It's another adults are bad and are oppressing us kids episode

>it's another adults are bad and are oppressing us kids episode

When are we going to get a game about adults getting oppressed by kids?

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>tfw no Hobo With A Shotgun vidya

>adults getting oppressed by kids
No thanks.

Are you saying kids DON'T think adults oppress them and shit?

If it weren't for us adults, kids wouldn't exist. They should be grateful.

It's less about every adult being evil, and more about the people in power bending everyone to their will.

There are plenty of good guy adults, but they've all been fucked by the system.

Yes, but they're kids.
If the main characters of P5 acted like adults were some heavenly messengers who all made their lives incredible, you'd say it's unrealistic because kids don't act like that.
Quit nitpicking.

I'd love a game like that.

This. A game about 'good adults' would consist of people getting chewed up and spat out for daring to give a shit about others. A teacher who tries to make a positive impact in his student's lives, only to get accused of molesting a girl because he gave her a bad mark and fired or some shit.

Real talk, stop trying to force "Maturity" into video games. It's proven to be such cancer for the industry, just look at western game in it's recent years

>Tora and Tae were both scapegoats for someone else's crimes/fuckups
>Kawakami is forced to be a prostitute for reasons too complicated to summarize, but it was due to previously taking pity on a student who had a hard life (like Joker)
>Sojiro is a really nice guy deep down who's problems are also too complicated to summarize

>adults getting oppressed by kids?
what a fucking beta

They really should move it into college or the work place at some point. I like 5 but the highschool setting is lame.

>When are we going to get a game about adults getting oppressed by kids?

As long as they're cute lolis I'm game.

A delinquent survival game could be pretty cool.

Its never ever going to happen.

>Bully except you're one of the teachers instead of a student
>have to balance disciplining and building mutually respectful relationships with students while keeping your scores up and not getting shanked by some shitkid

Danganronpa another episode?

>>When are we going to get a game about adults getting oppressed by kids?

Impregnate a woman, have a child, and you can experience that the rest of your lifespan

>just look at western game in it's recent years

>Generic Power Fantasy XVI is """"mature""""

proof that you don't know what maturity is, NEET

Highschool is when you are the most free in japan. You're technically able to live independently and make your own life choices around that age there. It might as well be like what college would be here. College students would have less free time because how strict Universities are over there, and a work place setting also isn't free choice aswell would defeat the purpose of being able to pick up part-time job, You'd getting the same stat points you would just playing the main game and because it's such a huge part of the story, you'd max out your social points to early.

>When are we going to get a game about adults getting oppressed by kids?

inb4 someone makes a cultural revolution simulator where you play as a teacher

>Boomers have the best quality of life in modern history
>completely fuck over their own children and grandchildren by hoarding wealth and housing to themselves
>Steal from their own children to pay for their pension

Fuck "adults"

That feel when Atlus will never make a Persona with a college setting because they are too lazy to program that much freedom

You have no idea what it's like.

it's a game for japanese teenagers

>social security is going to fucking implode because boomers
>but they're also refusing to retire and keep their jobs until they're fucking 70

How would there be more freedom? Besides the option to skip class maybe.

>You have no idea what it's like.

The less you know the better.

living by yourself
picking your classes
skip class
able to drive
more adult social circles

Just off the top of my head, probably more if you really get into it

>adults control the world
>the world is fucked up beyond belief

There's a reason that kids hate adults dog.

I just want a classic Japanese hero in one of these games rather then a modern day pissbaby hero that does nothing wrong.

Potter-kun could have ALMOST been as fun as a batshit crazy Ryoma, there were moments of an old school Japanese youth "fuck everything I'm winning" sentiment, but Atlus pussed out with him and his thieves doing nothing really of consequence throughout. At least P3's hero threw a massive middle finger at Nyx in the end, that was actually cool.

We've already got fucking 7 of them, you shabazo scumbag.
Too bad only one is in english.

P3 was a goddamn mistake.

Persona was a mistake. The only series we need is SMT.

We have that its called any Call of Duty multiplayer.

Your not a gamer until a 7 year old kids calls you a faggot cabbage,

so I need more kindness before I can continue Futaba's Slink, but in the meantime she's hanging out at my place every now and then.

So do the points towards the next rank-up just stack for the entire Slink, or does it get reset back to zero when you rank up?

What I'm asking is Am I wasting time hanging out with people that I've already gotten enough points for their rank-up, or will doing all this stuff now mean I can just breeze through her whole Slink once I get my stat high enough?

Persona 5 is a garbage dating sim with a trash ass story and one dimensional cast who use thievery as the skin of the game

Play Yakuza 0 instead if you wanna play as real adults and just beat the shit out of people

Both series are shit

but at least persona has some potential

it could be good if done right

too bad smt is relegated to handhelds

>game for kids
>features a plot and characters kids can relate to

>children use cunning and subterfuge to make bad people own up to their wrongdoings
>real adults just beat the shit out of who they don't like

so you agree adults are scum

Nah the gameplay was trash in yakuza 0 from the jap demo i played

Wait, Yakuza 0 has gameplay?

Damn, I might return it then..

>The only series we need is SMT.

Never gonna happen after persona's success on ps4, smt will be forever damned on a shitty handheld.

You will never see another nocturne, dds or raidou games anymore.

Go on Sup Forums if you want to shill your animeshit.

Nigga are you retarded? Yakuza 0 has the best brawler combat this gen and is the best one in its own series. Shit is fluid switching between the 3 modes with a deep combo system and you're trying to tell me its garbage compared to a game you spam the same weakness bullshit to win.

You probably got your ass beaten by the shakedown

You have real life for that. Get married and have children.

True that

>children use cunning and subterfuge to make bad people own up to their wrongdoings

The thing is these kids are just retards and there whole "phantom thieves" is just a skin and they brute force their way in. It's more believable having corrupt yakuzas than just simply adults in persona being "bad" people

u rite u rite

Hhh true that

p thieves can u see this

>tfw bought and really like both

Quit this dumb elitism


To be fair I am assuming we are all over 18 as per the rules of Sup Forums. You just need to look at everyone who posts on Sup Forums to see we are indeed a pile of cunts.

Game seems pretty spot on to me you dont see kids coming up with stupid shit like wars, stock markets or taxes. Nah those guys just want to wank off to anime.

Kids live in a fucking fantasy land and live off parents or part time jobs while school harbors their dumbasses until they're old enough tomlegally be on there own, then society fucks them in the ass.
What pisses me off is how spoiled they all seem in P4 and P5. There problems are ao fucking miniscule and dreamt up opposed to P3 where you had team members fucking dying and hating each other.

A Children of the Corn game would be terrible

He's right though. Highschool in Japan is kind of the equivalent to college here. It's when people are free to make their own decisions and discover who they are. After high School they're stuck in University, and then it's time to join the salary man team and slave away the rest of your life.

Shit Adults do.
>Big business.
>Inventing shitty religions.
>Fox News.
>Cancelling Firefly.

Shit kids do.
>Getting triggered on tumbler.
>Posting Sonic OC's on Deviantart.
>They buy Justin Bieber's music.
>They ruined Minecraft,

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide who is worse.

>emotional, physical, and sexual abuse is 'minuscule and dramt up'
wow what a respectable adult you are

what's the fucking flower combination for the 'thanking someone' bouquet?

It's alright. pretty repetitive and clunky. Good game though.

Agreed. Two great games.

Maturity would be a breath of fresh air in Persona when every game since 2 is muh zany high-school antics

>Fox News
your faggotry knows no bounds

kids, definitely kids

>get the teacher's srank up to 7
>I can now order her to make lockpicks and smoke bombs for me
WOW, real fucking subtle there Tuxedo Mask

>When are we going to get a game about adults getting oppressed by kids?
Last time we got one it was banned.

So basically what happened to P5's homeroom teacher?

Firefly was shit.

Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the characters yelling in public about what theyre gonna do as the phantom thieves.

Even after [spoilers]getting caught by Makato they continue to do so [/spoilers].
Also is the only good social link the politician one? Everything else so far has been shit.

No one cares.
It's lampshaded multiple times in the story. No one is paying attention to them and those who find out their secrets are extraordinary and not part of the salaryman workforce.

You want complaints? Why isn't anyone calling out Joker for stuffing a cat in his desk at school

This game should really just throw you right to the next day if all I'm going to do is walk over to a bed to get the next day rolling because lol-you talked to your friends for an hour, way too tired to read a book or take a bath.

It's part of your rehabilitation.
Reminds me of Freedom Wars where talking to the wrong people, running for more than 5 seconds, and taking too many steps in your room add years onto your sentence.

its to give you a chance to save and/or quit

Not an issue in this game where you can save literally everywhere.

its also the only time I remember to fertilize my shitty fern

you can't save in the middle of obligatory plot events

It's a toy cat. If you press it's head, it meows. That's all.

That's a problem with the games pacing. It shouldn't take an entire week to deliver one plot point. The illusion of control that happens because you get parked in front of a bed with zero other options only makes it worse.

I wonder about how a Persona about adults would look like!

Time to button mash.

>not being gentle so he purrs

>Am I the only one who gets annoyed by the characters yelling in public about what theyre gonna do as the phantom thieves.
Just assume it's played for laughs and not to be taken seriously

The only people to catch onto them are the ones who would actually be good enough at sleuthing around to do so

You literally play as a teenager oppressed by lolis.

I can't fathom how you play as Majima and say "this is clunky" must have literally not played the game.

Persona/SMT is more repetitive doing the same

>target weakeness

For 70 hours

>When are we going to get a game about adults getting oppressed by kids?
Not a game, but pic related is what you're looking for.

>3TB hard drives on sale for only 500 yen

what the fuck. do electronics really get that cheap in Akibahara?

> characters have actual problems like bills, the job market, having no relationships because you work 60 hour weeks instead of teenage "muh class hates me cuz im an animefag" problems

way too much for Atlus' edgelord writers

d-did he live?

>a game about a guy getting dommed by lolis
Well then.

Considering a large portion of this games s-links and characters are nearly identical to previous ones I think the well is running dry on the high-school setting. But Japan loves that shit so we're stuck dealing with immature plots driven by teenagers dealing with the exact last games issues forever and ever.

only when the following chapters get translated the world will know
(i.e.: never)

When Ryuji yells it out in the sushi place the other customers overhear him and comment on it.

And what did they say?

>We're sick of hearing about them



>Western games
Ok. Persona is pretty mature. Obviously not every characters is, since most of them are teenagers. But the game itself is pretty mature.

My copy is coming tomorrow. Does anyone know if the dual audio bug occurs with the PS3 version?

Check out Danganronpa if that's what you want.

>that card conveniently censoring his face