If you want a community to make you feel bad after a match look no further than overwatch on PC

if you want a community to make you feel bad after a match look no further than overwatch on PC

I wanna fuck chloe

I thought this was a picture of a futa girl sucking her own cock.

I'm not well.

dota is way worse

>push to speak
>bong noises

does dota have players throwing the game and publicly stating it for attention?

>playing overwatch
You should feel bad for having shit taste desu.

git gud

If you aren't interested in overwatch then you have no business here

Yeah sometimes

fyi this is a team based game. Meaning you got to work TOGETHER, you can't carry the team.


>implying blizzdrones are allowed to make each other feel bad

It's a fucking hugbox. Overwatch players can't even handle friendly banter.

>gg ez
>these four letters kill the blizzdrone

sorry my cooler is full

this is bullshit, everyone gets salty in any lobby for saying that

They're rude little rat dicks

Lol is worse

Dota2 is worse, at least OW has short matches.

Overwatch is a casual game, how is it going to make you feel bad?

gg easy
>round 1 complete
lmao you guys are trash

Gets them every time.

Calm down, Max

I feel like Overwatch has no soul to it. I know it's kinda like a different take on the TF2 genre, but I feel like the players are like, scripted, you know? They seem to always go "lmao u tresh" or "gud ult ana" and it's just the same shit over and over.
Team Fortress 2, however, has great personality with an amazing overarching storyline. What other game let's you get smacked in the back of the head by a shovel by a man going at mach speed from motion created by his own rocket's explosions?

Thats because it was a game made to capture the simplest audience. The console gamer. This is the same reason Diablo 3 was complete trash.

You're responsible for your own feelings, you don't have to feel bad, you just enjoy it being put down and the sympathy other people give you because of it.

Case in point, this self indulgent bullshit you call a video game thread, where's the fucking games OP? Where's the fucking games?

>be me
>son of father who has been playing WoW since release
>he still plays to this day
>over 12 max level characters
>one named after my sis, a blood elf mage(?)
>just trying to complete that "zone" thing that's been added
>admits to starting to get bored of it
What the fuck has Blizzard become? I swear if I could just for like a fucking day I could turn the whole gaming industry around.

You haven't played League.
Not only the matchmaking IS a motherfucking joke but people will actually tell you that if you dont win games where your teammates tower dive and intentionally feed or go afk then you deserve to keep losing. That whole "good players do 1vs5" meme is what keeps making league worse every year.

it's not?

i bong noised straight into someones ear once

i don't know how the mute button slipped to the off position

overwatch is for well adjusted instagram normies that listen to drake and toke weed with their "homies" and fuck "bad bitches" no I will never play it.

Yeah it basically turned into that. I member being a gold Ana main who liked to play Reaper sometimes, who was my OG main. Now I literally cannot play the game anymore.

rip the old days of tf2 and its micspam glory

still better than weeb games that are played by "people" who fap to futa and try to force their edgy degeneracy on every board.