He mains a gay dolphin

>he mains a gay dolphin

i like fish sticks

What's wrong with being gay?

>he doesn't main the gay fish
Come on now.

Literally just bought this game tonight because I was bored and looking for new fighting games to try out and have some extra money.

So fucking fun.

Alright Sup Forums, who should I main?

Don't let me down.

Better than Smash bros.

>"hey darkenpaw heow do we meke kilowale became furry???"
>"i haveing perfect idea ravenwolf, glue dog legs at it"

I'm really close to buying this game, but I feel like I'd play it once and then not touch it again.
I really don't like the idea of a parry instead of shields and grabs, and it looks like everyone's fall speed is way too low and there's too much air control so combos are all just the same aerial over and over.

How are the keyboard controls? My last controller is dying and I don't really want to buy a new one for one 15$ game.

>how are the keyboard controls

No idea, because I'm not using them and refuse to use them, but I assume they're awkward as fuck considering Z is an action key.

>instead of shields and grabs

There's a parry and a dodge. I do think the removal of grabs is a mistake, but it seems to be fine on its own.

>and it looks like everyones fall speed is way too low

You can hold down and fall at a much faster rate, and some people have better air control than others, like-wise some have better ground-control than others.

Overall, it feels like it's very polished so far, and each character plays incredibly differently.

> I feel like I'd play it once and then not touch it again.

If you have any friends that play it, then you'll play it again. At least, if they like it too.

There's going to be an expansion for it in the fall which adds 4 new characters, and there's another character being added in a couple of months.

This definitely isn't all the content we're getting for it so there's more to look forward to in the future, as well as more diverse fighters. It's the closest thing to Smash on steam right now, so if you're a fan of that series, I'd highly suggest getting it.

Maypul. If you're a faggot, main Wrastor.

This is the only thread I've seen of this game on Sup Forums, yet we get Bloodborne threads daily.

I guess it's because of the furry-vibe it gives off, cause there's literally no other explanation.

The games mad fun if you're in college dorm with a buddy and you have two controllers to spare hooked up and going to town on each other.

No homo.


>don't really want to buy a new one for one 15$ game

Well, technically, you'd be buying a new one to replace the old one, so you'd be buying it for a 15$ game, AND all the other games you use a controller for, which essentially includes any driving, fighting, or hack and slash games.

That's the thing though. I don't play driving games, I just finished the last DLC for DaS3 and there's nothing else coming out that looks interesting, and I bought a stick a couple months ago that I'm still getting used to
I bought the game anyway though, my trusty launch model ps3 controller with broken R3 and sticking d-pad will probably hold out for a while longer

For once, Sup Forums is actually right.

>he literally bought into the fight-stick meme

A controller works just as good, if not better.

Kinesiologically speaking, it takes more effort and time to move a fight stick compared to a thumb stick.

They did a pretty good job making the actual characters not look furfaggy, but dang

pff sea mammals
who needs em
this country would be a whole lot better without em
in fact we ought to take all the sea mammals, put em on a big boat, send it across the ocean and sink it halfway

>people find this shit attractive

He's trolling, but still, lol

Were you TRYING to trigger me?

Is the game good?

Any chance of the game going on sale anytime soon?

Seems pretty good, but I've only got like half an hour into it so far
Not likely, it only released a few days ago or something and apparently they already lowered the price from the planned 30$


Yes, it's a very fun, polished, 2D platform fighter.

There's a total of I think 14 planned fighters, but right now there's 8. They think they'll have them all out by the end of this year. They have their own official steam group and discord chat up for people who want to find players, and there's a story mode for all the main characters (I use the term story mode lightly), as well as plenty of other feature, like a tutorial mode, abyss mode, ability to edit each characters colors, and unlockables like a couple characters and several stages.

I'd say for its price tag, it's very reasonable. The DLC for it are just skins, no characters (yet, not sure if the future characters are planned to be paid DLC or FreeLC)

>tfw I'm a high tier in this games community
>see a thread for it for the first time ever
weird feeling but I would definetly recommend this game too you guys, high skill ceiling though.

If they released it with a full roster of 14 fighters and all the stages with those characters, I could definitely see it going for 30$, but yea, as it stands right now, max I would spend is 20$.

paid DLC. I wonder if they'll get some free ones, too

If I have one criticism of the game, it feels like some of the stages are too small.

Well they're planning on an expansion in the fall, and 2 guest characters, so I'm hoping the guest characters are free.

It's smash but for furfags

I really dont like fighting on the FD of this game for some reason. In every Smash game (competetively speaking, I guess) you have to adjust your gameplan/combos on FD since there are no platforms. But for some reason in RoA it feels really weird to me.

what's FD

I thought I had heard there wasn't an FD in this game

The final boss of the story mode is actually pretty neat
One of the better designed gimmick bosses in fighting games. Pretty simple and too easy but makes good use of the mechanics without doing anything unfair that the rest of the game doesn't prepare you for

>start game
>see this


how do i into rock beetle?

WHO /absa/ HERE?
I swear i'm not a furry

Literally just did her tutorial thing and decided I'm going to main her instantly
Only slightly furry
I've got a weakness for dfc


online 4 player a thing yet?

Don't worry, she's female., I checked
>Absa was only a young girl when half of the Air Alliance left with the Armada.

2v2 only right now.

>on Sup Forums
>I swear i'm not a furry

nice try

toss rocks.


How is the netcode?

>shitty name and ugly logo

can you spell c a n c e r

Is this even any good? How is it compared to Smash Bros?