Was this game any good? What about the first Killzone?
Recommend me some lesser talked about FPS games that are good Sup Forums.
Was this game any good? What about the first Killzone?
Recommend me some lesser talked about FPS games that are good Sup Forums.
MP or SP?
I bought that game on release it was dogshit. Tribes 1 and 2 were fantastic FPS games but multiplayer only. SWAT 3 is one of the best tactical shooters of all time and only really gets discussed by tactical shooter enthusiasts. If you want stuff that's both high quality and somewhat obscure I recommend checking out Half-Life total conversions like Poke646.
AVP could have been okay but it came out at the time time of of the chainsaw glory kill bullshit ushered in by Gears of war.
It was the main reason turok was so shitty.
Every Killzone is shit except for Mercenary don't play them.
Resistance is a surprsingly decent shooter but Resistance 3 is actually a really damn good FPS campaign-wise.
Singularity is a great single player FPS.
PS2 Killzone? It's repetitive as hell.
Also Hexen 2 is a game I never see discussed even though it and its expansion were pretty good especially if you knew how to bunny hop or even just zigzag while running for sanic speeds.
First killzone? Are you retard? I bought ps3 for 3 of them, god of war and unch 1-3. 1 killzone is from ps2 era and super shit. Killzones are overated and heavily marketed. Resistance series is much better.
Also nothing is better then halo 1 and second may be gow2 but its not fps
If you want an older cheap one, Black was cool. Probably costs nothing now to get.
First killzone is really dated, I enjoyed it when it came out. But since I only owned a ps1 and ps2 my standards for FPS wernt really that high. I dunno how you'll go playing it now. Get the HD ps3 port at all costs though, it makes sniper rifle actually useable instead of a mouse attached to a rubber band. Plus stable framerate and bug fixes.
As for other FPS's
> Killzone 2 is great
> Resistance 1-3 are awesome (2 is bleh, but 1&3 are top tier)
> Bulletstorm is cheesy as hell, but also really fun
>halo 1
Boy I sure do love hallways
Grey hallways
I don't know man this is why I'm asking you Sup Forumsirgins to recommend me some FPS that aren't also the most popular ones everyone already knows like Battlefield and CoD.
Skyrim is a pretty good FPS
Resistance: Fall of Man
BLACK - early console military shooter
Halo Combat Evolved
F.E.A.R + all the expansions
Have you played RtCW, Quake 1 and 2, Soldier of Fortune, or SiN?
I thought AvP 2010 was okay for SP. It wasn't anything too amazing but I enjoy both series so it was worth a play through. Never touched the MP.
>Grey hallways
I think you mean purple
well all of those games were popular when they came out so really you should start with playing the well known PC FPS games as a lot of them were actually pretty damn good and run well on new PCs especially the id ones
avp3 was okay. about a 6/10 game. easily worth a playthrough if you see if it on sale.stop
>Resistance series is much better.
Both are pretty overrated. Resistance 2 and 3 were awful, Killzone 3 sucked. Killzone 2 and Resistance 1 were fun.
I thought the new AvP game was okay. The multiplayer was super laggy though. I remember there was one map where there are pillars and shit that could crush you. Sometimes they wouldn't appear properly and could become invisible. It was very possible you might skate into an invisible death trap and explode randomly. Good times.
FEAR 1 is a terrible horror game but a god tier shooter
I'm playing Doom 2016 for the first time and I'm in love. I recommend playing it on Hard though.
Winback 2
Resistance is almost as garbage as your blatant fanboyism for garbage sonyshit trash
Bulletstorm. Don't get the shitty new remaster though, its not worth it.
>Recommend me some lesser talked about FPS games
That depends.
Are your legs ok?
If so, then buddy do I have the game for you.
You mean winback 1?
It's sad since Resistance didnt get much hype during its days i remember playing the demo for 2 on the ps3 years ago when it came out
Both of the No One Lives Forever games
and I know it's slightly famous, but Perfect Dark is seriously the best FPS of all time and I still to this day get pissed off when people talk about Goldeneye instead of it.
this man knows what's up
It was good you are just a faggot
Titanfall 2
play the conduit for the wii, that game is one of the best fps on the system, avoid the conduit 2
>Recommending the biggest meme game on Sup Forums
Fuck off culter scum.
>tried to replay it on PC
>whenever I turn on the slo-mo and shoot something, the particle effects go apeshit and turn into a fog
>can't see unless I turn it off after I kill something and switch it back on
I'm sure there's some fix somewhere, but I haven't seen it
>FEAR 1 is a terrible horror game but a god tier shooter
More like a decent horror game and god tier shooter.
It's not "scary" but achieves a nice horror atmosphere and story.