Persona 5

>create best girls
>can't have them in my party anyway
>instead get some slut, a forehead cunt, a meme spouting SMELLY neet and some short haired dyke

i would so happily switch those three in for the ones we got in our party

Hifumi is a miracle of the universe

You guys are my lost brothers.

i will buy another version of this game if they make her playable

take my money ATLUS

We don't deserve her.

Hifumi was originally going to be a member of the gang, but they scrapped that because they thought the game would become too long.

Then they should have switched her with forehead cunts placement.

atlus continues to make terrible, terrible decisions

Sae was /my girl/ before I witnessed her telling Makoto that she's human trash just because she was underage.

What a huge fucking cunt.

Don't touch my thread, your shit taste might be contagious.

>P5 re-release in the same fashion as P3 and P4 got
>HIfumi is a full party member
>Tae has an expanded role
>you can social link and fuck Sae
Would you buy it?

She gets better. Sad that she has more of a character arc than Makoto does.

don't talk to me, subhuman

Maybe in Persona 5 Crimson, they make her into a party member instead of giving us a shitty OC like Marie.

>HIfumi is a full party member
I was opening my wallet just now.

>, a meme spouting SMELLY
Ok I'm buying this game BRB

What if the insane girl becomes playable?


That happened earlier on today for me. She went from being hot and available, to being a Nazi.

>Remove all the times Morgana restricts you for no reason.
>Add one more month.
>Put in some more events
There done.

>Persona 5 Crimson
if p5 is on ps3 this one will be too right? if they make crimson ps4 only i will sudoku.

How the fuck can a person ACTUALLY like Sae? She is such a fucking boring, frigid bitch and she's not even especially attractive.

>She went from being hot and available, to being a Nazi.
So, she went from hot to extremely hot?



Because she has more character development and is more attractive than her sister.

Bathhouse, Sun and Devil are your friends.

I do feel your pain, I had no idea charm would become a massive roadblock like that when nothing about Makoto says "REQUIRES MAX CHARM".
So in the end I had to make my first playthrough waifu Sadayo instead.

>not hot
fucking commie

>best girls
>not Ms. Kawakami

>soviet rape fodder

It's nice that she does my chores for me for free now.

I hope shittaste fags such as yourself will die out within my generation.

>all those phone pictures we have to make to capture something from the game

somehow this makes it looks..funnier(?)
Like literally taking your phone out, stand up and get close to your tv to take the snap.

>mixing business and pleasure

>depends on your wallet
>pretty much acts like wife
>dat smile

permanent boner

Yeah, haha, I love trying to take pictures of great moments with my shitty old phone hehe.
If you squint you can almost make out their faces haha.

>Ms. Kawakami

user, she's past her expiration date.

she's a ripe fruit, soaking with juices

No, seriously. When are they going to activate that function again?

she got flies around her, brah

This is exactly it.
The dedication to do that is just pure autism. I love it.

I'm into dirty girls.

The SMELLY neet is dirtier.

No, because it will likely be ps4-only.

I really wonder what her involvement in the story would be, and what kind of outfit and persona would she have.

I haven't played a Persona game yet but have been interested since 3. Red pill me?

It's shit, don't bother. We're just pretending to like it so other fags such as yourself buy it.

Fuck, that would be the classiest party ever.

its a fucking game, just play it and form your own opinion

There is no logic or reason why atlus is witholding the dlc for this game.
Why are they publishing the dlc with weeks apart?
I want my swimsuit dlc already.

>and what kind of outfit and persona would she have.
user, please. It's already too much of a tragedy the way it is, no need to make it any worse.

>if p5 is on ps3 this one will be too right?

Yep, just like how P4:G was on the PS2.

RPG meets high school life simulator, basically.
The writing is pretty basic, but people like it and the characters. It's heavy on story.

Fuck, I lost my shit.

I don't want to waste my money if it's actually just shallow and has limited gameplay.

talented drawfags pls draw them as proper party members

>tfw Hifumi was designed as a team member
>gets shelved because 2014 release

>Sae's tight as fuck turtleneck

>tfw liking haru more than I thought I would
Too bad I already romanced Makoto. Gotta save best for last, I guess.

Man. People talk about persona all the time here and everywhere.

There's comics, playthroughs threads and references people spew all the time here so its worth finding out for yourself whats all the buzz.

just go for P4 or 3 on psp or PS2. They're both good and cheap

Point me to the english ps3 Iso.

I was watching videos of people emulating it and realized my pc smokes theirs

Combat and cutscenes run at full speed so who cares about the overworld running at half..



Ryuji had his dream stolen from him!
Eff off!

emu paradise
P3P for psp emulator is good

Tae could have been the healer of the party. Her SL is way more interesting than that of the slut.

It'll probably be Switch-exclusive.

I find both equally attractive, so from a purely gameplay/story perspective, should I romance Tae or Makoto?


Let's not do that today.

Equal parts waifus, chores, studying, and dungeon crawling, wrapped up in the most stylish package to come around in a long while.

It's presentation, even down to the menus and UI, is impeccable.

Also, best girl coming through.


Be her Guinea pig, but max Makoto for super persona

>Also, best girl coming through.
Got you.

This post will cost 5000 yen

You feel like you won't be closer with takamaki

Go on.

Atlus won't let me save screenshot just yet, user.

Damn, Ryuji.

>create best character
>can't have him as mc

Man the coffee at Dojimas cafe in Tokyo sure is tasty

Ann died that day.

someone help me out

what are the PINs in the bank dungeon? don't wanna bother finding all the hints


>muh morally superior boy

Justice arcana my arse

>handheld crap

Are you actually having problems with that riddle? Kindly kill thyself.

I wish he was in the party way earlier in the story.

t chaos caveman


no, I just don't want to go around and get all the pages because I'm trying to one-day clear the dungeon on hard

>"Handheld crap"

Pick one.

That's Mr. Chaos caveman to you, lawboi

Why the fuck isn't my charm going up. I've finished a movie, book,dvd. I also went to the public bath, been to the bar, and attended speeches with the fat fuck. I JUST WANT TO TALK TO HIFUMI FUCK

You're not clearing anything by yourself by asking for help, you nu-male cuck.

The real best girl is a party member though

She even gets a bike as a Persona

Do you got to the bathhouse on mondays and thursdays?
Have you watched Cake Night Rises enough?

>not clearing anything by yourself

where did I say this

>She even gets a bike as a Persona
Cringe as fuck.

I just finished persona 3 fes, should i play 4 first or get 5, then play 4 later??

>just yet

She's genuinely autistic

the UI is fucking garbage though, cluttered as shit

>objectives constantly on screen all the time
>press x to ambush constantly covering up hiding places
>prompt for every single action