Persona 5


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Hello, my little guinea pig.

Should have taken a screenshot of Ana's ass in that bikini when she's standing next to Shadow Kamoshida :(

Going to bed with Ann!


Hey guys, do you believe in the Phantom Thieves?

I want to go fuck you in bed, Morgana-kun

Not nearly enough porn of that cat.

But.... he's a boy

Yes and?

He's supposed to be a boy, and i ain't gay, but Cassandra Morris's voice confuses my dick :(


Thanks for NOTHING Real Igor

Does anyone know where Yusuke hangs out in Shibuya?

I forgot and need to up his Slink. I cant find him



Fuck, grinding social stats is so frustratingly slow in this game, i can't wait to get into NG+ with max social stats so i can actually have fun with this game and not spend 50% of my time eating fucking burgers and taking baths

>What started appearing in colour at around the same time as colour TV?
>"baka transfer student idiot can't even answer a simple question like that, everyone knows such a simple answer, bakabakashi"
What the fuck was his (and the classmates') problem?

>exam finishes

is he /ourguy/

Movies happened way, way before colour tv.

i dont get this though
how the fuck were dreams in black and white? were they black and white before black and white tv was a thing?

Is there a confidant guy or should I save it for NG+ and do whatever for my first playthrough?

read that sentence again


He sees most of the youth as morons who don't take their studies seriously. You know, just your typical adult who sees himself as superior to the young ignorant students he's teaching.

I don't know either, so like we see the world in color but we never dreamed in color until television started appearing in color, how strange.

>"Look at this fucking line optical illusion and tell me how you see it"
>"Fucking wrong the line connects to the bottom line you fucking dumbass why couldn't you see this fucking optical illusion properly??? Anyways class this proves that everyone sees this image differently"
Seriously fuck the classroom segments in this game
This is all I could find on this fucking shit,
>people 25 and younger say they almost never dream in black and white. But people over 55 who grew up with little access to color television reported dreaming in black and white about a quarter of the time.
God damn the fucking writers need to stop making up bullshit for their school questions

It's probably bullshit
Dream related research is mostly hamfisted asswork even today, can't imagine it was much better back in the 60's

In the end, turn all of your Personas into skill cards, after registering them.

Realistically how many of you even knew the answers to some of those questions without looking them up? I hardly knew any of them, like these are questions most people wouldn't know because it's random fucking information.

>"How much gold has been discovered in the world?"
>"Three Olympic sized pools worth!"

>"Do you know who makes the coins in Japan?"
>"The Government!"

>"Do you know what work Sherlock Holmes also appeared in when he was plagiarized by another author?"
>"Do you know where the name Blazer originated?"

Like who the fuck knows these things? And don't say their common knowledge because they aren't.

>game says I can hang out with somebody in Shibuya
>Taro and mishima don't want to hang, ryuji isn't in the arcade

Who else is there in Shibuya? I'm on 5/23 and haven't seen any cards. Hell I think i can only talk normally to hobos

I think they are deliberately made bullshit to force replayability to get them right the second time, but even the Japs complained the questions were bullshit so they added in the online stats to immediately tell you the answer

I think Ann hangs out in the underground mall occasionally
I didn't even bother trying. I had painful memories of Persona 4 "obvious" test answers.

You aren't supposed to know them. They're random trivia that give you bonuses.

Does eating burgers do anything?

I've been drinking coffee and fruit punch at the diner.

Diner is the GOAT grinding location.

>not just using the in-game cheat sheet

>do you know who makes the coins in japan
>somehow an esoteric question
Are you retarded?

Gave another look, but she isn't down there. This is confusing. Maybe I'll just take a bath

What did he mean by this?

You can only do that in the evening. But you should go to bed early :^)


should I date futaba or makoto

You'd be surprised how many people probably got that question wrong, just because you think it's easy doesn't mean it is to everyone else. I doubt a lot of people know much about how money and finances work in their own country.

>Implying I'm not looking up the answers and cheating as well.

makoto is the patricians choice because you can tease her for being a sperg

He came from a country with lots of gang problems, I guess.


Raises your Guts

The thing is those are at least not bullshit questions. There's a right answer for them and there is a chance you might just happen to know about them. Black and white dreaming is pure fucking nonsense.

That Blazer question was really obvious just from the other answers.
>They had fire patterns
>They were made of hemp

Why would you ever pick those?

I didn't know Blazers were originally colorful, hence the name. But you are right, context clues were obvious in that question.

Does it do more than coffee? I go to diner cause you can become to smart for this game as well.

raises guts and has a chance to raise knowledge and proefficiency.
coffee is only knowledge+guts right?



How big is the chance? And does it do all 3 at once?

So is everyone enjoying it? Any major complaints? Heard the handholding is even more so than 4 which kind of sucks.

The gold one still sounds like bullshit, or I'm just that ignorant about gold's rarity.

In the underground passage way near the entrance/exit to central street

I've only gotten up to the frui-tea with the diner but it gives you options of

Not knowing that the greatest detective had a crossover with the greatest thief. Not the game fault you never open a book or can't make a easy guess.

Sherlock Holmes was easy to guess. One answer was Japanese, two others were written 40-50 years before Sherlock even appeared, so it had to be Arsene Lupin. Besides, it fit the theme.

Addicted to the game like fucking heroin, easily a GOTY contender, but there are definitely some annoying aspects.

It's not so much handholding as the game stretching out really mundane shit over the course of several days or even a week of game time. On top of that your team gangbang your phone with fluff text every goddamn day, rehashing the shit you just got through doing with no real addition to the topic.

Speaking of greatest detective, does older Naoto ever show up in the game? My dick would explode if the fan theories turn out to be true

I actually watched Lupin the III, as in the anime but I'm also aware of Lupin as a thief. I'm just not really up to date on Sherlock Holmes novels. I'm not really familiar with the dates/years the novels came out. And yes I'm aware Sherlock Holmes is a "classic" but I just never got around to reading it.


It's not "easy for me", if you don't know that money is printed by the government, you should probably go back to elementary school.

>You build a fucking Confidant with Sae while she's interrogating you in the future

this text and the "Hello Master!" text from the teacher make me pop boners everytime

I wish I had a picture of the "Blocked" text from the game; oh well.

this really irritated me as well user

I only really knew about the gold one because me and my friends like throwing random fun facts at each other but most of the questions were straight bullshit or I would second guess myself and pick stupid answers

The question said that Japanese bank notes are printed by the Bank of Japan, and coins are made by the government.

It doesn't work that way in every country, you fucking weeaboo faggot. For instance in America the coins are made by the U.S Mint, and the bills are made by the the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. I'd bet money a large percentage of people in America don't know that shit, you really don't understand how retarded people are in America. Are you even American? If you were you'd understand how retarded people are.

Of course it is obvious that money is printed by the government, but if you were to ask who makes the coins in America, you wouldn't fucking say "The government" that's retarded, technically you're not wrong but the correct answer is the U.S Mint. Fuck you.

I'm annoyed about being forced to social link her to begin with. She's a major cunt and not even a romance option.

Whats a demon with Frei I can use to make the shiisaa the twins want? I haven't seen that skill at all yet

Jack Frost with Makami

why is mc such a snitch?

what happened to the ride-or-die for my niggas concept? do they not have a concept of that in japan?

Ok, how to Makami?

Do they show up after the barrier in madarame's?

the lupin/sherlock crossover was practically fanfiction wankery by the lupin writer anyways, plus Doyle sued him for it

How to get Matador with Garu? None of my fusion options to make him come with that.

Guys, are all the dungeons based on 7 deadly sins?


Took me a while. So 7 dungeons? What was Madarame's sin again?

Why is Potter-kun such a bully to me hee-ho?

>Beats up me until I get knocked down hee-ho
>Asks for hee-ho coins at gun point
>I am forced to give coins hee-ho
>"You can do better than that."
>Keeps on taking coins saying you can do better than that...
>I summon my courage and attack-ho
>It hits hee... NO!
>Blonde bitch knocks me back down sad-ho
>Potter-kun asks for money hee-ho
>I give it to him hee, but I'll attack if he asks again ho!
>H-Hee-ho?! What are you guys doing!
>His gang attacks me-ho!
>I die and they rob my corpse of the last of my coins hee-ho


I just got to the last (?) Safe room in NEET'S palace
I've been grinding for loli wardens
Leaving before any unforeseen spoilers

Download skill card pack and use garu card on him
Or strengthen him with one that has the skill


Greed ?


It's greed right?

This is one of my biggest qualms with P3, and I suppose P5 as well seeing as how they do it too. I don't like becoming exhausted in a dungeon in a manner that isn't directly caused by my health, and I don't like the faux freedom of not being able to go to a dungeon if I want to.

I'd say Madarame could be greed or pride, but I figured Kaneshiro was more about greed as well. I guess it could be gluttony.

Is there any reason why I wouldn't want to send my calling card right away?

Greed, so is Kaneshiro.

According to the Trophies, Kaneshiro was Gluttony

Should I use the cheat Personas? Izanagi's Cross Slash sounds broken as fuck for this early in the game.

P5 has the best menu SFX

It's funny because Shibuya is exactly like this. There are no black people apart from the foreigners trying to get you to go in bars.

You mean running low on SP? Yeah this game does it too, but if you get your guts up to 2 and then work on your confidant with the Clinic girl, she can give you accessories that let you regenerate SP in dungeons

Only the first time, you want to send it a Saturday to force every student to go back to school a Sunday.

This Tomb dungeon is really long. I'm level 34 without grinding and feel really over leveled

Dat treasure stealing day

It's Vanity.
All the bosses in P5 also have a name associated with their Sin.

I'm referring to the mechanic in P3 where you start feeling sick if you're in Tartarus for too long, and can cause shit performance the next day if you go out.

>tfw I want Akechi to be alive.

I kind of teared up my dudes.