Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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dont ask here
a horde of Sup Forumsedditors are about to come cry


probably the old as fuck man throwing the word cuck around. Cause fucking seriously they way so many nerds been using and throwing that word around. Pretty much makes it meaningless at this point.

Well he's right. Ivanka went on a date with Justin Trudeau on Broadway right after this first meeting.


this isn't video games

>potentially going to be the bull in a cuck relationship soon

Thanks Sup Forums for educating me on the terminology of this weird sex thing.

This. It's bad enough that the alt-right thinks it's a decent insult. We don't people in positions of power acting like he's shitposting on a website for anime porn and videogame waifus.


Like nazi and racist, right? Pretty much makes them meaningless at this point.

Sup Forums still gets triggered by being called nazis and racists amusingly so not yet meaningless

>tfw I'm the male in a cuckquean relationship
there's nothing better than degrading my fiancee as I sleep with other women while she gets off on jealousy.

>black people should stop saying nigga because so many suburban wannabes and anons use it


They really are. The word Nazi is now applied to anything more right wing than the person using the word, despite the actual socio-politcal views of the person being labelled, and racist isn't even a word the left can agree on how to apply.

no they don't? they actually wear tags like a bag the same way they like deplorable

in fact everyone is probably racist so who gives a fuck? and if they're not a nazi then they don't really care because it just dilutes the actual meaning with actual nazis who believe in gassing more jews and skinheads.

>be Jewish
>Get cucked

>video games

Politics are for

Completely forgot about that board. I get reminded every now and then when they come to post on Sup Forums.


difference between a cuck and a nazi is that some people legitimately want to be a nazi/racist, when pretty much no one wants to be a cuck

Absolutely. I'm tired of reactionary retards acting like there's anything wrong with being a cuck. Let people do whatever they want in their bedroom.

Fucking globalists, when will they learn?

Hush little cucky

my boy trudeau working his dick for canada

Damn... how can I even compete... with the raw virile masculine power... of Tyrone DeShawn Washington...

>be rish as fuck
>not be a globalist

pick one unless youre trump

>Let people do whatever they want in their bedroom.
Said the pedophile.

I mean...cucks usually want to be cucks. It's a fetish for a reason.

stop it baitman

Probably the globalist cuck.

because being a cuck doesnt stay in the bedroom, its liek the skin you wear it goes every where with you

>He thinks Trump is rich

It's been stale as shit for almost three fucking years now.

T H R E E. Y E A R S.

And people being disgusted by them is an integral part of the cuck fetis, it's win/win.


For anyone who isn't aware, the MSM and CNN have been running a massive smear campaign trying to make out that the Trump administration is internally divided, and claiming that Kushner got Bannon fired from the security council.
In reality, Bannon was always a temporary member of the NSC, and he stepped down because his replacement had been found and returned to his actual job.

Don't listen to media narratives.

just say everything that doesnt align with your views is fake news, you dont need to be overly verbose about it.


How about you kill yourself you dumb fucking faggot Sup Forumsditard

being rich isnt all about the cash in youur hand boy

Trump's base is pissed because he's going full neocon on Syria, they're calling for Kushner blood.

Who is more the cuck? The cuck or the cuck that helps him get off?