Minimum height requirement for gaming now

>Minimum height requirement for gaming now
This is the future we could have avoided.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Pretty short
>Hopefully i'm too short for vidya so this nightmare can finally end

Only if you're under 5'6"

Now, I'm pretty short but I doubt anyone here could possibly be THAT much of a manlet ... right?

>even in vidya manlets are btfo

inb4 he gets sued for discrimination against women


>Tfw you're 2 inches under the requirement
Would someone please break both my legs so I can acquire an inch on both

5'4" here

>I'm 5'5 1/2

Come on. I would understand the concern if the minimun height was 6 feet but its 5'6. that's below average on asian/ latin countries.
You cant be that short.

VR has had an IQ requirement of under 100 since the start, so this isn't anything new.

The average height in a lot of countries is lower than that so..
5'5" here

Is there a height limit?

Just do what every other 5'5" manlet does

Get some shoes that give you a 2" boost
Say you're 5'9"

>A game that girls literally can't play

Try not being a manlet.









Imagine a system that could detect the users height and automatically adjust the character model to that. It would be like having oddjob running around in every game. What a nightmare.

>tfw one inch and a half above king of manlets

What kind of freak is under 5'6?

I'm only 5'11 but holy shit how can you be shorter than 5'6?


I'm up in the stratos, though I am not lanky at all.

Based devs kek. Lets get all manlets outta here, starting with 5'6 dwarfs

>He's under 6'1

oh wow ... well then ... sorry guys, but hey, look on the bright side - there might be a hobby even better for you in the future instead of video games. Like uhhh ... knitting, I hear really short guys are SUPER good at that!

If you can't afford enough food to grow to a normal height you probably shouldn't be spending money on video games.

Please don't bully

I have bad genes (short parents) and have a chronic disease which spiked when I was a teenager, I even feel lucky I didn't end below 160cm
I'm also white so it's even worse I guess

Isn't this the pig who blamed some reddit MRA page for ruining her life?

Why are manlet memes so funny?
t. 5'10 manlet

>thinking we need women anymore

Can't really help how much money your parents made when you were growing up.

189cm masterrace

who /tall/ here lads

I didn't mean you specifically, I meant the people from countries with an average height under that.

Yeah the meninist page replied with something like "when her weight starts with 200" and she got pissy over it.

We gotta make up for the height somehow. Please understand.

Most excellent

>father is 6'3"
>men on his side are all around that
>mother's side is all 5'10"~
>doctor says I'm gonna be a BIG BOY when I'm an adult (around 6'2")
>grow up
>5'11" and a HALF

>Taller than most women
>Short than most men
>Everything in life is a perfect fit for me.
>Plenty of legroom wherever I go
>Meals are always a good portion

Say what you want, but 5'6" is comfy mode.

1.93 meters here, grow up.


>the comments
>"Wow it's Oddjob all over again"

204 cm here.


maybe you stunt your growth

>TFW 6'0
>Slowly becoming king of the manlets status


>>Taller than most women
I'm not sure if this is even a true statement.

Nah, I ate lotsa food and exercised a lot.
It's just my mom's genes, all the men are hugely strong dwarves who have worked on farms for generations. It's time for me to dig great tunnels and amass wealth and gold.

>Used to like trapping when I was younger but outgrew it
>wide shoulders to boot
>Always fucking hungry but my metabolism is through the roof so I'm stuck at 110~ pounds in hungry skeleton mode despite shoveling away so much food I'm struggling to pay bills

everything is shit.


>taller than most women

>Be 6'10
>Read this.

I guess you can say, I have a... towering advantage over the other players.
But don't worry, I'm okay with boosting my fellow squaddies to a higher vantage point.

Article states that 78% of the US female population is less than 5'6"

God I love being a 6"5 half south African

kys manlet

Anyone that isn't a white European, African or Middle Eastern is probably that short if not shorter. I think the average height in Mexico for a man is like 5' 4 lol.

>110~ pounds

6'5" /fit/ user here. The devs are making a mistake with their decision. I've experienced "max height" signs at amusement parks and it sucks.

Sorry shorter anons. The problem isn't you, it's shitty design. Anyone who says "manlet" is either self loathing or insincere and I wish we'd get back to our anti-black roots rather than ragging on our fellow white brethren for not being tall enough.

same thing happened to me

>Being a manlet
Feels good being over 6 feet tall.

>tfw I'm 5'3.

5ft9" but have really fucking wide shoulders. Feels ok I guess.

Why not wear platform shoes? Unless you're a womanlet it should be enough.

I knew this kid in high school who was so tall and hungry skeleton he looked like a tall guy sitting on a really low toilet whenever he sat in a desk. I can't imagine him comfortably driving or doing much of anything without discomfort, even now. It seems like it would be like being nearly handicapped seeing him in the school, but at least he's not Danny Devito.

just wear some platform shoes

I don't understand how guys compete in height and cocksize.
Maybe It's as vapid as girls who try to compete in tit size but hell most of the time we're at least competing in the vanity department that is within our control.

The average height of white women is 5'5" in the US. So he is basically the same height and towered over if they are in heels . Most likely he is mexican which is why he is so short so it doesn't matter since mexican women are short fat goblins that are lucky to be over 5'1".

I'm alright since my parents are almost midgets, also mexico is awfully full of manlets so i'm doing pretty good
Not like i care about dumb shit like that


Reminder that ancient Canaanites were the master race.


>be 6 ft
>almost always be the tallest guy
In all my life I've seen like 2 women that are my height, that's about it. Maybe I need to go to a women's basketball match.

user, if you're taller you're at a disadvantage because you're easier to shoot. That's the whole reason this is a problem.

>13% of american men are under 5'6
>there are 50 posters here
>there are 6 to 7 posters on this thread who couldn't play this game

That would be the ultimate dream. Though I'm 5'3 so it's kinda possible for me to meet a taller girl.

>tfw no tall gf

I fucking love women who tower over me

>WW3 breaks out
>Manlets thrive in harsher conditions as food shortages hit, and combat takes the lanklets down


>tfw 5'11"


>taller than most women

maybe in asia

>global warming breaks out
>manlets drown from the raise of sea levels while lanklets thrive with plenty of seafood and rainwater

Well women around here average at 1.65m so i kinda get you.
Tall girls are hot as fuck unless they're sticks tho

Well. Now I'll just cry in my corner since I lack a waifu who can pat me and rest her arm on my head. :'(

Lel I wish they were 1.65m on average. They are more like 1.60m or lower. A tall woman would be 1.70m.

It's a fact that manlets are better survivalists though. Not even arguing from the point of view of a manlet, but think about calorie and water needs. Taller people need more calories and water to sustain themselves. People have gotten taller as food and water became more abundant. If something were to happen to reverse that, the global population would start shrinking again, both in physical stature, and in numbers.

Yeah i was being too generous with those 5cm desu

> Being 6'4

>tfw 6'4"
>always get the "You're so tall" comment

Taller humans don't need that many extra calories to survive, dude.

The average height is 5'10", for 2000 calories daily.
6'1"-6'7" will barely add an extra 300 daily.

I'm only 6'2 but for some reason I still get this comment, or people will instead comment on my deep voice.

Hope you have a good heart and joints, with all the extra work they're doing.
Reminder the world is made for 6~ ft tall people. Much taller or much smaller and it's awkward.


>be 5'6"

>you're SO tall tehee
in mind
>jesus, he looks like a fuckin spider, just smile... its gonna be over soon

Fuuck, I love it when they especially mention my deep voice. tfw when at a work a girl grabs me to the back and help her get something

Greatest feeling ever.

t.salty manlet

It's a quick read, and 300 extra calories is a lot when food shortages hit and you can barely get your daily needs. We take food for granted, but it's only in the last century or so that we've had such a good run on having a constant supply of good nutrition.

lmao fucking womanlets

>When her weight start with 3

>tfw 5'11 girl
>there are "men" shorter than me ITT