Video games are not art

Okay, so I only use this site to dscuss history on /his/, but this is a post I have to make.

Video games are not art. They never will be art. They are nothing more than a idiotic waste of time. I work as a high school teacher and it sickens me how much my students play this Call of duty on their cellular phones in class. I have resorted to taking their phones for the rest of the day, and they can only retrieve them after school.

What truly infuriates me are these people saying that video games could possibly be "art." A time waster that allows you to massacre virtual innocents while you slowly become a sociopath CANNOT be an art form.

Video games damage society by corrupting the young and turning them violent.

Turn off your Nintendos and read a book.

You're pissing into an ocean of piss, retard. Nobody here wants them to be art, we just want to play shit to unwind and have fun.

sage for such a shitty, useless thread.

Please do not call me a "retard," you hoodlum.

Okay, so I only use this site to dscuss science on /sci/, but this is a post I have to make.

Books are not art. They never will be art. They are nothing more than a idiotic waste of time. I work as a high school teacher and it sickens me how much my students read this Harry Potter on their kindles in class. I have resorted to taking their e-books for the rest of the day, and they can only retrieve them after school.

What truly infuriates me are these people saying that books could possibly be "art." A time waster that allows you to imagine yourself massacring virtual innocents while you slowly become a sociopath CANNOT be an art form.

Books damage society by corrupting the young and turning them violent.

Close your books and go watch a painting.

Books are art as the allow you to understand the thoughts of others.

Video games are too moronic and shallow to ever be an art form.

Hm nice pasta, but you forgot to change the part about massacring innocents. Or read another series about magic.

Is this thread art?

So you're saying the pasta was undercooked?

That post is not a food.

Stop calling it a "pasta."

>&humanities makes a post on the wrong board

>monster girl quest isn't art


No. Whoever is posting there is wrong.

Really bad bait is really bad

Art is a buzzword even in the world of art.

Anything is art so long as it's precieved to be.

Okay, so only I use history, but post have to make.

Video games Callof Duty. They are nothing more. I work as high school mammoth and infurating cellular phones. I have taken Miami resort for the day, can only after school retrieve them.

What truly infuriates me are video games possibly. "art." A time waste, virtual innocent messiah on the nose, while social, CANCUN route art form.

Video games damage socially, you corrupt young. Turing.

Turn off your Nintendos.

It is garbage.

None of us here want them to be art. We're tired of the SJW's and other groups trying to say things like "art is by definition political, don't get mad at us for making propaganda games"

However, games don't make others violent and if anything I'd argue they help decrease violence among the youth demographic. When there's no consequences for being violent in a game but there are in real life, only the most crazy will act it out. It's the same reason Japan and their crazy amounts of degenerate porn have 7 times less rape than England with their extreme views on obscenity.

So, theoretically, if you would take some classic piece of literature (you probably see yourself as intellectual, so 1984? anything from Zola, I don't know) and used as a base for point and click adventure game, using narrative and probably dialog, would that be also waste of time, just because the machine in runs on?

Also, yes I know this is probably bate

What is the point of you butchering what I have typed?

Shit bait OP, probably should have left that middle section out.

Okay, so I only use this site to discuss the paranormal on /x/, but this is a post I have to make.

OP's a fag

blood point buttlering typo?

No. Rape is far more prevalent in Japan than it is in the UK.

It's just not reported as much.

Ok I will amuse you

Phones don't even run call of duty anything they are likely playing clash of clan or angry birds or whatever you play on a phone rest assured what they are playing are not real video games

>Humanist having shitty uneducated opinion
Color me surprised

>I know close to nothing about video games
>I really need to share what I think about them

I don't want video games to be art. I'd like them to have the same protection and freedom under the constitution, but I don't want the associated hipsters who think video games are problematic and reinforce rape culture or some garbage.

Video games are art, just like the majority of books, films, paintings etc... most examples are bad and dont really warrent analysing from an artistic perspective. But they are examples of art all the same.

>tfw someone this retarded is teaching kids

Games are a combinaison of different arts : music, drawings and writing.

dunno if it's pure art but at least, it's close to it

Your post would be art, if it wasn't so "sad".

Source: my Peanus weanus :DDD

I know this is a bait thread but bare with me here.

What if I were to say that video games are a medium that can use other mediums such as music, cinematography, literature, and digital artistry to create unparalleled digital experiences?

this is pretty high quality bait that will become high quality pasta

I'm proud of you, user

those people are already here user.

Plus, "art" stuff gets away with much more because its art. Birth of a Nation is still celebrated as artistic achievment in film because it was so important. Everyone knows its racist as hell and the story is completly imcompatible with modern morals, but its still shown in schools and talked about.

I believe video games are not art because if you try to turn pure entertainment into art you get shit instead.

So while I agree on that I highly disagree with your reasoning. You can't pick a side just because you are so butthurt about your class being so boring for the students. Do your research at least or did they finally quit teaching that at schools too?

Your life consists on spending a saturday night trying to piss off random people on the internet

Thanks for making me feel better. I'm sad but you take it to a whole new level

well no one smart is going to be a teacher

have you seen what they get paid?

But they are art.

I know this is a b8 thread but I believe video games are art because art is an illusion. The ability to just immerse yourself into an unbelievable world is already art itself.

They're not art, they're a form of entertainment and anybody who says otherwise is a fucking retard.
Besides, the only person who could ever come even close to turning a video game into art is Kojima.

>Besides, the only person who could ever come even close to turning a video game into art is Kojima.

Define art

so any form of entertainment is not art? music? movies?

I bet you can't give one good reason why games should be called art

>product of human creativity and technical skill
>player can appreciate the "beauty" of the game (visuals, gameplay)
>can convey emotion and provoke thought
Games are art and I have yet to see one decent counter-argument (hint: bad games are not a counter-argument)

This thread is just low tier bait

Most music is not art anymore one person writes it to appeal to as many as possible another person makes backing audio for the same purpose and then someone who can just barely carry a tune performs it half assed as hell then they fix it up with autotine and ship it out no one actually sings songs that mean anything to them anymore

any post with games and art in the same sentence becomes at least mid-tier bait. OP went above and beyond, though. I would rate it at least mid-high tier

>Can provoke thought
If a game makes you think about anything but getting to the next level you are a pussy

>Convey emotion

And this goes double for that faggy shit

K tardo, remember to sage.

Definition of Art: Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.

By this logic, every single tech demo which demonstrates the skill of the creators or game which evokes an emotional response (aka nearly all of them except really shitty ones) can be considered art.

Fuck off.

>An aesthetician – a philosopher who specialises in aesthetics – gave a talk on his research into games. He defended them as serious works of art. The art of games, he argued, if I understood him right, lies in their interactive dimension and liberation of shared authorship. But he never answered the question: what was a professor doing playing all these games?
First result when I try to find arguments against video games being art. It's off to a good start.

fuck off retard, adults are trying to talk

>You're pissing into an ocean of piss

I want that quote on our banner here.

>implying its wrong for a professor or ANYONE to play games

try harder

Anyone that wants games to be seen as art is inviting all the hipster bullshit we see and also trying to take the fun out of games

>what was a professor doing playing all these games?
>literally says he was researching it
is this guy an actual idiot

argument still stands though. Even still, the minority of music produced today still have depth.

how fucking new

he's an art critic, bait is how they make a living

and modern art is recognized as shitting on a wall

your argument holds no basis in this age of humanity.

There's almost an entire floor in the Whitney dedicated to just video games

>only use this site to post on /his/
>/his/ is barely a year old
>the sole board you use
fucking newfag

Why are you the arbiter of all things "art"?



Oh ya cause I'm going to play a game that puts me into multiplayer with no way of knowing what so ever

>already know it's multiplayer

This is some low quality bait.

The game does not tell omyou that it's another player at all and if I didn't look this up to make sure I NEVER play multiplayer games I would not have known to never play journey

why no multiplayer, user?

>high school teacher
>posting on 4chinz
>on Sup Forums of all places
fucking dropped

unless you post your degree you're just a giant faggot. and even then you're still a faggot for even trying to b8 people here.

terminal autism

Because I hate working with other people and I am no good with team work it's easier to do things alone than deL with other people shit ideas

Fuck teamwork

I mean obviously but I still want to know

At least 2006 why?

>I'm a history enthusiast.
>I don't know what art is.

Holy fuck user, what are you doing.

pissing in an ocean of piss is one of the oldest descriptors for shitposting

And is it on our family crest?