>defeat final boss
>turns out his right hand man was controlling him and is the true final boss
Defeat final boss
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I hope one day I can be half the man kushner is
I thought for sure the plans had failed when Queen Hillary lost. I guess they had all their bases covered! WW3 back on schedule, based Kush
So, like one third of a man?
It's very common for jews to marry into rich Goyish families.
Who was in the wrong here?
Bannon for looking like a creepy, dumpy fuck.
>implying the recent syria kerfuffle isn't exactly what Trump needs
>looks fine
>wants war and manipulates the president through his daughter to achieve it
>looks creepy
>doesn't want war and just wants the best for America
Makes you fink.
Bannon is literally /ourpolitician/ though.
Kikes are a parasite on Western civilization
>defeat final boss
>turns out you were played by his right hand man who hated his guts
>you fucked up the world
>you are the final boss
As much as I hate Bannon, he's not wrong.
Well, he's not wrong this time. Trump will get fuck because of his son-in-laws.
>tfw you lived through W and thought all the insanity couldn't be topped
>Obama was just an ass, not a funny one
>tfw now you get to live or maybe die through Trump
>hating Bannon
Only makes sense if you're a low skill foreigner that feels entitled to US citizenship.
He actually looks villanous here.
That's a good thing because the only ones who should inherit the future are the strong.
Bannon is /ourguy/, Kushner is trying to turn Trump into another Bush
he already succeded
Gtfo of my Sup Forums pol
I will "get out" as soon as i get you to wake the fuck up, sheeple
r/MarchAgainstTrump is not within our jurisdiction
great timeline
>makes very conservative promises to his supporters
>names his jewish son-in-law and life-long democrat as his right-hand man
american far-right extremists on a suicide watch
>defeat final boss
>he's not actually the final boss
>actual final boss are the credits of the game
When will we get the Bannon coup already?
AS if (((they))) had not been obviously the final boss for the last 100 years.
>insults coined on Sup Forums are flying across the white house
kamen rider wizard and kamen rider ex-aid
Well he WAS the head of Breitbart, who really only got popular because they pulled a bunch of shit from pol.
why those being pro white always miserably get beaten by jews?
Bannon for doing something that would get him pinned and probably kicked out, and Kushner for being a Jew.
To be fair he does lift.
The alt-right needs to learn that cuck isn't a catch all for anything you don't like. Kushner has the president around his finger, and the president's daughter around his dick,. That's as far away from a cuck as one can be.
You must have one hell of a small cock then
But he's half jew half lizard. That's as cucked as you can get. Fucking your gf isn't related
>defeat final boss
>the demon she had imprisoned breaks free
>he banishes you to hell
>learn the demon's true name
>travel between dimensions to get back to the real world
>use his true name to command him back to hell for an eternity
Is that a joke? He's holocaust looking
I think he was implying that Kushner is a cuck to globalism
>being a cuck to something that directly benefits you
not really.
Too bad he's as incompetent as the pussygrabber in chief.
/ptg/ is the cringiest cult I've ever seen. Ashamed to know that these """"men""" are my brothers in arms. Maybe I've been fooled by hype, but I'm usually too clever to fall for such
Globalism benefits no one but kikes and third world countries.
Your fat flabs ain't muscles, or you'd be the strongest fag on the Internet.
He's a cuck to money for one. No higher ideals or will to withstand temptation.
You have to realize that almost half the US voted for the guy.
You don't have to like everyone that voted for Trump.
>Kushner is trying to turn Trump into another Bush
Too late, he already suceeded. Iraq War II: Electric Bogaloo soon user.
>TFW you wasted most of last year over being a Trump supporter, and legit losing friends and even yelling at your own mother at one point just to end up with another Bush.
I dunno m8, I enjoy the food, music, movies and literature from across the world. Guess I'm reaping benefits too
Im sorry if you genuinely think he looks in shape you need to get to a gym.
>it's a Sup Forums wants to discuss politics on the wrong board episode
His name is a anagram for ensure dark.
Food,music,food, movies, literature =/= culture
>No higher ideals or will to withstand temptation.
Did you just call all of Sup Forums cucks, cuck??
One air strike does not mean Iraq 2.0, especially after the backlash
fuck off zog puppet
But I do realize that if all these autistic retards agree with him, then what does that make me, who also agrees?
>higher ideals
such as?
This. Culture is race and language.
its culture. then whats culture.
That no matter how much of a shitty loser you are, you are still BETTER than everyone else
The betterment of humanity; liberty and advancement, personal freedom and exploration.
Pride in heritage
Not him but culture is history, social structure, existential perception and then window dressing like art, food, entertainment.
Unless those things offend my ideals, like two gays getting married. They're not even human, they don't get freedom
heritage fags are the worst tho they are massive circlejerkers and delusional e.g. on Sup Forums
Hey i like the food, music, movie and literature from India, but it doesn't mean I want to live there.
Banon loves war though. Have you watched any of his propaganda videos? He gets a boner from it.
Maybe, but they have at least ideals, something a slave to the globalists will never ever understand...
Virtues, honor, integrity you know the things that humans used to have before globalist, socialism, and liberalism took over.
>complain about globalists making the world smaller
>on a site with people from every nation in the world sharing bits of their cultures directly or indirectly
I think less people are worked up about gay marriage than you think, where im from the main controversy currently is that straight couples are denied civil partnerships. However regardless freedom is the freedom to personally act in such a way that you desire so long as it does not impinge on the freedom of others. It has no claim to the freedom to force other people to do something for you, which demanding someone marry you would be. I dont disagree with gay marriage in the slightest but its a bad point to make.
Then why was war, domestic abuse, and a ton of other problems more common in the past?
Shhh... Don't tell them that not everyone on Sup Forums is American.
So pride in the achievement of people who came before you.
I guess that's what you have when you don't have anything of your own to be proud of.
> thinks fighting globalism is about stopping communication and itneraction
wew lad
isnt that more like "civilization"
Ah yes, those famous traits of the Renaissance Italy, Romans, HRE, viking petty kingdoms, spaniards and russia
An autistic retard.
It literally is. You think closing borders and "bringing jobs back" isn't about limiting interactions?
Not him but individuals are very insignificant and our bodies actually care very little about us - our genome is why we exist and we're just a passing isntance of something being tested and refined.
My children will reflect my and my partner's success just as i do my parents and so on branching out to community and country, then race etc getting vaguer and vaguer. Our accomplishments are only the result of a winning genome and being part of that we are to be proud of what our ancestors have done, our children can be proud of what we have done.
Dont be so short sighted and bitter.
You can enjoy that without mass immigration though.
See: Japan, Singapore etc.
where is this idea that kushner is a machievellian manipulator coming from
hes an utter retard who fumbled into success and influence by throwing his parents money at everything and marrying into the presidents family
Communication with the enemy leads to us being influenced by their primitive culture though. I've mailed Hiro about the dangers of letting non-American people post on this site.
I mean, back in the golden years, Sup Forums was perfect. But then it's fame as a bastion of free thoughts spread and attracted subhumans from Europe, Asia and even (ugh) Africa here and it went to shit.
Weak humans.
You can disagree with the policies of those times, but you could at least respect those nations. Today they're a mere shadow of their form self.
but without the million italian refugees japan took in in the 90s they would have never gotten pizza
I'd rather nuke Israel.
>more common in the past
The "war" one is debatable and depends on where you were right? The period between Augustus and Caracalla was about the most prolonged period of peace most of Europe and North Africa and the Middle East have ever known, and that was back in antiquity.
Domestic violence was always a faux pas in western societies - Even Romans thought men who beat their wives were trash. In societies where it isn't? Well, it isn't out business to police them.
No, it's stopping merging and artifical subsuming. We love interacting, Sup Forums is a board dedicated to interaction with different countries. The exchange of ideas is a fair an dopen way is great and the best wins out. Globalism is not about that, it is about the forceful application of ways and ideas even if they are not better or more suited, it is about blending and destruction. Leftist diversity results in absolute homogenity in about 100 years.
Precisely. I wouldn't join a political party full of literal downsers, since they can't even think logically and see good ideas, but here is am, surrounded by them. I don't want that.
>Our accomplishments are only the result of a winning genome and being part of that we are to be proud of what our ancestors have done, our children can be proud of what we have done.
*Sorry, Near East, not Middle East.
>Our accomplishments are only the result of a winning genome
Sounds like you can't accept that some people are better than you and have real achievements. Sounds like a lot of horseshit from a failure to me. You should man the fuck up and do something with your life instead of telling yourself that you won because of your sperm.