I miss /vint/

I miss /vint/

What are you, 12?


I do too.

I want the flags on v

i love how fast we segregated ourselves and turned on one another
didnt take 10 minutes


We need flags to disregard all Canadian posts.

and brazilian

This was the funniest fucking part about it.
I was legitimately surprised all those mexicans and brazillians were doing the console war shitposting.

And Canadians starting all the twitter screencap sjw shitposting bait threads? Fucking REALLY?

>European posts were chill
>Americans were boring
>Brrs are the ones responsible for 90% of shitpost and console war threads
>Leafs pretend to be Americans and they were making controversial and SJW threads

It was so clear like the sun in a clear sky.

I miss /mlpol/

>been here for ten years
>always try to make good and on topic posts
>a horde of shitposters come in and ruin my country's reputation here forever

we sure did learn a lot about ourselves didst we

Sup Forums needs flags or IDs

at the very least we need ids like there used to be

I miss /qa/
/mlpol/ was so cancerous that they managed to kill it

I don't think the folks on Sup Forums will recover after that. I've seen them asking "uhh you guys have more of dem horse pussy pictures?" "Where do you get more of these picture?"


It's okay, I believe you.
Oh man.
I was on the board for like 10 minutes tops, and I was in tears from laughing so hard. I don't know who posted pic related, but fuck it was great.

i want just one day where mobile posting is banned.

>like there used to be

>Console wars on Sup Forums are mostly poor countries whining about consoles because they can't afford them.
It makes perfect sense

youve already been infamous on Sup Forums and probably on Sup Forums

used to be on Sup Forums anyways

/qa/ has been GR15 shitposting for a while now
with people trying to ban anime by comparing it to mlp ect

>tfw busy during the merges and spent most time on /can/

I want /van/

/qa/ is the butthurt board.

>let all the shitty joke threads like /s4s/ and /qa/ stay
>Sup Forumsint gets deleted


I'm guessing you weren't there in the glory days of /qa/ that happened after moot left and before Hiro showed up. It was one of the comfiest boards on the site

>mobile posters get sent to a different Sup Forums so everyone can see how shitty the posts from mobileposters are

flags would be enough

/van/ would be great.
I was hoping they would merge Sup Forums and Sup Forums for some reason.
What's scary is that the board quality would increase in like twenty fucking minutes. That one thing would make this place more bearable.

This makes me the most mad. Fuck you, hiro.

I would like flags on Sup Forums just so that we can see after months of research who keeps making the shitty console war threads and range-ban the country's IPs.

I really want flags on Sup Forums

U.K./Aussie/Americans were top tier

Hues made all the pirate threads and Canadians need to be gassed

Sup Forums belongs to Canada now

Nothing belongs to you except for the SJWs and Deportables.

And I miss you user

Please wake up

Is "leaf" the new "sjw"?

No it doesn't. What Sup Forums needs is for people to stop falling for shitty bait.

They were rampant shitposters on Sup Forums around election time and their shitposting has spread beyond Sup Forums.

Their prime minister is also a huge SJW and proud feminist.

They've been that way since election started. Still would take them over the mexicans and BR's of Sup Forums.

Brrs are worse than Mexicans.

No. Why are you saying that?

The Mexican thread was surprisingly good, it was the fucking HUEHUES who even tried to shit it up and failed.

They're pretending we got a merge with Sup Forums during April Fool's. We didn't.

No. If you go on any board with flags, you'll see they account for a large portion of the shitposts (and not even funny ones like the Aussies'). It's an actual problem.

It says a lot when adding MLP and horse cocks to Sup Forums improves the quality.