This is Sadayo Kuwakami

This is Sadayo Kuwakami.

She's a teacher!

She's also my girlfriend!

Say hi to her Sup Forums!

i fucked your girlfriend


she's also my girlfriend

who the fuck makes posts like these

I hear she'll suck you off in her maid costume for 50 japanese pesos


What do you need to do to actually spend the Hawaii date with her? I was locked rank 8 and barely had any time to increase it before the trip.

She's a terrible maid

Bored people who like video games at midnight.

Sun and Star are objectively the best cooperations based on bonuses. Although fuck Atlus for having half the battle system locked behind Hifumi's link.

hope someone draws something of her taking the knot some day.

>50 japanese pesos

What time is the Hawaii trip? I have her at Rank 8. Ready to do her Mementos quest in early July. (Just before finals)

Okay it sounds like I fucked up then. I got to rank 8 during summer break and she has a hard lock there where she won't give you the Mementos quest outside of school, and summer break doesn't end until September 1st.

Hawaii trip starts early September.

This guy's knows what the FUCK IS UP

>we all fucked your girlfriend

Is she a party member?

Never forget that she is Beat Girl.

Shit I barely have her at rank 6 and its july 1st

Am I gonna make it in time for hawaii trip bros?


not really, more like addicted


So I see a lot of people talking about the doctor or the teacher as best waifu, is that the top two waifus in the game?

Seems like a lot of people really love the doctor, I don't know why honestly.

Takemi, Kawakami, and Makoto are the top three undisputed persona girls.

>tfw no lonely teacher gf
That said, I'm on my way to being a teacher myself, so I suppose that is still within my grasp.

>can't date the sisters at the same time


I can see that, those were the 3 I was leaning towards anyway. The teacher in particular is one I'm working on right now, Makoto kind of pissed me off at first, but once she joins you then she began to grow on me.

These are the same three I'm stuck choosing between right now.

The fucking NEET is starting to grow on me too.

Why does it warm my heart hearing about her problems?

I know it shouldnt because its 5k fucking yen a visit, and sometimes she isnt available one day of the weekend, and on top of that she never likes my gifts but damn seeing her plop on the bed and talk about the shit teachers go through just makes it worth it to me.


What he said

I fell for the white knight meme too. No ragrets.

Dumb master1200 poster.

She was my first rank 10/ romance.



Cheating cuck neck yourself

>working hard 6 days a week

But I haven't romanced anyone else.

If you like old hags you are a c.uck

You can't even write her name properly, kid.

What subject does she teach?


Now THAT'S something unpleasant