Why aren't you good at fighting games Sup Forums. Are they just too hard for you?

Why aren't you good at fighting games Sup Forums. Are they just too hard for you?


Who eats spaghetti like that

She's chinese, don't be rude.

>Autism overlord thinks that's spaghetti

>fat fuck calves


Fighting Games require no skill whatsoever. Nothing but luck and who can mash random buttons faster. It also has the worst community out of any video game genre.

prove it isn't

it's tagliatelle retard

>People actually unironically think this
I bet you think boxing is just two dudes throwing random punches

Prove to me it isn't.

Get into a fist fight with anyone that's taken up boxing and report back your results

I used to be good at smash bros some time ago and now I'm just straight up trash. I always die first in free for all. It's like whenever I try to do something it just doesn't work. I know what combo I want to do and I can even visualize how it'll go when I do it but it just never works out at all. Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck after pulling off a move. I was thinking about getting another controller but they're expensive as hell considering I don't play often anymore.
We also use dolphin emu and project m mods. Before anyone spergs out, no we're not pros at the game. We're casual AF even though we've played smash for over 5 years. I still don't know how to wavedash and stuff

>what are hair ties for her traditional hairbun look
really fat ass, really

Cool post, but this is a fighting games thread

I'm pretty good at Melee, enough to go at least 2-2 at a major. But I play a mid-tier so I get fucked too hard by sheik.

I also have a mean Zangief and good Jacko, before you sperg out about smash

I used to be good.
I used to play SF4 and Guilty Gear competitively. Very well, in fact. Top-eighted at EVO once, even.
These days, I just can't be bothered. Been there, done that. It's overrated.


rood and raysis.

Oh look, a Street Fighter V thread.

Lobby's up. Password is 1111.

Ok. Well the last real fighting game I've played was MKX.... On pc. Fuck that game. I'm not digging combos in that game either. I also hate how the combos are usually 3 button presses. Other than that, injustice sucked for me. Cool game but one person in our group always played superman and he was a bitch.

I just want to git gud at these games. Feels like that'll never happen for me. Fighting games are my weakest genre by far. Sure I can beat the computer easily but when it comes to actual players I always fall short most of the time.

I only said smash because my group played it today after about a month of downtime. With injustice 2 coming out, I was wondering if cheap fight sticks would be worth picking up?



Can't tell if this is a clever double ruse or you are an idiot

I've never played a fighting game ever so it would take too long to get decent so the time investment isn't worth it.

Not to mention that spending all the time getting blown up won't be fun.

The only fighting game I ever put serious hours into was soul Calibur, and even then I was at best average.

I don't have the patience to get gud at fighting games. When I play a game I need to get good at it organically, by just playing the game. I don't have the patience to practice combos in a training mode, and because I don't bother to learn the combos I end up just button mashing.

Because I am not retarded and not enough. The last fighting game I played is SCV, I never got good, never will because I can't adapt.

I'm just not very good.
What current fighting games are similar to King of Fighters '98? That's got the perfect balance between accessibility and complexity for me.
I love the idea of Skullgirls but I don't enjoy all the mix-ups and stuff.

Skill floor too high, no friends to play with.

>Why aren't you good at fighting games Sup Forums

Because I play games as a momentary distillation of my boredom, not as a concurrent factor of my life. Being good at a fighting game means I would have to play nothing but that for longer then the time is worth to me.

Her hair is down. Imagine she wanted to put her hair up.

Now examine the yellow fabric in her mouth with v's cut onto the end for aesthetic purposes. She will then take that ribbon/fabric/whatever the fuck cloth material it is, and tie her hair with it.


I live in Australia, have no internet, and have nobody to really play them with.

What do you mean by "I can't adapt"?

Surely you have improved at least 1 thing over time.

Not to be rude, if you are literally autistic, i understand, but if you are a neurotypical individual you should be able to overcome this issue.

KoF14 is pretty good.

I like SF5 too, personally, but Sup Forums likes to shit on it.

Yes. I can't even do a fireball properly.

so you're an actual idiot, good to know

See me in Skullgirls.



where's her shoes?

not pictured




GGs whoever I was just playing



Is it weird i read that in his tone of voice tiger?


I want to suck a girls tongue.

Listening to COON TIER NARCISSIST made me legit recognize how backwards my approach to fighting games was and I am on the right track to improving my Tekken gameplay.

Still, fuck giving him any recognition/money. It's a miracle he hasn't gotten shot/stabbed yet.

I want her to step on me.

What are some good Juri combos

I just don't find fulfillment in them. I prefer getting through a tough level to beating a tough player online. After I fight that guy I just go on and fight another guy, and then I probably lose so I go fight some other guy, it seems cyclical.

It's just not my thing. I can play the FUCK out of some SSBM though.

I'm the best fighting game player in all of Sup Forums

Those calves are fatter than the thighs. Absolutely disgusting.

fighting games were never fun, and they have the worst community out of all genres, even worse than fucking mobas

I want to get SF5 so I can take screenshots of that new Juri costume.

I'll never play it.


I only JUST wrapped my head around charge characters, now im getting a hang of bison and trying to link his EX moves, hard to.
whats the optimal cancel combo. I just want like 3 combos to know

>not ramen

shes fucking japanese u idiot

Chun Li is Chinese though

get good at fighting game: high effort/time
enjoyment from it: minimal/low
plus gets repetitive fast




I want to suck Chun-Li's tongue, specifically.

Then I want to sniff her sneakers,
and lick her sweaty butt.

I want to be Chunners' little spoon!

After 400 hours of SFV, I've come to learn that fighting games are a major waste of time unless you play with a group of friends. And since nobody plays fighting games, it's by default a waste of time.

i'm just always hard whenever i play them because the characters are too hot so i can't focus

>And since nobody plays fighting games
It's just SFV dead community man, everyone's waiting for Tekken 7

I'll whoop yo ass at TTT2

But I do, I'm not great, but I've improved a lot since I found a character that really fits my playstyle.

Me and a friend did pre-order Tekken 7 actually but if it's bad and dead then I'll just give up on the genre completely. SFVwas the breaking point.

I might give them a shot if I knew a group of people that were into it, but I'm not going to sit down myself and just play online.

I was getting good, but unless you're willing to become an insufferable prick and all around poor sport, you hit a wall. I didn't want to play dirty or rub my dick in my opponents' faces, so I plateaud. Guess I'm just not "alpha" enough for the genre.

Still love Mark of the Wolves and 3rd Strike, just only play them causally with friends.

No friends into fighting games no friends period
Online play ain't ideal for the genre, on top of the fact I live in Australia where it's harder to get matches with good ping

The only problem, is that, I think, only PS4 community won't be dead. And still no one said about PC-PS4 crossplatform multiplayer, so...


isn't there another movie coming this year

I'm pretty average I guess
I've been neglecting practicing though, work is killing me


I'm actually pretty good in KOF and SF.



All videogames are a waste of time, we do it because we enjoy it. Are there no actual martial arts/vidya enthusiasts when it comes to talking about fighting games?? Are you all just looking for some kind of competitive medium? What happened? Ive always liked fighting games. Tekken 2 waa my first PlayStation game in 1997 and there was not online back then. I still had a great time.

>or rub my dick in my opponents' faces

user, that does not go hand in hand with having a good techniuqe, it's nit a requirement, how did you arrive at that conclusion?

I play Guilty Gear and I'm bad. Still trying to master the basics of playing Ky.

SFV turned the genre into esports COMPETISHION wankfest. It's not even fun. Most people just want to play fighting games on the sides of their normal lives. But Capcom made a whole game around the concept of no fun unless you're highly competitive.

Do you think the pros autistically went into training mode for hours on end? No they played at the arcade """"""organically"""""". You're just making excuses scrub.

Now we have anons unironically saying they want options for training stage only, no music and wireframes would be just fine.

>thats just because the other stages have "too much visuals"

Fuck off you boring bastards, id rather stay shit, at least im enjoying martial arts game with character.

Getting good at fighting games requires a level of autism I can't match.

>options for training stage only, no music and wireframes would be just fine.
I fail to see how having this as an option is a bad thing.


Training mode grinding is mandatory if you wanna get good at some games. There's some people that spend more time in training mode than playing actual games.

I'm speaking metaphorically you perv.

The truth is I'm just too damn salty to play against anyone who isn't a perfectly respectful gent who goes in with the attitude of "let's both try our best and perhaps we can both learn a little. :)" Too many taunts, openly toying with me, celebrating too enthusiastically and I get my little baby undies in a knot. The head games absolutely destroy me, and I'm aware of it. That's why getting better is a chore for me and why I can't play at a serious/competitive level.

Sorry did i say say "option"? I memat compulsory. There are anons who have suggested paying for costumes is not enough, we should make stages paid DLC that way the people who matter just have the training stage as the only default.

But I am decent enough

I'm better than casual button masher but not good enough to win at locals.


You tried so hard to seem smart.

I also CANNOT FUCKING STAND Smash Bros for more than a handful of matches at a time.