover like you. Now go back to sucking bubbas dick you little slut.
This works 5% of the time.
Ultimate not mad response incoming:
>I'm cumming
Either stop responding or respond very curtly. If you send a paragraph back you look like an idiot
I find not engaging them at all works wonders.
Same when a random pubber is acting like a cunt and obviously trying to saltmine for a youtube compilation or some shit
Fucking this. I always just talk gay shit back if someone has beef with me. Either they shut up since they realize I really don't care if someone talks shit at me online or it turns into a back and forth gay ERP tier shitflinging.
I usually just continue talking shit to them because I am actually mad. I'm toxic and passive aggressive as shit.
>i'm actually just fapping to your voice
I love you.
Always respond with gay shit.
>lol you mad?
"No. Just disappointed."