Whatever happened to Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb?

Whatever happened to Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb?

P.S do you think they boned?

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not a chance

morgan was my queen

>P.S do you think they boned?

Sessler is too busy snorting coke and fucking trannies.

What did you guys think about Adam and Morgan's chemistry? It felt nice to me but then again I'm autistic

aww man, x play + attack of the show were my favourite things to watch after school

Sessler went back to banging trannies

Webb is still sucking sucks

I never knew what the fuck was up with that video.

If sessler was legit fiend for some coke/meth why didn't he just fucking buy some instead of looking insane or tv?

Ps: Morgan does proactive commercials now

He's on meth in this gif right?

>watching his old videos

thesaurus much, faggot?

Morgan married some billionaire and got a breast reduction.


That was the rumor, yeah.

Try googling.

friday the 13th the game

Morgan took a job with Blizzard.


rev3 was so comfy before adam ruined it

It was an SJW cesspool before him and it turned into an SJW sesspool after.

Why did they have to remove G4 though. You're telling me there's not enough gamers that want to watch a gaming channel.

>It was an SJW cesspool before him
not really.
Generic sanfran hipster pretension but thats it.
Carboni grew on you, Scoville was GOAT and Tera was decent sometimes.

Not the way it was the last like 4 years of its existence where it was 70% Cops and Cheaters and 30% X-Play reruns.

>Generic sanfran hipster pretension but thats it.
Almost all video game SJWs are generic sanfran hipsters.

Who was /AdamxMorgan/ when G4 was still alive?

Webb was in an episode of the Joe McHale show Bull as an esports commentator.

he became a real man

isnt this the guy that does porn on the side now?
whatever floats your boat i guess

Correct, they're all watching YouTube

My point is they never pushed an agenda.



No wonder G4 stopped showing video games when you have this guy that literally hates everything to do with video games.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

you talking shit?

>adam sessler
>relevant or successful


Didn't he started a youtube channel or something?




This is a bad review because it uses big words.

>the only way to make money when you're not a shill for AAA games is selling your body
Sessler lived a hard life

no, it's a bad review because the "big words" he's using offer no depth to the brevity of what he's trying to convey.
It's essentially a high school student using a thesaurus on words so as to sound smarter for his english professor.

>Whatever happened to Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb?

Careers took separate paths.

>P.S do you think they boned?


Nothing wrong with this though

>It's essentially a high school student using a thesaurus on words so as to sound smarter for his english professor.
Not really and if you honestly believe that I'm inclined to believe you're uneducated.

He had a breakdown on his twitter when Trump won. I think it still going on.

That dude is an awful piece of shit that has ruined IGN's Podcast Beyond and Up at Noon. Fuck you for even suggesting he's not a complete douche.

Good to have a word with you Adam, how are things going given that your old direct competitors at electronic playground are both widely successful?
Really though, that entire video is Adam trying DESPERATELY to sound intellectual and falling completely on his face, it's shameful for anyone who actually has a background in english.

This poster is Morgan Webb.

>falling completely on his face
How so?

None of what he says has any substance, it's pure verbosity as a means to make himself and the game seem more intellectual than they actually are.

>None of what he says has any substance, it's pure verbosity

What happened there was he just about passed out, but fought it off at the last second. That could mean a lot of things, meth is well known for this effect.

Reminder that poor facial recognition is a sign of autism.

Sessler become deep blue pilled, Morgan I have no idea. I don't think someone like Morgan would bone a weenie like Sessler, even during their heyday at G4.

ahh I'm getting baited. Thank you user-kun I took it for awhile.

>I have no response
>I'm being baited
What's with the increasing numbers of retards who go straight to "Bait!" when they have nothing to say? Looks like the only thing without substance is your argument. Nice to know I'm debating a retard.

I'll even do your job for you. The only line that is actually without substance is the last one which basically boils down to "Naughty dog knew they made a violent game while making their violent game and this will incite debate." Every other line is either pulled out of its broader context making its evaluation of substance imprecise, or there's actual substance underneath.

>oh another one of those undercover 'Sessler fucks trannies thread'
>let me check how many posts until for OP posts that stupid meme again

oh there you go

let me ask you a question: are you the same guy from the 'Mike Matei dick is big' threads?
this is a legit question. pls be sincere, because it looks like you are the same guy

Your response is telling me to point out at which points sessler is being unnecessarily verbose.
My response is, watch the fucking video, 90% of it is just that which you refuse to accept.
My conclusion is therefore that you're either a genuine retard, sessler himself, or you;re baiting me into getting a reaction, it isn't difficult to understand.

>Likes phantasy star 3

I guess I can't hate them now.

Why doesn't anyone make threads about these guys?


>sessler is being unnecessarily verbose
But he's not. That's my point, Do you not understand the why people even debate things? You don't get to just make a claim and say it's self-evident.

There's no point where he's being unnecessarily verbose unless you're uneducated and think any word beyond a middle school level is "unnecessarily verbose" which goes back to my original point here . He's not even fucking using a college level vocabulary. Doesn't surprise me that the average retard on the interne reacts that way though. Most video game reviews are written on an elementary school level so I don't blame you though. That's just the level of writing you're used to.

No fucking way does he bang trannies, this shit real? I used tk lije that guy growing up